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University education Center affiliated to the University of Barcelona.

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1 University education Center affiliated to the University of Barcelona

2 University education Master’s Degrees Security and police strategic management (2012) Global intelligence and new technologies (2016) Courses: Security and police management Master’s Degrees Security and police strategic management (2012) Global intelligence and new technologies (2016) Courses: Security and police management Masters Degree Safety engineering (2013) Courses: Civil protection and emergency plans. Basic level Civil protection and emergency plans. Advanced level Security Advisor Course Risk analysis course. Hazmat and explosive atmospheres Fire Engineering. Basic level Fire Engineering. Advanced Level Masters Degree Safety engineering (2013) Courses: Civil protection and emergency plans. Basic level Civil protection and emergency plans. Advanced level Security Advisor Course Risk analysis course. Hazmat and explosive atmospheres Fire Engineering. Basic level Fire Engineering. Advanced Level Bachelor in Security


4 Bachelor in Security Industrial safety Natural catastrophes Food safety Cyber security Geopolitics Leadership and communication Intelligence Risk analysis Conflict mediation Emergency management

5 Bachelor in Security International security Corporate security

6 Bachelor in Security

7 Law12 Criminology6 Political science24 Psychology6 Sociology6 History6 Basic education 60 ECTS

8 Bachelor in Security International relations18 Methodology24 Business security24 Conflict Management54 Emergency management6 Mandatory education 126 ECTS

9 Bachelor in Security International security 27 Corporate security 27 Internal security12 External practicum6 Optional education 42 ECTS/72

10 Bachelor in Security Final Project 12 ECTS

11 Master’s degree in security and police strategic management Modules: Socio-legal Problems of Security Management of Security Organizations Analysis and Communication in terms of Security Security and Police Final Research Thesis

12 Master’s degree in security and police strategic management Mandatory Subjects (42 Credits) 1. Socio-Legal Problems of Security 1.1 Current Challenges of Security 1.2 Deviation, Control, Social Change and Security 1.3 Criminal Justice and Security Systems 2. Management of Security Organizations 2.1 Keys for Leadership 2.2 Organization of the Security System 2.3 Data creation, analysis and use

13 Master’s degree in security and police strategic management Optional Subjects (18 credits) 3. Analysis and Communication on Security issues 3.1 Strategic Analysis of Security 3.2 Methodologies to study Security 3.3 Applied Computing: Management Tools 3.4 Security, Intelligence and Communications 4. Security and Police 4.1 Case Studies on security and police 4.2 Public Security Policies: Analysis of Significant Case Studies 4.3 Community, Environment and Prevention 4.4 Victims Law 4.5 International Police Cooperation: Legal and Operational issues

14 University education

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