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Topic Who What When Where Why Industrialization-The making of products from natural resources Petroleum- A thick, oily liquid found deep in the earth,

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Presentation on theme: "Topic Who What When Where Why Industrialization-The making of products from natural resources Petroleum- A thick, oily liquid found deep in the earth,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Topic Who What When Where Why

3 Industrialization-The making of products from natural resources Petroleum- A thick, oily liquid found deep in the earth, used in a natural or refined state as a fuel. Urbanization- the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central areas

4 Reform- to improve (someone or something) by removing or correcting faults, problems Prohibition-the period of time from 1920 to 1933 in the U.S. when it was illegal to make or sell alcohol Progressivism- social reform movement based on improving society through the power of government Suffrage- the right to vote

5 Made from Petroleum?

6 Clothes Fuel Motor oil Ink Floor wax Ballpoint pens Shaving cream Shampoo Yarn Pillows Crayons Nail Polish Tires Golf Bags House paint Cell phones Football Dice CD player Combs Toothpaste lotion

7 End of an Agrarian society Agriculture was big business in Texas from ReconstructionProgressive era. More people mean more food (crops and cattle) Farmers begin to use machines Prices because there were too many agriculture products on the market.

8 End of an Agrarian society Groups were made to help farmers: – The Grange – The Populists – Texas Farmers Unions – Farmers Alliance

9 End of an Agrarian society What these groups wanted: – Regulation of business: railroads, telephone, telegraph and to get rid of national banking – Labor reform, graduated income tax, direct election of Senators (1913) – The government to protect the interest of common workers – Creation of public warehouses to store crops until prices level out.

10 Age of Oil Progressive Era

11 Making Money in Texas 19 th Century (1800-1899) Farming Cattle and Ranching 20 th Century (1900-1999) Farming and Cattle Oil and gas industry

12 1866-Melrose Petroleum Oil company drills 1 st successful oil well. 1894- oil is found in Corsicana. Drilling is encouraged in East Texas 1900-Transportation improves. Engines that use oil. 1901- Oil discovery at Spindletop 1920’s- Oil Fields in West and East Texas 1917-1918 World War 1 1900-Galveston Hurricane 1920 1920-Prohibition 1920-Women’s suffrage

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14 Spindletop, Texas January 10, 1901 1,139 feet Gusher over 100 feet, for 9 days 100,000 barrels of oil

15 Boomtowns Towns grow around oil Noisy, dirty, loud, hazardous

16 Moving from farm to city oil and industry jobs moving to urban areas service industry jobs (paying people for a service rather than a product)

17 Houston Center of oil business Had banking, insurance, transportation and legal services Houston Ship Channel 1914

18 Dallas Manufactured goods Banking, insurance and legal services Neiman-Marcus 1907 White collar city

19 Technology and oil Howard Hughes Sr. Rotary drill bit- able to drill into hard rock. 1909 patent Led to deep sea drilling


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