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Approve Humboldt Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "Approve Humboldt Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approve Humboldt Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project Plans

2 Sidewalks on Humboldt between Anchor and Bay are too narrow and do not, in places, conform to California Building Code for cross slopes or other barriers for persons with mobility disabilities Recommendation is to widen the sidewalks Council approval to widen the sidewalks is necessary before any other approvals can be sought

3 Tour coach loading/unloading is too narrow and congested

4 Narrow sidewalk with encroachments and obstructions

5 Inadequate width for queuing/loading/unloading of groups

6 West side inadequate width

7 West side inadequate width, excessive cross-slopes at driveway and overlap between pedestrian and vehicle parking in Lot 2

8 Proposed sidewalk widening


10 Summary Widen east side by 8 feet while preserving landscape strip between sidewalk and Sausalito Yacht Harbor parking lot Widen west side by 10 feet including loss of two sub-standard parking spaces in Lot 2 and conversion of 7 head-in/back-out diagonal spaces to 4 parallel spaces

11 Widen sidewalk and improve landscape strip


13 Widen sidewalk


15 Pause for questions …

16 Background: Sausalito Bridgeway Path (1970s – 1980s) General Plan Circulation and Parking Element objectives CP-2.0, CP-2.1, CP-2.1.8, CP-2.2.1, CP-2.3.2, CP-2.3.3 CP-3.1, CP-3.2, CP-3.3, CP-3.4 CP-4.0, CP-4.1.1 a- Marin County North South Bikeway Study (1994) 2009 NMTPP Bridgeway to Ferry Landing design project (constructed, 2012) Harbor & Downtown Action Committee final report (April 24, 2009) NMTPP Ferry Landing to Gate 6 Road Path Feasibility Study (Council November 16, 2010)

17 NMTPP Bridgeway to Ferry



20 Bay Street 40’ wide street 6’ wide sidewalks 4 metered parking spcs Humbolt Street 60’ wide street 6.5’ wide sidewalk (east) 5.5’ wide sidewalk (west) 7 metered parking spcs Anchor Street 34’ wide street 4.25’ wide sidewalk 3 metered parking spcs EXISTING CONDITIONS

21 NMTPP Bridgeway to Ferry

22 H&DAC

23 NMTPP Bridgeway to Ferry: Briefing with City Council OMIT Committee 10/19/200910/26/2009 Direction to resolve design elements on Anchor, Bay, then Humbolt, stay within budget Discussion w/ Interested Parties – 10/27/2009 Rex/Olsen/Ulman – DHAC MCBC/TAM Council Member Weiner Sausalito Yacht Harbor Management Former Council Member Bob Mitchell

24 Anchor St. Improvements 10-14-2009 narrow street width from 34’ to 30’ widen sidewalk from 4.25’ to 8’ retain 2 lanes for automobiles add Class 2 bicycle lane improve pedestrian crosswalks retain existing street trees narrow parking lot 1 entrance to two lanes remove 3 metered parking stalls

25 Bay St. Improvements 10-14-2009 narrow street width from 40’ to 38’ widen northern sidewalk from 6’ to 8’ add Class 2 bicycle lane retain 2 lanes for automobiles retain 4 metered parking spaces improve pedestrian crosswalks retain existing street trees widen parking lot 3 entrance to two lanes

26 Anchor and Bay Improvements constructed 2012 Humboldt deferred to Path Plan Funding limitations

27 Segment 1 (Lots 1 & 2) Lot 1: Long-term phase Lot 2: Mid-term phase NMTPP Path Plan (Alta/Parisi)

28 Changes since Path Plan Right of Way acquisition considered too costly Additional study of bicycle and pedestrian usage following completion of Anchor and Bay segments by Staff, Sandis and Parisi Development of post-NMTPP funding options – TFCA and Ferry Terminal Improvements grants

29 CONCLUSION To better serve pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicle operators, Staff and consultants recommend that the City widen the sidewalks on Humboldt between Anchor and Bay Council approval to widen the sidewalks is necessary before any other approvals can be sought If the project includes a “bicycle facility,” the $83,000 TFCA grant is available

30 With Council approval: Staff will seek design review and other approvals necessary With other necessary approvals in hand, Staff will return to Council with any funding approvals necessary for construction or to seek authorization to invite bids for construction if additional bids are necessary Schedule is dependent upon approvals, but given funding construction would be completed winter 13/14 at the earliest


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