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FMP-Music video{skinny love} by Birdy BY CHLOE DANIELS.

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Presentation on theme: "FMP-Music video{skinny love} by Birdy BY CHLOE DANIELS."— Presentation transcript:

1 FMP-Music video{skinny love} by Birdy BY CHLOE DANIELS

2 The song/Genre The song I have chosen to do is Skinny Love by Birdy. It is a indie folk song originally sung by Bon Iver but was covered by Birdy. The reason I have chosen to do her cover is because I personally like the sound better and it is also more popular than Bon Iver's. She got 79 million views on YouTube whereas he only got 17 million. The song is about fragile love and a broken relationship between two people. It’s about somebody talking about so many unlucky relationships in the past and trying to get through the tough and lonely path ahead. The artist said that it wasn’t about finding love but about trying not to be completely hopeless.

3 Inspiration

4 Secondary research I researched some song’s by Hozier and my favourite was Take me to church. I like it as it has a really interesting meaning behind it, as the lyrics tell a story. But it also shows how bad it is to be gay. I like the camera work in this as it looks like it has been filmed on hand held and this really makes the video. I also researched George Ezra and I really liked Listen to the man. The reason I chose this was because I liked how it was a indie song performed in one place behind a fake background with mountains. I also like how the old man mimes the lyrics and its like a competition. I also researched James Bay and I liked his song When we were on fire the reason for this is because it is filmed on one hand held camera again and is shot from a view of the urban place to show that its on the suburbs.

5 Audience response  I did a survey and sent it to all my peers and family and also posted it on pages on Facebook. Altogether I got 29 responses. 18 of these were boys and the other 11 were girls. Here are something of the things they suggested and something's that helped me with my final idea. I asked who their favourite folk singer was? Asked them when they would prefer to see the video filmed at? Asked them where they would usually see a indie folk video filmed at rural or urban area? Then I asked them if they chose rural what location did they prefer? I asked them what gender they were?

6 My idea  My idea for the video is that I will be doing it from the girls perspective. I will start of with some nice shots of the rural area, so like some meadows or a small village atmosphere.  It will then cut to a girl sat on top of the white horse looking out at the town. I will then zoom in little bit each time.I will then have the girl dressed in black with make-up running down her face, walking alone down a long path just winding to emphasise the rocking road she has had.  She will then reach the end of the road and it’s clear so there might be hope for a happy ending. But she then sees people all loved up and feels even more alone.  She then walks through this small village and keeps seeing loved up couples, she then bumps into a guy and quickly gets and walks away. He looks at hers and doesn't seem to want to look away. She then looks at herself the reflection of a shop window and feels even worse about herself.  But when all hope is lost she reaches this bridge on one side is a guy with roses and on the other is her boyfriend. She walks towards the guy with roses, she then turns around and her boyfriend walks away. This will be the end.

7 Codes and conventions  In most indie folk music videos they have the same sort of location so for example with indie folk music videos they are usually set in a rural area surrounded by meadows and fields. However we do get some indie folk videos that are set in urban areas but if they are they are set in the suburbs of the city so we still get that natural and classic feel to the song.  When coming to do my own video I would really like to set my video in the rural area and get quite a lot of shots of the landscape. I will also have shots from a small village to show that there is life but just not a lot.

8 Codes and conventions  In indie folk music videos they are filmed quite a lot of the time with a hand held camera. This gives the video a very cheap and natural look to it. Also when doing it with a hand held camera most of the time you see that they don’t really move around places and that its filmed from one perspective in one area.  When going to make my own video I will like to do it like a hand held camera as I think it gives the video a nice natural feel to it. However I wont stay in just one place as the song is about taking this journey to get to a better place and so I would like to have a lot of different areas to feel. I still however want it to be in a rural area close to trees and streams and small roads.

9 Codes and conventions  We also find that in indie folk music videos they use quite subtle lighting no over the top flashing lights. They also don’t tend to be set in clubs with loud music, drugs or alcohol. The lighting is very natural and most indie folk music videos are set outdoors where its dark or light depending on the time of day and the weather. They also have loads of close ups of the instrument or the person singing.  We also find that in indie folk music videos they use quite subtle clothes so nothing over the top. No baggy clothes, no sparkly and no bright coloured clothes. Their would also not be any large jewellery.  When it comes to my video I am going to do the whole video in black and white as its quite powerful and serene song. Its quite serious. When it comes to the actors clothing I only really need to focus on the girl as the other two actors are only in one shot. I want the girl to be dressed in all black with make-up running down her face.

10 Legal/ethical requirements  Talent release forms from the actors.  Don’t monitor video on YouTube as you can get in trouble for copyright.  Get permission from the band of whatever song you use that way if you want to enter it into a competition or a film festival you can and not get in trouble. You can do this by contacting the band via twitter or Facebook wither one.  Ethical problems would be stuff like not promoting drug/sex abuse.  No exploitation/nudity  No inappropriate content{alcohol/drug abuse]  No Violence

11 Social issues  Some social issues would be things like:  Alcohol-  Abuse  Drugs  Sex  These are all social issues because anything like this is frowned upon as inappropriate contain for certain ages. Also stuff like drug, alcohol abuse can be quite inappropriate as who have been abused. People could of gone through things like this themselves and so it can be hurtful to people.

12 Target audience  My target audience is males and females from the age of 16-28.  This is because after looking at my survey I found that 60 percent of males liked indie folk music and 40 percent of girls liked indie folk music.  This gives me quite a big age gap to play with so I can make it mature in some sense and then not to mature. The fact that boys and girls both enjoy indie folk music plays to my advantage.

13 Time frame  I will start filming on Saturday 2 nd may  It should take me maybe 1-2 for filming  This then leaves me with 3 weeks to edit  Below is my schedule

14 Market fit  My video is different because there is much female indie folk artists who right songs about emotional abuse and low self esteem.  My video will also test the boundaries of the genre of music I am doing, as the video for it will be quite serious.  My video is also different as its told from a girls perspective of how tough it is for a girl to confess the love she has for someone who doesn't treat her right.  In my video I will be telling the journey of the song through the girls actual journey of where she wants to be. This is different as most indie folk music videos are set in one place with them actually playing an instruments/live band

15 Possible festivals  Edinburgh international film festival/EIFF 17-28 June 2015-A festival committed to showcasing the most exciting, original and challenging new films and the most promising new talent.  Raindance festival London- September 23rd- October 4th 2015- The Festival accepts films of all lengths and genres and is committed to showing the boldest and most innovative work, and films that challenge the boundaries of filmmaking.  Bath international music festival- Friday 15 May – Tuesday 26 May 2015,

16 My audience  Preferred- These would be people that listen to indie folk music and like it and everything it stands for  Negotiated- These would be people that might listen to it on the radio if it pops on but might not listen to it all the time voluntarily  Oppositional- These would be people who really cant stand indie folk music and hates what it stands for and the messages told through the independent singers.

17 Contingency plan  My contingency plan is that I start filming as soon as possible that way there's more than enough time to do re-shoots if necessary and my back-up actors are:  Sarah Woolley  Kirsty picket  Kieran Daniels  Stephen farewell  This means that if any of my actors drop out of cant make it I have other people to fill in the position.  Equipment- I have 3 cameras and 1 camcorder at home and plenty of SD cards so equipment wont be a problem.

18 Representation  How the artist or band is portrayed via music videos and how it portrays other things in it’s video.  So for my video my portrayal is of a dysfunctional/ maybe even emotionally abusive relationship. Its also shows how fragile girls emotions can be and how low a girl can be made to feel in a one way relationship.

19 Budget

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