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 Do Now: 1. Get out your questions over Olaudah Equiano 2. Get out your chart 3. Get out your handouts from Monday 4. Be ready to discuss and take notes.

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Presentation on theme: " Do Now: 1. Get out your questions over Olaudah Equiano 2. Get out your chart 3. Get out your handouts from Monday 4. Be ready to discuss and take notes."— Presentation transcript:

1  Do Now: 1. Get out your questions over Olaudah Equiano 2. Get out your chart 3. Get out your handouts from Monday 4. Be ready to discuss and take notes so you will be ready for your test when the bell rings! 

2  African’s point of view  European’s culture and description › World of bad spirits (evil) › Strange › Hostile › Horrible › Physical attributes are abnormal to Olaudah  Question addresses perspective and point of view.  Today it is more common to consider other perspectives  Tone is formal › Diction is elevated (big words) › Fearful first page

3  B. “Were we not to be eaten by those white men with horrible looks, red faces, long hair”  Wine given him to calm him made him feel different and threw him into a panic  Reinforce idea that he has been captured by bad spirits

4  Doesn’t object to being forced to work for Europeans. Slavery is common in Africa.  Objects to the cruel treatment

5  “the stench of the hold” (l. 75)  “closeness of the place” (ll.78-79)  “the heat” (l.79)  “copious perspirations” (l.81)  “loathsome smells” (l.82)  “shrieks of women, and the groans of the dying” (ll.84-5)  “whole scene of horror”  Chains rubbing on the limbs of the slaves  Wished for death

6  He references Bible  Calls them false Christians because they do not follow the teachings of their own religion that he has learned.  “Do unto all men as you would, men should do unto you.”  Most cruel to separate families and break those bonds.  Appealing to personal (family) and spiritual (biblical reference)

7 Bradstreet (1612-1672) Edward Taylor (1642?-1729)  1 st notable American poet  Puritan women not encouraged to be educated  Remarkable that she was a poet  Educated at estate of father’s employer/privileged  Married at 16  Sailed for Mass. At 18  Faith helped her endure hardships  Poetry focuses on daily life  Became published unbeknownst to her by her brother-in- law  1 st book of poetry by an American colonist  Manuscripts not discovered until 1930s  Fled to America in 1668 to avoid religious persecution  Educated:Harvard degree  Minister in Mass.  Endured hardships  Wrote poetry to glorify God.  Focus everyday life

8 Bradstreet “Upon the Burning…” Faith Taylor “Huswifery” › Bradstreet  Nature: Fire is a natural event and scary  God: Immediately asked for God’s help to strengthen her. Everything belongs to God, thus not hers anyway.  Cultural focus on God not earthly things  Idea of predestination “Yea so it was, and so ‘twas just” Biblical Allusion: “a price so vast” Christ’s sacrifice Edwards  Nature: natural fibers  Process/extended metaphor: wool to cloth and clothing to speaker’s relationship with God who transforms him  God: transforms him and clothes all of him in the holy robes for glory. He becomes worthy of God through God.


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