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Authors: Justyna Szymacha, Aneta Paleczna Crest of West Pomerania from XV-XVII century.

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Presentation on theme: "Authors: Justyna Szymacha, Aneta Paleczna Crest of West Pomerania from XV-XVII century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authors: Justyna Szymacha, Aneta Paleczna Crest of West Pomerania from XV-XVII century

2 Location Pomerania– historic land on terrain of Poland and Germany, on mouth of Reknica, Odra and Wisła to Baltic Sea. West Pomerania is situated in north- west part of Poland, border with Germany, and across Baltic with Denmark and Sweden.

3 Dismemberment  According to the historiography of German Pomerania was divided into:  Rear Pomerania east of the Oder  Pomerania west of the Oder called Zaodrzańskie Pomerania,  United duchy West covered such land as Szczecin principality, duchy Kamieński (including the lands belonging to the bishops Kamień) duchy Kashubian, the term Kashubian is understood the local of name Pomerania, the wendyjskie principality - the principality rugijskie, power of Uznam, land bardzka, county choćkowskie land wołogoska (duchy wołogoskie), The land border between Western Pomerania and Pomerania Gdansk (East) shall be ground bytowska-lęborsko. Duchy of Pomerania - Map of 1635

4 The region is currently in: ▪ Germany,  Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the seat of Schwerin,  Poland,  West province, the seat of government: Szczecin,  Pomerania, the seat of government: Gdańsk. The boundaries of the province of Pomerania the current administrative division.

5 Tourist attractions Barlinek - charmingly situated town in the southern part of West Pomerania, on the edge of a vast Puszcza Barlinecka, surrounded by numerous lakes, forests and haughtiness field. Drawa- picturesque river rolling its waters in Western Pomerania. Flows through the Drawa National Park.

6 Wolin National Park - located on the island of Wolin, its symbol is the bald eagle, which can be seen live next to the Museum of Natural Park in Międzyzdroje. Turquoise Lake– it’s located in the Wolin National Park, it is a peculiar attraction. Its name takes from the unusual color of the water. Narrow-gauge railway– popular narrow-gauge track which he takes tourists on the route Trzesacz - Rewal - Niechorze - Pogorzelica, ride is a real attraction, especially for children.

7 Lighthouse in Niechorz- excellent vantage point for the entire neighborhood. Sailing and water tourism. Basilica Konkatedralna pod wezwaniem Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny– it has five aisles and it is built in the Gothic style.

8 Pomeranian Dukes' Castle renaissance castle, it’s situated on Castle Hill in Szczecin, in the vicinity of the Oder. Stargard Szczeciński- city and region in the province of West Pomeranian, in the county stargard, on the Plain Pyrzycko-Stargardzkiej, on the Iną, the third urban center in the region (in terms of population).

9 Thanks! Aneta Paleczna, Justyna Szymacha

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