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Parent University First Grade Math. Common Core State Standards  Math Content Standards  Organized by grade level math topic  Guide instruction, serve.

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1 Parent University First Grade Math

2 Common Core State Standards  Math Content Standards  Organized by grade level math topic  Guide instruction, serve as the curriculum  Math Practice Standards  Intended to develop “mathematical thinkers”  These are interwoven in all lessons and all grades

3 Math Content Strands  Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.  Understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction.  Add and subtract within 20.  Work with addition and subtraction equations.  Number and Operations in Base Ten  Extend the counting sequence.  Understand place value.  Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.  Measurement and Data  Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units.  Tell and write time.  Represent and interpret data.  Work with money.  Geometry  Reason with shapes and their attributes.

4 Standards For Math Practice  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them  Reason abstractly and quantitatively  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others  Model with mathematics  Use appropriate tools strategically  Attend to precision  Look for and make use of structure  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

5 Where Did We Start?  Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Adding and subtracting within 10  Numbers and Operations in Base Ten  Counting to 120

6 Adding and Subtracting Within 10

7 6 fish swim by. Some more fish join them. Now there are 10 fish. How many fish joined the fish swimming by?

8 Mental Math Strategies to Help Add and Subtract Counting on Making 10 Decomposing a number leading to a ten Relationship between addition and subtraction Creating equivalent but easier problem

9 Counting On 5 + 3 = 8

10 Making 10 7 + 4 =

11 Decomposing a Number Leading to 10 7 + 5 = 10 + 2 = 12 3232

12 Relationship Between Addition and Subtraction

13 Creating Equivalent but Easier Problems 3 + 4 = (3 + 3) + 1 =7

14 What Can I Do At Home? Doubles Cover Up Find 10 Practice counting to 120 enVision 2.0 math games Xtra Math Addimals

15 Going Home  First Grade Content Strands  Math Practice Standards  Double Cover Up  Find 10  I can Count to 120 Helpful Websites   NC Unpacking the Standards  CCSS Spanish  Common Core Resources (multiple languages)  Xtra

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