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Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Year 3 Residential Visit Varuna (Jomtien) 2016 Our Mission … “ to ensure that students of all nationalities grow.

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Presentation on theme: "Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Year 3 Residential Visit Varuna (Jomtien) 2016 Our Mission … “ to ensure that students of all nationalities grow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bangkok Patana School Master Presentation Year 3 Residential Visit Varuna (Jomtien) 2016 Our Mission … “ to ensure that students of all nationalities grow to their full potential as independent learners in a caring British international community ”

2 Year 3 Residential Visit 2016 u When, where and what do the children do? u Accommodation and food. u Transportation, communication and medical matters

3 Major Considerations u Safety u A rich learning experience u Enjoyment

4 Health and Safety u Welfare and safety a priority at all times u Risk Assessment / Teachers Handbook u Water Safety u Staff / Pupil Ratio 1:8 u Year 3 Staff have visited the site u Emergency Drill - on arrival u 2 nurses on each trip – one minibus u Local Hospital - informed of our visit u All medicines administered by the nurse u On-line medical and dietary forms

5 Insurance cover Insurance costs are included within the overall costs of each trip. Whilst the school considers this level of cover reasonable and acceptable, parents should satisfy themselves that this level of cover is adequate for their own personal circumstances. Please note that the medical cover relates to any treatment required as the result of an accident, not as the result of an illness. There will be a link to our local insurance fact sheet and some further information about insurance cover in the newsletter over the coming few weeks.

6 The Royal Varuna Yacht Club

7 Why Varuna? u Safe / comfortable and familiar style of environment u Range of socially orientated activities u First time away - it is not far! u Regularly hosts international students u 3 days and 2 nights at “camp” in dorm style rooms u Range of outdoor activities u English and Thai staff u A great start to the Residential Visits Programme

8 Map of location

9 Variety of outdoor spaces

10 Activity Areas

11 Meeting Spaces

12 Staffing Trip 1 3E, 3R Trip 2 3K, 3C Trip 3 3O, 3N Trip 4 3M, 3H Mon 25 th Jan – Weds 27 th Jan Weds 27 th Jan – Fri 29 th Jan Mon 1 st Feb – Weds 3rd Feb Weds 3rd Feb– Fri 5 th Feb Emma Woodhouse Katherine HumeSean O’Connor Kerry Meaden- Kendrick Ruth Ling Bartosz CowlingElizabeth Nolan Kirsten Himpelmann

13 7:30 -Arrive in Year 3 as normal 8.45 - Depart Patana School Arrive Royal Varuna Yacht Club Picnic lunch and orientation Allocate rooms, outline rules, fire drill, unpack Recreation and swimming Change for dinner and activity in the meeting room. Dinner Story and bedtime. Day 1

14 The Picnic

15 Bedrooms

16 7.30 - Wake up call - wash + dress Breakfast Team challenges and problem solving activities Swimming or optional activities Lunch Creative learning projects (and ice-cream!) Recreation and preparation for evening activity Change for dinner and activity in the meeting room Dinner – BBQ Evening activity and bedtime. Day 2

17 7.00 Wake up call - wash, dress and pack. Breakfast Clear rooms and welcome next group Depart for Bangkok Patana School 12.00 / 12.30 Arrive at schoolin time for lunch. Parents can collect children and take them home if they wish. 2.30 Children leave for home via normal school day transport. If you wish your child to travel home by bus, please confirm with transport. Day 3

18 What to pack A full list will be provided CLOTHING ! - only enough for the 2 nights / 3 days - swimming costume + towel Toiletries Camera (optional) Small backpack for the picnic Suncream / Mosquito repellent / Sunglasses DON’T FORGET THE TEDDY BEAR! …. or the reading and puzzle books …. and a separate set of clothes for dinner. PLEASE- no electronic equipment ( including mobile phones ) and games

19 More to remember... Labels on clothes and bags No valuables If they bring a camera, it should be an inexpensive one. PLEASE:- The children should pack their own bags. They do not need to bring a giant suitcase as they are only away for two nights! Children should be able to carry their own bag.

20 Medical and Dietary Form  The form is available on the Parents’ Gateway – please check and update  We cannot take your child on an Educational Visit if the form is not completed.

21 Home – School Communication  SMS in case of delay  Information placed daily on the website (Residential blog)  Parents to be informed in case of an emergency or illness  No calls or visits to individual children Birthdays an exception - telephone call  No news is good news!

22 We always celebrate birthdays!

23 …...and finally... Send your children away with a smile!!

24 Thank you for your support. We hope that we have given you all the information required. Please contact either myself or your child’s class teacher if you have any individual questions. Thank you from Year 3

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