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While viewing photographs of the Middle East, you will use your prior knowledge to identify various aspects of this region.

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Presentation on theme: "While viewing photographs of the Middle East, you will use your prior knowledge to identify various aspects of this region."— Presentation transcript:


2 While viewing photographs of the Middle East, you will use your prior knowledge to identify various aspects of this region.

3 As you watch the following slide show, you will answer the questions and make your observations about each slide on your sheet.

4 SLIDE 1-Describe the place pictured below.

5 SLIDE 2-The Middle East is not made up of deserts alone, describe the other landforms pictured?

6 SLIDE 3-Why might these people be dressed like this?

7 SLIDE 4-These pictures represent some of the economic activities that are common in the Middle East. How do these compare to the jobs in our community?

8 SLIDE 5- A large group of Muslims prepare to pray outside of a mosque. They are divided into two separate groups. Predict why.

9 SLIDE 6-Each of these people are wearing a different head covering. What is the significance of head coverings?

10 SLIDE 7-People have gathered at this location. What do you think they are doing?

11 SLIDE 8-This Muslim family is participating in a feast during Ramadan. Does your family participate in celebratory dinners? How is this picture different than your family meals?

12 SLIDE 9-Each of these buildings represent a different place of worship. Describe their differences and similarities?

13 SLIDE 10-How is the inside architecture of these buildings similar?

14 SLIDE 11-Muslims stop to pray five times each day, regardless of their location. When may you see people pray in your community?

15 SLIDE 12-Muslims participate in a Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. How is this practice similar or different to your own traditions and practices?

16 SLIDE 13-The three religions practice many rituals. What are some rituals that you have seen or been a part of? Do they look like the ones pictured here?

17 SLIDE 14- Bedouins are people who live in the desert. How do you think they survive their harsh living conditions?

18 SLIDE 15-These pictures are examples of religious art work. Each of them represent one of the three main religions of the Middle East. Compare each of these and explain how they are different.

19 Slide 16-The people to your left are about enter the Dead Sea. Why do you think they are covering their bodies with mud?

20 SLIDE 17-Once in the Dead Sea, you cannot sink. Why do you think that is?

21 Skypeing/Face Time from the Middle East YOUR ROLEYOUR ROLE: You are a Vacationer in the Middle East AUDIENCEAUDIENCE: Friend or Family FORMATFORMAT: Writing TOPICTOPIC: Describe the cultural or physical elements of the Middle East.

22 Pretend you are visiting the Middle East and you going to text with a friend or family member. What would you tell them about the Middle East. Think of the slides you saw and think about what you would discuss with them. Content: A minimum of 12 dialogue sentences (24 total) between you and whoever you are texting with. YOUR dialogue should be about items from the Middle Example: –Mr. Klein: Hi Honey. The Middle East is great. Today I went to the Dead Sea. –Melanie: That sounds cool, what was it like. –Mr. Klein: It was awesome. I also walked in a desert. –Melanie: I bet it was hot. What else have you done? –Mr. Klein: I saw a mosque where people were praying.

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