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Ignition by hot jets Dr.-Ing. Detlev Markus. Ignition by hot turbulent jet Investigation of ignition process by hot jets (PTB, Braunschweig, Germany)

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Presentation on theme: "Ignition by hot jets Dr.-Ing. Detlev Markus. Ignition by hot turbulent jet Investigation of ignition process by hot jets (PTB, Braunschweig, Germany)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ignition by hot jets Dr.-Ing. Detlev Markus

2 Ignition by hot turbulent jet Investigation of ignition process by hot jets (PTB, Braunschweig, Germany)

3 Why PDF? 3 LaminarTurbulence

4 Modeling approaches Direction numerical simulation (DNS) Probability density function method (PDF) Reynolds average simulation (RAS) Large eddy simulation (LES) covariances mean values mean chemical source term

5 Transport equation Transport in : I.physical space due to fluctuating velocity field; II.velocity space due to mean pressure gradient and mean viscous stress; III.scalar space due to chemical reactions; IV.velocity space due to conditional viscous stresses and pressure fluctuation gradients (conditional acceleration); V.scalar space due to molecular diffusion.

6 Lagrangian particle method Due to the high dimensionality of transport equation for PDF (Pope 1985): Monte-Carlo technique The joint PDF is represented by an ensamble of stochastic particles. For variable-density flows the mass density function (MDF) is used. MDF discrete MDF

7 Chemie: Reaction-Diffusion Manifold Fuel/air detailed mechanism  Hydrogen/Air : 9 species, 37 reactions (Maas & Warnatz 1988)  Propane/Air : 63 species, 487 reactions (T. Kathrotia, Dissertation, 2011) Transport model  equal diffusivity and unity Lewis number (although it is not limited in REDIM ) REDIM (Bykov & Maas 2007) REDIM (Bykov & Maas 2007) input Reduced chemistry (2D manifold) Reaction progress variable H 2 O for Hydrogen case CO 2 for Propane case Mixing state (enthalpy) output Premixed Combustible/air mixture (Steinhilber, Dissertation, 2015)

8 Configuration Grid# of particles per cell non-uniform 100x85320 Nozzle inletCo-flow velocity300 m/s10 m/s Compositionburnt, stoich. H 2 /Air, T=1400 Kfresh, stoich. H 2 /Air, T=300 K diameter1 mm16 mm Boundary condition Discretization 2-dimensionalΦ(Φ H 2 O, h) REDIM table CΦCΦ 2 Mixing model constants

9 PDF simulation of an ignition event Mean temperature Mean H mass fraction

10 Interacting processes  Macromixing: turbulent entrainment  Micromixing: dissipation of local composition fluctuations  Ignition:  local ignition: ignition of small fluid packages (i.e. a notional particle)  global ignition: increase of the mean temperature macromixing + micromixing + reaction an example for one computational cell t = 0.4 ms macromixing (no micromixing, no reaction) macromixing + micromixing (no reaction)

11 Interacting processes: global ignition Outside a certain composition range:  ignition very slow  only possible when mixed with previously ignited particles  accumulation of local ignition events  global ignition after ignition delay time reaction rate (Ghorbani et al.,2015, Proc. Combust. Inst.)

12 Jet head vs. jet stem Conditions for ignition is most likely in the jet head:  small frequency  ignitable composition fluctuations survive long enough  longest time history (necessary for accumulation of local ignition events) Jet stem same location (Ghorbani et al.,2014c)

13 Chemical reactions propane case T b = 1550 K T u = 300 K U j = 50 m/s hydrogen case T b = 1400 K T u = 300 K U j = 300 m/s

14 Chemical time scales propane case T b = 1550 K T u = 300 K

15 Comparison of time scales mean (turbulent) Mixing frequency maximum reaction rate fluctuations in mixture fraction ( ξ rms ) (governed by mixing) fluctuations in progress variable ( c rms ) (governed by mixing and reactions) Deviation of c rms from ξ rms is due to chemical reactions

16 Summary and conclusion (1)  PDF-PM algorithm  The algorithm was developed for low-Mach reacting turbulent flow  Stable despite noise inherent in PDF methods  Ignition by hot jet (transient turbulent flow)  Ignition appears first at the jet head vortex  Conditions in jet head vortex favors initiation of ignition  Initial phase of jet evolution is essential for global ignition in the jet head vortex  Accumulation of the local ignitions in the jet head vortex responsible for global ignition  Interaction between macromixing, micromixing and chemical reactions guides delay time and position of the global ignition

17 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig and Berlin Bundesallee 100 38116 Braunschweig Dr.-Ing. Detlev Markus Telefon:0531 592-3510 E-Mail:

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