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Practical Approaches Towards Meaningful Lives Roopa Belur & Emery Mance.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Approaches Towards Meaningful Lives Roopa Belur & Emery Mance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Approaches Towards Meaningful Lives Roopa Belur & Emery Mance

2 Roopa Belur & Emery Mance Behaviour Specialists

3 “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” - Helen Keller

4 Organization that supports individuals with disabilities through residential supports Residential program and day program (Framework for Life) Entrust

5 Range of Disabilities

6 Cognitive and functional Social Communication Fine and gross motor skills Sensory processing Range of Abilities

7 IQ SOCIAL COMMUNICATION MOTOR SKILLS SENSORY Non-Verbal Aloof Severe Awkward Hyposensitive Gifted Active Verbal Agile Hypersensitive

8 Why do behaviours occur? Triggers? Is it ‘out of the blue’? Behaviour

9 “Out of the blue” Lazy Social attention seeking Manipulative Disrespectful behaviors Lying “High Functioning” Poor listener Stubborn Misconceptions

10 Sensory processing Lack of structure Too much talking Underlying health conditions Lack of communication strategies Too many demands and expectations Lack of sleep Hunger Delayed processing Behaviours are a result of…

11 What are consequences? Are all individuals consequence based learners? Cognitive capacity to understand consequences? Consequences

12 Anna’s Time Out: Down Syndrome Consequences

13 Anna’s Time Out Problem Solving Memory Socially driven Association Cause and effect

14 What are the least restrictive approaches we can take?

15 ProactiveReactive Meeting needs Transition plans Structure and routines Engagement with activities the individual enjoys Positive language Redirection Understanding and avoiding triggers Meeting sensory requirements Relationship building “NO,” “STOP”, “you’re not behaving well” Physical interventions Consequences Proactive vs. Reactive

16 Visual binders Schedules Checklists First-then boards Visual timers Calendars (daily, weekly, monthly) White boards Choice boards Ringlets Social stories/comic strips Schedule & Routines

17 Reduces confusion Clarifies connections Target developmental levels Creates consistency across settings and environments Provides order Predictability Breaks Why Use Routines & Schedules?

18 How can we individualize?

19 Individualizing Developmental level Community involvement Activities they like Reinforcers

20 Social interaction/1:1 engagement Praise Edibles Sensory play Outings and activities Quiet time Electronics/technology Reinforcers are different for every individual and every disability. I.e. some individuals diagnosed with autism will not always find social interactions or stickers, etc. reinforcing

21 Case Example: CW Framework For Life Routine Morning Routine Volunteering Evening Routine Any changes with routines, need preparation Why? To avoid anxiety, for predictability

22 Quality of Life How can these approaches improve aspects of life

23 Quality of Life - Adaptation Independence Inclusion Monetary Comfort & Wellbeing Respect

24 Thank you Questions?

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