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S HARING S TORIES Unit 1 Lesson 3 The Library. W ORD K NOWLEDGE 1. Shutshyshockedfish 2. entered preferred dropping dragging 3. teacups bookstore sunshine.

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Presentation on theme: "S HARING S TORIES Unit 1 Lesson 3 The Library. W ORD K NOWLEDGE 1. Shutshyshockedfish 2. entered preferred dropping dragging 3. teacups bookstore sunshine."— Presentation transcript:

1 S HARING S TORIES Unit 1 Lesson 3 The Library

2 W ORD K NOWLEDGE 1. Shutshyshockedfish 2. entered preferred dropping dragging 3. teacups bookstore sunshine afternoon 4. booktookstackkick

3 F LUENCY 1. We sat in the shade. 2. The sunlight shined through my bedroom window. 3. Jesse took a book to read from the stack.

4 B UILDING B ACKGROUND Have you ever visited a library? What is it like? What do you do there? People visit libraries for many different reasons. A library is a quiet and safe where you have so many books to choose from. So…what would happen if there were no libraries and we kept all the books in our classroom or even in our homes? -Where would we put them?

5 B ACKGROUND I NFORMATION Genre: Rhyming Fiction This story is made up. Fiction. The story uses rhyme. Rhyming. Its primary purpose is to entertain. Words that rhyme are used to make the story more amusing. Sometimes words that rhyme are used to help the reader more easily remember the story. Can you think of some other stories that are written in rhyme?


7 V OCABULARY nearsighted- Able to see things that are close by better than those things that are far away. (pg. 47)

8 V OCABULARY incredible- amazing; astonishing (pg. 48)

9 V OCABULARY manufactured- To have made something (pg. 50)

10 V OCABULARY tutoring- To teach privately (pg. 52)

11 V OCABULARY donation Gifts, contributions (pg. 58)

12 V OCABULARY Library - A room or building that has a collection of books, magazines, and newspapers (pg. 59)

13 C OMPREHENSION S TRATEGIES G OOD R EADERS … Make Connections Use their own experiences to better understand the characters’ feelings and actions “This reminds me of…” “That part made me think of…” Make Predictions Guess what will happen next based on what you have read or heard. “I predict that ___ will happen…” “I think ______ will happen…” Monitor and Clarify Slow down and reread to determine the meaning of words and more difficult ideas or passages. “I didn’t understand that. Let me reread for clarity.” “I am confused by that. I need to clarify.

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