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07812 243421 Flip Side to Funding CPD Presentation to London and South East.

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Presentation on theme: "07812 243421 Flip Side to Funding CPD Presentation to London and South East."— Presentation transcript:

1 07812 243421 Flip Side to Funding CPD Presentation to London and South East WBL Network University of Westminster

2 07812 243421 Remember CPD is only WBL Excellent Research in this area Professor Alison Wolf and Karen Evans “Support for workplace learning should encourage and complement enterprises’ own efforts. Learning programmes initiated by and within workplaces are the ones that survive long-term.”

3 07812 243421

4 07812 243421 Can you afford CPD? Can you afford not to? “ From our experience in previous downturns, it was the businesses that did invest in their staff which saw the most dynamic recovery” Sir Stuart Rose, Chairman of Marks and Spencer plc

5 07812 243421 What are the Recession Skills? TEAMWORK "Working With Others" SELF-MANAGEMENT "Problem Solving" SELF-DEVELOPMENT "Improving Own Learning & Performance" COMMUNICATION "Communication" ACCURACY "Application of Number" TECHNOLOGY "ICT" (better known as ITQ)

6 07812 243421 Skills or Qualifications? Last year’s DIUS Select Committee are this years Coalition –Report: Re-skilling for recovery: After Leitch, implementing skills and training policies –Conclusion: We are concerned that the conflation of skills and qualifications in the targets may lead Government to assume that a qualifications strategy is an adequate substitute or proxy for an overall skills strategy. This may drive up levels of attainment, improve the UK’s position in international league tables and contribute towards improved economic performance but a real skills and training strategy would focus more on skills utilisation by companies to achieve high performance working practices and so raise productivity.

7 07812 243421 New Policy BIS: “Simpler Skills System” KPMG: “Outcome not Activity” UKCES: Skills for Jobs Today and Tomorrow EventsSkills for Jobs –  Tuesday 8 June North West –  Wednesday 9 June Yorkshire and Humber –  Friday 11 June North East –  Wednesday 16 June East of England –  Thursday 17 June East Midland –  Monday 21 June West Midlands –  Friday 25 June South West –  Thursday 1 July London –  Friday 2 July South East

8 07812 243421 Funding CPD Staff in training organisations are eligible for Train to Gain funds, but delivery by another provider. Adult Learner Responsive funds can be used for staff development (in any organisation).. Letter from David Cragg New round of ESF being designed. Get your ideas to

9 07812 243421 Hope this was helpful Mobile: 07812 243421 Skype: David.Wylie_ep Email: Web (still under construction) Linked In: Follow my blog:

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