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Wisconsin Joining Community Forces 25 June 2013 LTC Gerald Eastman – WING Mr Kevin Herman – ACS – Ft McCoy.

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Presentation on theme: "Wisconsin Joining Community Forces 25 June 2013 LTC Gerald Eastman – WING Mr Kevin Herman – ACS – Ft McCoy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wisconsin Joining Community Forces 25 June 2013 LTC Gerald Eastman – WING Mr Kevin Herman – ACS – Ft McCoy

2 Building the Support Spider Web “Where can I get the help I need”

3 Community Partnership SMSD - WING

4 Family Assistance Specialists (FACs) PAX: 7 Family Program PAX: 3 Child & Youth PAX: 4 Badger Yellow Ribbon PAX: 7 Pax: 1 ESGR PAX: 4 Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) PAX: 3 Sexual Assault Response Program (SARC) PAX: 3 Suicide Prevention, Response, Outreach Program PAX: 2 Joint Family Spt Assistance Program PAX: 4 Air Family Program PAX: 2 Military Funeral Honors (MFH) PAX: 12 Resilience PAX: 2 WI Employment Assistance (WERC) PAX: 8 Service Member Support Division SMSD HQs PAX: 5 Total PAX: 78 Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSAs) PAX: 6 Dir Psych Health (DPH) PAX: 2 Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA) PAX: 1 LEGEND: JOINT = Purple; Army = Green; Air = Blue STAFF: AGRs, Technicians, Contractors, M-DAY, & InternOrganization

5 15, 495WI Reserve Component Members 7,530Army National Guard 4, 610US Army Reserve 525US Marine Corps Reserve 475US Navy Reserve 2, 267Air National Guard 0US Air Force Reserve 88US Coast Guard Reserve 410,000Veterans “Fort Wisconsin”

6 Success Stories  Interagency Partnership Committee  Community Blue Print  Outreach  ISFAC

7 Interagency Partnership  Participants: WI Dept Veterans Affairs, WI Dept Workforce Development; WI Dept Military Affairs, ESGR, Dept of Labor  Mission: Promote the well-being of Veterans, Service Members and families by connecting them with resources throughout the state.  Quarterly Meetings:  Coordinate events among the agencies  Discuss agency initiatives  Discuss “GAPS” in agency capabilities and how to address via “Partnerships” (civilian and governmental)  Invite Key leaders “Partners” (civilian and governmental)  Networking

8 Community Blue Print Vision: a Functioning Network of Existing Agencies supporting and assisting Veterans within Northeastern Wisconsin Mission: Outreach, Identify, Assist, or Refer, Veterans and their families to appropriate Service Providers, for Reintegration Assistance HOUSING/ HOMELESS HOUSING/ HOMELESS EDUCATION VOLUNTEERISM FAMILY FINANCIAL/ LEGAL FINANCIAL/ LEGAL EMPLOYMENT Communication & Outreach Communication & Outreach BEHAVIORIAL HEALTH REINTEGRATION

9 Outreach  Warrior Summit – SMSD Briefing and Panel Discussion  CVSO Association Meeting – SMSD Briefing  DWD – DVOPs/LVERs – SMSD Briefing and Panel Discussion  Incourage Community Foundation – Met to discuss employment initiatives  Waukesha Metals – Met CEO to discuss employment initiatives. Future Job Fairs / Hiring Events  ESGR - 140 volunteers engaged in Employer and Military Outreach activities. 851 “Statements of Support” and 202 Patriot Award presentations. Paramount duty of career assistance.  Metro Milwaukee Service Professionals – regional based agencies offering services to Veterans and Service Members. Resource sharing.

10 Wisconsin Inter-Service Family Assistance Committee (ISFAC) Est. 2003 Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI

11 WISCONSIN ISFAC Objective: “Total Force Family Readiness ” Purpose: To establish a structure for a mutually reinforcing, multi-organization network that benefits all military Service Members, Veterans and Families within the state of Wisconsin. To enhance services and benefits available to Veterans, Service members and their Families. To create a network of service providers that are dedicated to taking care of the needs of Veterans, Service Members and Families from closest source regardless of affiliation. To augment existing Family assistance services by networking to identify care and service providers in all areas. To construct partnerships with Military Family programs, local community state & federal agencies, and private organizations. To eliminate duplication services/efforts. Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI

12 Partners will collaborate to provide: Information, support and assistance to Service Member, Family Members, and each other as requested. Assist Service Members with transition from one service to another or to civilian life. Veteran Benefits and Services awareness. Community events. WISCONSIN ISFAC Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI

13 WISCONSIN ISFAC Partners Across Wisconsin:  Fort McCoy Army Community Service: Army Emergency Relief, Family Advocacy, Relocation Readiness, Mobilization/Deployment, Information and Referral, Military Family Life Consultants (MFLC), Family Resilience Training, Volunteer Corp., Spouse employment, Financial counseling and Army Family Team Building Training.  Fort McCoy Public Affairs Office, Chaplains Office, Installation Legal Office, ID Card, Dir. Military Personnel, Child Youth Development, Dir, Morale Welfare & Recreation (MWR), Tri-Care,  88 th RSC- Family Programs, SOS, Yellow Ribbon, Family Readiness Support Asst.(FRSA), Recovery Care Coordinator, Well Being, Ambassador,  WI ARNG- Service Member Support Division (SMSD), Badger Yellow Ribbon, FRSA, MFLC, Personal Finance Counselor (PFC), Family Programs, Child and Youth Coordinator  Family Assistance Centers- Madison, Wausau, Chippewa Falls, Milwaukee, Camp Douglas, Waukesha, Ashland  Education Benefits: Tuition Assistance Programs, scholarships, My Army Benefits  Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve- (ESGR)- Located in all 50 States, able to help you forge a stronger bond with your supervisor through a greater understanding of your military service.  Family & Youth: Youth Camps, Symposiums, Retreats Operation Military Kids Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI

14 WISCONSIN ISFAC Partners Across Wisconsin:  Mental Health- PTSD and Combat Stress treatment; Family, youth and Marriage Counseling, Military Family Life Consultants  WI Vet Centers- Madison, Milwaukee, La Crosse, Green Bay, Wausau Outstation  Veterans Assistance Foundation- Veterans Helping Veterans  Health & Wellness: Medical support for military personnel and dependents; TRICARE  Naval Fleet and Family Support- Family Employment Readiness Program Great Lakes, ILL  Operation Homefront- Emergency assistance to the Families of Service Members and Wounded Warriors  Veterans Benefits- VA, Vet Centers,  Great Rivers 2-1-1- State of Wisconsin 24-7 Call Centers for veteran crisis line.  Wounded Warriors- Programs for the rehabilitation for injured service members  WING- Director of Psychological Health  Community Blue Print Project- Is a set of tools and practices that provide a framework for communities to produce positive, measurable outcomes for veterans, military members and their families. Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI

15 WISCONSIN ISFAC Partners Across Wisconsin:  Military OneSource- 24/7 HELP, Building Resiliency, Crisis & Disasters, Family and Recreation, Military Life & Deployment, Health & Relationships, Community Support, Financial Assistance, Tax Assistance, Library, Service Locator, Parenting and Child Care, Spouse Career Center, Deployment, Counseling.  Operation Military Kids- U.S. Army’s collaborative effort with American’s communities to support children and youth impacted by deployment.  Military Family Connects- Building Strong Families, and Strong Communities, Plymouth, WI  La Crosse Area Veterans Mentor Program- Providing mentorship and support to Veterans with legal, mental health or emotional problems by assisting and encouraging their participation in Veteran Affairs, Community based treatments and intervention programs and navigating the court system in necessary.  Veterans Homeless Program- A program for homeless Veterans and Veterans at risk of becoming homeless  WI American Legion- State Wide Support, serving Veterans “It’s not just what we do..It’s who we are”  Majestic Hills Ranch- To enrich and enhance the lives of Armed Forces personnel, whether active or Veteran, by engaging them in a variety of recreational and therapeutic equestrian activities designed to promote and improve their physical, mental, and social well being. Located in Lakeville, MN Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI

16 WISCONSIN ISFAC Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI Partners Across Wisconsin:  Army OneSource- One Stop Support, Online Assistance, Training Classes, Building Resiliency, Library, Service Locator, Community Support, Health Care, Family Programs and Services, Soldier and Family Housing, CYSS, Recreation Travel, Live Chat Support.  Wisconsin Dept of Veterans Affairs- Our mission is to work on behalf of Wisconsin’s Veterans Community, Veterans, their Families and their survivors in recognition of their service and sacrifice to our state and nation.  Army Wounded Warrior (AW2)- Is the official U.S. Army program that assists and advocates for severely wounded, ill, or injured Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families, wherever they are located, regardless of military status.  Soldiers Angels- Has been an ensign of advocacy and support for our nation’s men and women in uniform, veterans and their families. Their motto, “May No Soldier Go Unloved,” captures the energy that motivates hundreds of thousands of volunteers – the Soldiers’ Angels. Join them as they give wings to their work, and help them show our heroes a level of gratitude that is befitting of our great country.  Military Family Projects Zero to Three- A national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.  Paralyzed Vets of America- we fight for better health care and benefits, aid in the search for a truly satisfying career, and provide the path to adventure through adaptive sports. What’s more, we are committed to ongoing care by educating clinicians about spinal cord injury, and we’re deeply invested in the future—a cure for paralysisbenefitscareeradaptive sportsspinal cord injury  Veterans Assistance Foundation- Operates programs designed to assist homeless or at risk of becoming homeless veterans maintain or improve their status in society by providing a safe and secure environment through which they can access a wide array of human services.

17 WISCONSIN ISFAC Army Community Service - Fort McCoy, WI Partners Across Wisconsin:  Being There Reaching Out- Focus on assisting the families of the Wisconsin men and women lost in war, as in Iraq or Afghanistan today. To be there for these Gold Star Families emotionally, physically, and economically; and to reach out to all of them by organizing, primarily private, gatherings which allow them to continue to heal through one-on-one communication and sharing with one another.  United Way- To create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of these problems. Living united means being a part of the change. It takes everyone in the community working together to create a brighter future.

18 Thank You

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