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 Aim:  Develop an understanding of the reasons why we punish criminals  Objectives: › Develop an understanding of different forms of punishment throughout.

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Presentation on theme: " Aim:  Develop an understanding of the reasons why we punish criminals  Objectives: › Develop an understanding of different forms of punishment throughout."— Presentation transcript:


2  Aim:  Develop an understanding of the reasons why we punish criminals  Objectives: › Develop an understanding of different forms of punishment throughout the years › Look at the costs and benefits of punishment to society › Decide whether we should rehabilitate or give retributive justice to a criminal. › Complete project proposal forms

3 Sovereign Power

4 Disciplinary Power Foucault

5  Shift from punishment of body to punishment of mind.  “Power of the panoptican”

6 Surveillance

7  Punishment of body? Vs  Punishment of mind?

8  Garland: In the era of mass incarceration in the USA, “it ceases to be the incarceration of individuals, but becomes the systematic imprisonment of whole groups of the population.” What groups do you think this could be?

9  Make notes on the following arguments of why we punish ready to debate feedback to the group:  Retribution  Deterrence  Incapacitation  Rehabilitation

10  The Psychological Effects of Imprisonment  Read the handout provided  Make notes on the main ideas presented in the handout.  Re-offending Rates

11  Read Hale et al page 611-612 and 595- 596  Do you think that community sentences deter crime?  Do you think prison deters crime?

12  Read the Mair and May study on Probation.  Read Hale et al (Page 141-142 & 595-596).  Developing literacy in offenders.  What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?  What is Token Economy?  Summarise: Do you think rehabilitation is effective?

13  Do you think we should rehabilitate or retribute criminals?  Think about the costs and benefits to society as a whole too.

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