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Big Data Anton Boyko. Agenda What is Big Data? Why Big Data? How to Big Data?

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Presentation on theme: "Big Data Anton Boyko. Agenda What is Big Data? Why Big Data? How to Big Data?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Data Anton Boyko

2 Agenda What is Big Data? Why Big Data? How to Big Data?

3 What is Big Data? Big data usually includes data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to capture, manage, and process the data within a tolerable elapsed time. GigabytesTerabytesPetabytes…

4 Data growth Big Data Volume 10x Velocity 4.3 Variety 85%

5 How to process Big Data? Traditional way Appropriate way

6 Move data to compute

7 Move compute to data Fast storage vs. fast CPU and fast networking Linear scalability

8 Map/Reduce workflow File system Mappers (find matches) Reducers (combine matches) Mappers (inverse keys and values) Reducer (combine results) DFS temp

9 Map/Reduce – how it works public class NamespaceMapper : MapperBase { //Override the map method. public override void Map( string inputLine, MapperContext context) { var reg = new Regex(@"(using)\s[A-za-z0-9_\.]*\;"); var matches = reg.Matches(inputLine); foreach (Match match in matches) { //Just emit the namespaces. context.EmitKeyValue(match.Value,"1"); } } } public class NamespaceReducer : ReducerCombinerBase { //Accepts each key and count the occurrences public override void Reduce( string key, IEnumerable values, ReducerCombinerContext context) { //Write back context.EmitKeyValue(key,values.Count().ToString()); } }

10 Traditional RDBMS vs. Map/Reduce RDBMS Terabytes of data Static schema Interactive and batch access Nonlinear scaling Map/Reduce Exabytes of data (or more) Dynamic schema Batch access only Linear scaling

11 Hadoop – implementation of Map/Reduce engine

12 Hadoop ecosystem

13 Offering ODBC for Excel PowerPivot Windows Server or Windows Azure C#, Java, JavaScript

14 Demo

15 Pricing Head Node Single extra large instance (8 CPU 14 GB) $0.32 per hour $238 per month Compute Node One or more large instances (4 CPU 7 GB) $0.16 per hour $119 per month

16 Вопросы? Антон Бойко

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