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Organic farming in CZ – more detailed description Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (VUZE)‏ Pavla Wollmuthová Andrea Hrabalová Summer Academy,

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Presentation on theme: "Organic farming in CZ – more detailed description Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (VUZE)‏ Pavla Wollmuthová Andrea Hrabalová Summer Academy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic farming in CZ – more detailed description Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (VUZE)‏ Pavla Wollmuthová Andrea Hrabalová Summer Academy, 16 June 2008

2 Organic crop statistics

3 Lay-out of organic land, 1999-2007 1999 2003 2007 Arable crops 13 776 12,4% 19 637 7,7% 30 580 9,7% Grassland 96 044 86,7% 231 683 90,9% 258 079 81,8% Permanent crops 359 0,3% 928 0,4% 1 591 0,5% Others 576 0,5% 2 747 1,1% 25 331 8,0% Total 110 756 100,0% 254 995 100,0% 315 581 100,0%

4 Share of organic in total agricultural land use structure (%), 2003-2006 Share in:2003200420052006 Total UAA5,976,165,986,61 Arable crops0,710,720,770,89 Grassland26,4827,4324,6226,11 Permanent crops2,76 1,732,95

5 Development of crop acreages on organic arable land (ha), 2001-2007

6 Crop composition in organic arable land Crops on arable land Crops acreage (ha) Share in total arable land (%)Growth (%) 200120062007 2001/2007 Cereals9 6189 36413 418 32,9%39,5% wheat3 4173 4304 879 36,4%42,8% oats1 3751 7252 818 21,0%104,9% barley1 0891 8682 062 15,4%89,3% Protein crops352932934 2,3%165,1% Root Crops (potatoes)137145205 0,5%49,8% Industrial crops7645531 105 2,7%44,7% rape161130475 42,9%194,8% Vegetables88803227 0,6%157,6% Fodder4 21310 77712 795 31,3%203,7% Fallow land395583663 1,6%67,7% Other undefined usage3 5973211 233 3,0%-65,7% Total19 16423 47830 580 100%59,6%

7 Structure of crops in organic and total agricultural arable land (%)

8 Comparison of crop yields in OF and CF

9 Crops ConventionalOrganic Share OF in CF (CF = 100) 2001200220032004200120022003200420012004Average wheat5,034,884,305,923,022,142,033,62606153 barley4,043,934,125,093,522,532,783,3187657171 triticale4,013,743,624,822,092,782,312,92526163 rye3,743,453,655,472,062,412,103,5855656262 oats3,052,823,103,992,142,162,442,31705871 potatoes27,2624,6420,1924,4911,3312,3813,4713,40425553 grapes7,395,605,45 -4,504,865,02 -61 -80

10 Comparison of crop yields in OF and CF General decrease for crop production estimated as 10-20 %  Cereals – yields are in range 60-70% of conventional yields  Potatoes – higher yield variation 40-120% of conventional yields  Industrial crops– less data due to lower acreage in OF; rapes 57-112% and oilseeds 50-88% of conventional yields  Protein crops (peas, beans) – lower decrease than cereals around 20% of conventional yields  Vegetable – very difficult comparison; yields are similar or higher than in CF but due to higher labour cost and time  Fodder crops / grass – estimated decrease is around 30%

11 Organic livestock statistics

12 Development of organic livestock (heads), 2001-2007

13 200120032005200620072007/2001 Horses 1 6842 2222 0002 5633 01979% Cattle 75 593100 13264 956110 870124 68165% Dairy cows 3 7713 1303 0004 3224 28714% Sheep 19 02923 14724 23039 96753 452181% Goats 1 7532 4511 7263 3224 491156% Pigs 2 5972 1433 1081 4641 706-34% Poultry 3 2741 8372 9464 2295 63572% Rabbits 58001520-66%

14 Share of organic livestock in total number of livestock (%), 2004 and 2007 Livestock categories 2004 2007 Total CFShare OF in CFTotal CFShare OF in CF Horses 20 3719,82%22 88313,19% Cattle 938 30010,38%972 30012,82% Dairy cows 429 3000,67%417 3001,03% Sheep 115 85227,30%148 41236,02% Goats 11 91222,73%14 40231,18% Pigs 2 915 0000,05%2 741 3000,06% Poultry 26 405 3000,01%15 637 0000,04%

15 Livestock categories in organic compared to total agricultural farming in LU, 2007

16 Comparison of livestock production in OF and CF Conversion to OF has in general lower impact on livestock production than to crop production. Production of milk as well as meat is again lower than in conventional farming, but mostly not due to different standards of breeding in OF but due to necessary lower livestock density (LU/ha), different feeds and type of animals  Milk production in OF reaches in average 80-105% BUT after conversion to hectare it is only 70-80% ( due to lower density),  Meat production is comparable BUT lower after conversion to hectare ( it depends a lot on density in OF and CF ).

17 Price premium for organic products Different distribution channels bring different price premium ( on farm x wholesaler ), Price within organic farms differs more than between organic and conventional farms ( wider range of distribution channels), Price premium is different also among particular products and countries ( depend on demand, price level of conventional product, etc.), In general, price premium is more available for crop products than for animal products, Premium in CZ: cereals - 10%, potatoes - 160%, milk - 20%, beef meat 15-30%, eggs - 100% (2005)

18 Data sources VUZE, Statistics evidence on organic farms in the Czech Republic in period 2006-2007 EU Project EUCEEOFP - “Further Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe with particular emphasis on EU Enlargement” Organic farming – textbooks VUZE, survey sampling about cost and revenue in OF (2001-2005)

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