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Welcome…. To World History Mrs. Candice Legg

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome…. To World History Mrs. Candice Legg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome…. To World History Mrs. Candice Legg

2 What is Covered? This course is a survey of world history from –The Middle Ages (Dark Ages) – –Modern Era (Middle East, Asia, Africa).

3 Total of 5 Units Part 1: Introduction And review How does ancient cultures still affect us today? The Dark Ages Innovation and Encountersin the Middle Ages Unit 1: First Age of Global Encounters Renaissance Reformation Renaissance in non-Western cultures (Turkey, China, Iran) Unit 2: Age of Absolutism Absolute monarchs How did war change? Unit 3: The Enlightenment

4 Units cont. Unit 4: The French Revolution Religious, musical, literary, and artistic trends Why is this the model for future revolutions Was the outcome truly revolutionary? Was it worth the cost? Unit 5: The 19 th Century World wide revolution Industrial Revolution Imperialism World Wars/Political and Social Philosophies Post War/ Cold War/ Modern Era 1.The Middle East 2.Asia 3.Europe 4.Africa 5.Latin America

5 Assigned Materials The INTERNET! Handouts, PowerPoint/KeyNote presentations Primary sources And did I mention…The Internet!

6 Evaluation Major Research Project Examinations (with review), Class Presentations, On-Line Activities (web quests), and In-Class Quizzes. (with review) HW – Nightly CQ’s

7 What is a CQ? Each lecture starts with a “CQ” which is a critical question. The CQ is what we answer each day, the objective of the lesson. By the end of the lesson, students should know the answer to the CQ.(Notes) CQ’s are very important! Each night students will once again answer the CQ for HW. CQ HW’s are worth 10 points each and accumulate quickly. They are to be e-mailed to me before the next class.

8 Finally…. Communication between parent and teacher is crucial. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns you may have. I will do the same. Let’s visit my website and see how it works!

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