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Domains of Disgust Across the Anxiety Disorders INTRODUCTION P. CHOROT, R.M. VALIENTE, B. SANTED, M., SANDÍN, M.A., D. PINEDA, OLMEDO, & D.M. CAMPAGNE.

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Presentation on theme: "Domains of Disgust Across the Anxiety Disorders INTRODUCTION P. CHOROT, R.M. VALIENTE, B. SANTED, M., SANDÍN, M.A., D. PINEDA, OLMEDO, & D.M. CAMPAGNE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domains of Disgust Across the Anxiety Disorders INTRODUCTION P. CHOROT, R.M. VALIENTE, B. SANTED, M., SANDÍN, M.A., D. PINEDA, OLMEDO, & D.M. CAMPAGNE Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, SPAIN ( METHOD The study is based on a sample of 177 participants with a DSM-IV diagnosis of specific phobia (blood-injection-injury type, n=15; animal type, n=27), social phobia (n=31), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; n=35), and more than one anxiety disorder (Mixed AD; n=69); age range=19-57, M=33,4, SD=9.1 (84% were women). An additional sample of 473 participants was used as a normal control group (19-62 years old, M=7.5, SD=10.0); 67% were women. All Ss completed the Multidimensional Disgust Scale (EMA; Sandin et al., 2013) The EMA is a 30-item scale which includes the following 6 subscales of disgust domains (5 items each): (1) HYGIENE (eg. to see someone vomit). (2) MORAL (e.g., people who steal). (3) BODY ENVELOPE VIOLATIONS (e.g., an open wound). (4) ANIMALS (e.g., cockroaches). (5) SEX (e.g., to watch a porn video). (6) DETERIORATION/DISEASE (to kiss a sick person). The emotion of disgust has been involved in various anxiety disorders, especially in the etiology and maintenance of some specific phobias (in particular blood-injury and small-animal phobias) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (contamination- based) (Sandín et al., 2008; Woody & Teachman, 2000). However, there has yet to be a comprehensive comparison of disgust domains across the anxiety disorders. The aim of this study was to examine relationships between domains of disgust and the anxiety disorders. More specifically, we tried to compare the levels of seven disgust domains across selected anxiety disorders (primarily phobic disorders).

2 Disgust and its Domains Across the Anxiety Disorders RESULTS Figure 1 shows the means of the disgust (EMA) domains for the anxiety disorders and the control group. Larger scores were found for moral, hygiene and small animals dimensions of disgust. To test the hypothesis that disgust sensitivity is associated with anxiety disorders, we examined differences between anxiety disorders and normal controls. As Table 1 shows, simple F-tests for each disgust variable revealed that the anxiety disorders group differed significantly from the controls in all variables. P. CHOROT, B. SANDÍN, R.M. VALIENTE, M.A. SANTED, M., D. PINEDA, OLMEDO, & D.M. CAMPAGNE Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, SPAIN ( Table 1.Differences between anxiety disorders and controls as to disgust domains Anxiety disorders (n = 177) Normal controls (n = 473) Disgust domainMeanSDMeanSDF (1,648) 2p2p Hygiene25.97.322.37.926.3***.04 Moral26.07.324.77.84.1*.01 BoEnViol14.37.910.67.131.4***.05 Animals14.46.410.16.552.8***.08 Sex4.**.02 Disease3.***.02 Total score98.425.282.327.246.6***.07 EnViol = Body envelope violations;  2 p = effect size. * p<.05, ** p<.01; *** p<.001.

3 Disgust and its Domains Across the Anxiety Disorders RESULTS To further examine the results, we compared the scores on the seven disgust domains across the anxiety disorder groups (BII phobia, animal phobia, social phobia, GAD, and mixed AD) (see Figure 2). According to a series of one-way ANOVAs, significant overall main groups effects were found for all dependent variables (disgust measures) except for the moral domain (Figure 2). As can be seen in Figure 2, the different diagnostic groups were characterized by different patterns of disgust sensitivity. Post-hoc Bonferroni test revealed that specific disgust domains (i.e., body envelope violations, animals, hygiene and atypical food) were able to differentiate between the groups. P. CHOROT, B. SANDÍN, R.M. VALIENTE, M.A. SANTED, D. PINEDA, M. OLMEDO, & D.M. CAMPAGNE Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, SPAIN ( 1.All disgust sensitivity domains were elevated relative to normal controls in the anxiety disorders group. Differences between anxiety disorders and controls were higher in the disgust domains related to small-animals, hygiene (body products), and body envelope violation (BoEnVi). 1.Although we found significant differences in moral disgust between the anxiety disorders group and the control group, such a difference appears to be irrelevant. 2.A main finding of our data was the associations between specific categories of disgust and specific types of anxiety disorders. In this regard, data tend to suggest a possible association between social phobia and Hygiene, BII phobia and BoEnVi, and animal phobia and disgust of small animals. Sandín, B., Chorot, P., Santed, M.A., Valiente, R.M., & Olmedo, M. (2008). Sensibilidad al asco: Concepto y relación con los miedos y los trastornos de ansiedad. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 13, 137-158. Sandín, B., Chorot, P., Valiente, R.M., Santed, M.A., Olmedo, M., Pineda, D., y Campagne, D.M. (2013). Construcción y validación preliminar de la Escala Multidimensional de Sensibilidad al Asco (EMA). Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica, 18, 1-18. Woody, S. R., & Teachman, B. A. (2000). Intersection of disgust and fear: Normative and pathological views. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 7, 291- 311. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES p<.001 n.s. p<.001p<.01p<.05 p<.001

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