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Policy Recommendation Best Practices in Reading Achievement to Address Reading Failure Roxanne Boyd Walden University.

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1 Policy Recommendation Best Practices in Reading Achievement to Address Reading Failure Roxanne Boyd Walden University

2 New Jersey School Performance Ratings (NJDOE, 2015) RatingPercentile Very High>/= to 80 th percentile High60 th - 79.9 th percentile Average40 th – 59.9 th percentile Lagging20 th – 39.9 th percentile Significantly Lagging</= to 19.9 th percentile  New ratings were established by the NJ Department of Education to score results on the new state standardized PARCC tests.  The scores from each test were categorized by the percentile bracket in which they fell.

3 NJ State Scoring Categories and Levels  School scoring results were compared in five areas. 1.Academic Achievement (AA) 2.College and Career Readiness (CCR) 3.Student Growth (SG) 4.Language Arts Proficiency (LAP) 5.Overall School Performance (OSP)  Each score was compared on two levels within each category. 1.Compared to Peers 2.Compared to State results

4 Local District Performance Elementary School Language Arts Literacy Ratings (NJDOE, 2015) Schoo l AACCRSGLAPOSP PeerStatePeerStatePeerStatePeerState- 128 th 14 th 6 th 15 th 10 th 39 th 19 th 51% 249 th 21 th 10 th 6 th 46 th 28 th 55 th 23 rd 54% 360 th 23 th 16 th 8 th 75 th 60 th 52 nd 22 nd 53% 49 th 7 th 13 th 8 th 15 th 8 th 7 th 8 th 36% 520 th 12 th 3 th 6 th 40 th 27 th 20 th 14 th 46%  The chart shows the performance results of the five elementary schools in the district.  It is evident that overall district performance was either at or below the Average Percentile Performance Rating Category of 40-59.9% and well below Average within various scoring areas when compared to Peers and State results.

5 Fountas & Pinnell (F&P, 2012) Language Arts Literacy Curriculum Program  An evidence-based Language Arts Literacy Curriculum Program  Developed by educators.  All-Inclusive Program  Training  Assessments  Lessons  Materials  Writing Component

6 Significant Features of Fountas & Pinnell (F&P, 2012)  Benchmark Assessments  Guided Reading  Group Work  Individual Work  Leveled Books  Assessments provide the baseline data and also record progress.  Small group instruction based on student reading levels.  Teachers model expected behaviors.  Students perform tasks to indicate understanding and/or mastery.  Supports student success at their current level and moves them up the reading gradient to higher levels.

7 Community Partner F&P Results 2009 Status  Example: 30-40% of third grade students were reading on a kindergarten or 1 st grade level.  F&P Curriculum  Leveled Literacy Interventions  District Supported Interventions  Consistent Staff Training on F&P Components  Running Record Assessments  Analyzing Data  Reporting Results  Differentiated Instructional Strategies  Individualized Learning Plans 2013 Results  First Year of F&P Implementation  F&P Leveled Literacy Interventions increased grade level reading about 2 grade levels.  District high school special education students increased from 35% to 74-79% in LAL proficiency.  District Reading Coach attributed the 40% jump to the F&P Guided Reading component and F&P supporting instructional materials.  Over the 4-5 Year Window  Average class increase was between 3 to 4 LAL levels over the previous year.  Attributed to the use of the F&P LAL Program Leveled Books

8  Fountas, I., & Pinnell, G. S. (2012). The Fountas & Pinnell Story. Retrieved from  New Jersey Department of Education. (2015). New Jersey school performance report. 2013-14 Overview district elementary school 1. Retrieved from  New Jersey Department of Education. (2015). New Jersey school performance report. 2013-14 Overview district elementary school 2. Retrieved from  New Jersey Department of Education. (2015). New Jersey school performance report. 2013-14 Overview district elementary school 3. Retrieved from  New Jersey Department of Education. (2015). New Jersey school performance report. 2013-14 Overview district elementary school 4. Retrieved from  New Jersey Department of Education. (2015). New Jersey school performance report. 2013-14 Overview district elementary school 5. Retrieved from References

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