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New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events History: Course Assessment.

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2 New Advanced Higher Subject Implementation Events History: Course Assessment

3 Course Assessment at Advanced Higher  Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher assesses Added Value  Courses at Advanced Higher are normally assessed by one or two Components  For History there are 2 Component/s – a Question Paper and a Project (Dissertation)  Courses at Advanced Higher are graded A – D, as at present  Controlled Assessment of setting, conducting and marking  Different approaches for different subjects  No dual running at Advanced Higher in session 2015-16

4 Question Paper  3 hours  100 marks  Historical Issues 50 marks; Historical Sources 40 marks  Externally set and marked  Builds on successful approach of current paper  Revised command words/question formats

5 Question Paper Part 1 - Historical Issues:  2 (25 mark) questions from a choice of 5: –Evaluation –Analysis of historical factors –Building a line of argument/conclusion –Historiography –Building on approach of current papers

6 Question Paper Part 2 - Historical Sources  ‘Evaluate the usefulness of [source] as evidence of…’ (12 marks)  ‘How fully does [source] explain…?’ (12 marks)  ‘How much do [sources] reveal about differing interpretations of…?’ Building on the approach used in current papers.

7 Project - dissertation  Identifying an appropriate complex historical issue for research  Using information from primary & secondary sources  Drawing on in-depth knowledge and understanding  Analysing perspectives from historiography  Synthesising evidence into a sustained line of argument  Drawing a well-reasoned conclusion(s)

8 Project - Dissertation As at National 5 and Higher:  Coursework General document contains advice on conditions, quality assurance and general marking principles  Coursework Task document contains detailed marking instructions and advice to candidates  Both documents essential for assessors

9 Marking instructions (Dissertation and Question Paper As at National 5 and Higher:  Marking instructions based on clear descriptions of skills  Skill definitions and requirements aligned across Unit Assessment Support Packs, Question Paper and Coursework  Question Paper command words/phrases focus on specific Course skills  Marking instructions retain space for marker/PA judgement

10 Workshop 2 Course Assessment Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2- 3, discuss:  Identify subject-specific topics for discussion Workshop Aims  To understand the requirements of Advanced Higher Course Assessments Using the materials provided, in small groups of 2-3, discuss:  How will the greater clarity and detail in marking instructions for Course Assessment help?  What challenges might this present?  Is the relationship between definitions of skills in Unit Assessment Support Packs/Question Paper/Coursework clear?

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