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Round 2 Review Round 2 Review Round 1 Review Round 1 Review The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey ChaucerReview English IV Mrs. Urbanec.

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Presentation on theme: "Round 2 Review Round 2 Review Round 1 Review Round 1 Review The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey ChaucerReview English IV Mrs. Urbanec."— Presentation transcript:

1 Round 2 Review Round 2 Review Round 1 Review Round 1 Review The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey ChaucerReview English IV Mrs. Urbanec

2 Canterbury Tales – Round 1 CharactersThe ProloguePardoner’s TaleWife of BathMore Characters 20 40 60 80 100 MenuRound 2

3 Characters– 20 points Epitome of Chivalry and Christianity Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, or Friar Answer: Knight

4 Characters–– 40 points Sentimental, tenderhearted Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, Merchant Answer: Prioress

5 Characters–– 60 points Coat and hood of green Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, Cleric Answer: Yeoman

6 Characters–– 80 points Extremely neat eater Knight, Yeoman, Prioress, or Merchant Answer: Prioress

7 Characters–– 100 points Wants money, not prayers for penance Answer: Friar

8 The Prologue– 20 points In what month does the pilgrimage take place? Answer: April

9 The Prologue– 40 points Whose shrine are the pilgrims visiting? Answer: St. Thomas a Becket

10 The Prologue– 60 points According to the host’s plan, each pilgrim would tell how many tales? Answer: four

11 The Prologue– 80 points The Canterbury Tales was originally written in what language? Answer: Middle English

12 The Prologue– 100 points The pilgrims were also called _______. Answer: Palmers

13 The Pardoner’s Tale– 20 points What one specific sin does the Pardoner admit he is guilty of? Answer: Avarice (greed)

14 The Pardoner’s Tale– 40 points For whom are the three rioters looking? Answer: Death.

15 The Pardoner’s Tale– 60 points How do the rioters eventually find what they are looking for? Answer: They kill one another in their efforts to get more gold

16 The Pardoner’s Tale – 80 points How does the youngest brother kill the other two? Answer: Poison

17 The Pardoner’s Tale– 100 points List the seven deadly sins Answer: Avarice (Greed), Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Anger, Envy

18 Wife of Bath – 20 points What is the knight’s original crime? Answer: Raping a young woman

19 Wife of Bath – 40 points How does the old woman help the knight escape the queen’s punishment? Answer: She tells him the secret of what women want

20 Wife of Bath– 60 points In return for saving the knight’s life, the old woman demands…. Answer: That he marry her

21 Wife of Bath– 80 points Which mythical king is mentioned in the first line of this tale? Answer: King Arther

22 Wife of Bath – 100 points The knight’s final treatment of the old woman supports the old woman’s assertion about what women want because…. Answer: He completely gives into her demands and truly loves her by the end.

23 More Characters – 20 points Spends his money on books. Friar, Merchant, Cleric, Franklin Answer: Cleric

24 More Characters– 40 points Loud, garish; appears wise and busy Friar, Merchant, Cleric, Sergeant Answer: Sergeant at Law

25 More Characters– 60 points Philosophical, studious. Cleric, Franklin, Sergeant, Merchant Answer: Cleric

26 More Characters– 80 points shrewd in business yet his in debt Merchant, Friar, Sergeant, Franklin Answer: Merchant

27 Answer: Doctor More Characters– 100 points Well-versed in astronomy and horoscopes

28 Canterbury Tales – Round 2 CharactersMore Characters Lord Randall 20 40 60 80 100 Menu

29 Characters– 20 points Calls sinners to church Reeve, Summoner, Pardoner Answer: Summoner

30 Characters–– 40 points Long, yellow, greasy hair; a despicable character. Pardoner, Summoner, Host Answer: Pardoner

31 Characters–– 60 points Children fear him Reeve, Summoner, Pardoner Answer: Summoner

32 Characters–– 80 points Bold but tactful speaker Host, Pardoner, Summoner Answer: Host

33 Characters–– 100 points Pillowcase full of relics; corrupt. Answer: Pardoner

34 More Characters – 20 points The ideal parish priest Parson, Plowman, Miller Answer: Parson

35 More Characters – 40 points Steward at a law school, caterer Manciple, Miller, Plowman Answer: Manciple

36 Answer: Miller More Characters – 40 points Tells dirty tavern stories Miller, Plowman, Parson

37 Answer: Parson More Characters – 80 points Well educated, devout, diligent Parson, Plowman, Miller

38 Answer: Doctor More Characters – 100 points The four humors

39 Answer: Hunting and having dinner with his love Lord Randall – 20 points Lord Randall – 20 points Where had Lord Randall been?

40 Answer: His girlfriend Lord Randall – 40 points Who killed Lord Randall

41 Answer: No motive is given in the ballad Lord Randall – 60 points What was the motive, or reason, for the murder?

42 Answer: A question-and-answer conversation Lord Randall – 80 points Lord Randall is an example of a ballad whose structure is ….

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