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Published byMorgan Banks Modified over 8 years ago
Jennifer R. Stevane General Surgery Resident VMMC
Neuroblastoma Jennifer R. Stevane General Surgery Resident VMMC
Patient 1 3 yo M, hx of hypotonia, gross motor delay
abdominal mass on PE AXR constipation Pertinent labs: Elevated screening urine HVA, VMA serum HVA 828 (nl 0-45); VMA 496 (nl 0-30) Ultrasound 17x13x11 cm calcified heterogenous mass, Crosses midline, encases abdominal vessels Abuts liver, spleen, displaces kidneys Encases the portal vein and a branch of the celiac artery, abuts the liver and spleen, and displaces both kidneys inferiorly
Initial CT scan CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis: Large heterogeneous mass in the retroperitoneum effacing the left adrenal gland and much of the right adrenal gland which may represent a bilateral adrenal neuroblastoma. There are areas of calcifications throughout and multiple abdominal vessels are encased or abutted, including the aorta, IVC, renal vessels, hepatic arteries, and aspects of the celiac plexus. No evidence of metastatic disease.
Obtaining a diagnosis Findings c/w neuroblastoma
General surgery consulted for: open biopsy, bilateral bone marrow aspirates, double lumen catheter placement
Patient K’s pathology Mix of small round blue cells with well-differentiated ganglion cells Low mitotic kerryorhectic index Negative MYCN amplification by FISH Negative for PHOX2B mutation -CONSIDERED FAVORABLE HISTOLOGY- Bone marrow aspirate negative for metastatic disease
Further work-up Bone scan: negative for metastatic disease
MIBG scan: negative for metastatic disease Echo: wnl Audiology: normal hearing -Chemotherapy agents are potentially cardio-toxic (doxorubicin) and ototoxic (carboplatin.) -mIBG is functional analog of norepinephrine and is taken up by sympathetic neurons. If test is positive, neuroblastoma is said to be “mIBG-avid.” Radioactive components such as I-131 may be added and can be used to trace response to chemotherapy or even act as targeted radiation therapy.
Plan INTERMEDIATE RISK: Chemotherapy Surgical resection 4 rounds
Carboplatin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide Surgical resection
Post chemo CT scan, preoperatively
Only ~30% tumor resectable.
Outcome Final Pathology: Plan: Recover from surgery
Multiple areas of treated metastatic disease Areas of less and more differentiation Still considered favorable histology Plan: Recover from surgery Increased intensity of chemotherapy
Neuroblastoma Most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood
Most common abdominal malignancy of childhood 8-10% of all childhood cancers 15% cancer deaths Incidence has remained stable in past few decades Similar rates amongst race, female: male ratio Ave age dx = 2 years 80% pts <4yo at time of diagnosis Spontaneous regression in rare cases 1% familial cases, younger diagnosis
Presentations 65% abdominal; >50% adrenal in origin
Chest (#2), neck and pelvis as well 50% localized or regional disease at diagnosis Abdominal symptoms Neurological symptoms Paraneoplastic syndromes Abdominal: distention, constipation, palpable mass Neurologial: Horner’s syndrome (ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis) if arising from superior cervical ganglion Paraneoplastic: eg opsoclonus myoclonus ataxia syndrome- myoclonic jerking, random eye movement with or without cerebellar ataxia, may not resolve w/ tumor removal, neurologic degeneration
Work-up Thorough H&P Establish diagnosis Rule out metastatic disease
Imaging Bone scan, mIBG, CT C/A/P Laboratory work LFTs, derivatives of catecholamines (HVA, VMA) Pathological evaluation of actual tissue Ie. Open biopsy Hematogenous and lymphatic spreading tumor, so the path of metastasis could lead virtually anywhere but often to bone, bone marrow, and liver
Neuroblastoma tissue Derived from sympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic ganglia, adrenal medulla, paraganglia “Small blue round cell” Form nests surrounded by stromal septa Spectrum of maturation amongst tumor cells Undifferentiated Poorly differentiated Differentiating Histology significantly impacts prognosis
Genetics PHOX2B 3 exons, codes for transcription factor
PCR amplification used for evaluation Associated with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, Hirschsprung’s disease Familial neuroblastoma 2.3% sporadic neuroblastoma cases Multiple genetic investigations for neuroblastoma, would briefly review the two evaluated for this patient. PHOX2B: Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, hirschsprung’s are also neural crest tumors. A distant relative on mother’s side had neuroblastoma
Genetics MYCN Leads to p53 inhibition
Amplified in 25-35% of neuroblastomas >10 copies FISH analysis Mechanism of amplification unknown Indicates more aggressive tumor Less favorable outcome Therefore…included in COG risk stratification
INSS (Staging: 1986, 1993) Stage 1: localized tumor confined to area of origin Stage 2: Unilateral tumor 2A: incomplete gross dissection, no LNs 2B: ipsilateral LNs positive for metastatic disease Stage 3: Tumor extends across the midline, +/-LNs Unilateral tumor w/ contralateral LNs Midline tumor w/ bilateral LNs Stage 4: Dissemination to distant LNs, bone marrow, liver Stage 4s: <1yo with localized primary tumor as in stages 1-2, with limited spread to liver, skin, marrow International neuroblastoma staging system Stage 1: Localized tumor confined to the area of origin.Stage 2A: Unilateral tumor with incomplete gross resection; identifiable ipsilateral and contralateral lymph node negative for tumor.Stage 2B: Unilateral tumor with complete or incomplete gross resection; with ipsilateral lymph node positive for tumor; identifiable contralateral lymph node negative for tumor.Stage 3: Tumor infiltrating across midline with or without regional lymph node involvement; or unilateral tumor with contralateral lymph node involvement; or midline tumor with bilateral lymph node involvement.Stage 4: Dissemination of tumor to distant lymph nodes, bone marrow, bone, liver, or other organs except as defined by Stage 4S.Stage 4S: Age <1 year old with localized primary tumor as defined in Stage 1 or 2, with dissemination limited to liver, skin, or bone marrow (less than 10 percent of nucleated bone marrow cells are tumors).
Risk Assessment
Prospective cohort analysis, 1990-2002
The International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) classification system: An INRG Task Force report (J Clin Oncol 2009) Prospective cohort analysis, 8800 children w/ neuroblastoma, worldwide Inclusion: diagnosis confirmed b/t , <21yo, informed consent evaluate prognostic factors Primary end-point: Event free survival 7 most significant prognostic factors identified prognostic factors: age > or < than 12 months and 18 months, year of enrollment in study, Initial treatment, INSS stage, Evans stage, serum ferritin, LDH, histologic classification, stromal content, grade of NB cell differentiation, mitosis-karyorrhexis index, genetics such as MYCN amplification
International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG)
Being validated, may replace INSS, used internationally Stage L1: Localized disease without image-defined risk factors.Stage L2: Localized disease with image-defined risk factors.Stage M: Metastatic disease.Stage MS: Metastatic disease "special" where MS is equivalent to stage 4S. Very low risk: 85% EFS Low risk: 75-85% Intermediate risk: 50-75% High risk: <50% EFS
Our pt, revisited 3yo Differentiating Low MKI Favorable histology
No comment on tumor ploidy Neuroblastoma diagnosis If L2, then low risk If M, then high risk
Treatment Low risk: Intermediate risk: High risk: No treatment
Surgery alone Intermediate risk: Chemotherapy, surgery High risk: Intensive chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, stem cell transplant, biologic tx w/ accutane or mAB tx (GM-CSF, IL-2) \
Prospective treatment cohort study 262 patients, enrolled 1992-1996
Outcomes of children with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma after treatment stratified by MYCN status and tumor cell ploidy (J Clin Oncol 2005) Prospective treatment cohort study 262 patients, enrolled Treatment assignments based on: Age, MYCN status, tumor cell ploidy. Age 12 mos MYCN>10 copies classified as “amplified” Ploidy- diploid, hyperdiploid
Arm A: Arm B: Inclusion criteria
Outcomes of children with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma after treatment stratified by MYCN status and tumor cell ploidy Arm A: Inclusion criteria 5 cycles cyclophosphamide/doxorubicin, surgery 214 patients, 178 (83%) received only Arm A If poor response, then cross over to Arm B 6yr event free survival 86% Arm B: Inclusion criteria ***MYCN amplification, cell ploidy 6 cycles carboplatin, etoposide, ifosfamide, surgery 48 pts, 46/48 <1yo, 6yr event free survival 46%, 26/48 deaths Arm A infants w/ stages B-D and DS w/o MYCN amplification and hyperdiploid OR children >12mos w/ stage B MYCN nonamplified tumors of any ploidy. Arm B infantsyounger than 12 mos with stages B-D or DS disease w/ MYCN amplification
Significance of both MYCN amplification and ploidy in risk assessment
Outcomes of children with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma after treatment stratified by MYCN status and tumor cell ploidy Excellent response rates for intermediate-risk pts w/ favorable biology on pathology Significance of both MYCN amplification and ploidy in risk assessment Arm A regimen chemotherapy was less toxic than Arm B chemotherapy ???Benefit of reducing therapy in patients with favorable tumors?
Prospective, nonrandomized, Stage 3 trial
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) Prospective, nonrandomized, Stage 3 trial Purpose: achieve a 3yr estimate of >90% overall survival utilizing outpt chemotherapy in children w/ intermediate risk neuroblastoma Inclusion, : Infants (<1yo) and children w/ newly diagnosed intermediate risk neuroblastoma w/o MYCN amplification Standard treatments have rates of survival in this population of approximately 90% at 3 years, the study was hoping to exceed that. Intermediate risk = stage 3 or 4 disease, stage 3 w/ favorable histology, infants with 4S disease.
MYCN determined by FISH
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) MYCN determined by FISH DNA index for ploidy performed w/ flow cytometry Favorable = favorable histology, DNA index>1 Unfavorable = unfavorable histology, DNA index <1, or both
Treatment Favorable: Unfavorable: 4 cycles
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) Treatment Favorable: 4 cycles Carboplatin, etoposide, cyclphosphamide, doxorubicin combinations Surgical excision after chemotherapy Unfavorable: 8 cycles of the above chemotherapy agents 3 week intervals Those who did not respond to the reduced treatment were then given an additional 4 cycles as in the unfavorable group. Monitored for toxicities
Primary end point: overall survival at 3 yrs
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) Intention to treat Event free survival Overall survival Primary end point: overall survival at 3 yrs Expected overall survival 90% at 3 yrs Considered cured Expected treatment failure 10%
31 infants with stage 4s disease 323 favorable pathology (reduced tx)
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) 270 stage 3 disease 178 stage 4 disease 31 infants with stage 4s disease 323 favorable pathology (reduced tx) 141 unfavorable pathology (extended tx) 138/323 in reduced tx arm received 4 additional cycles of chemotherapy Patient characteristics
Surgical resection data for 235/479 pts
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) Surgical resection data for 235/479 pts 99.6% definitive excision attempted 89 total resection 51 near total (>90% tumor) 26 major resection (>50%) 54 limited resection (<50%) 14 unknown No significant difference in overall survival b/t groups Patient characteristics
Complications included: Surgical Chemotherapy related
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) Complications included: Surgical Eg. Hemorrhage, loss of organ, anatomical injury Chemotherapy related Eg. Myelosuppression, organotoxic effects, infxn Patient characteristics
3 yr overall survival: 3 yr EFS: Stage 3= 98% Stage 3= 92%
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) 3 yr overall survival: 3 yr EFS: Stage 3= 98% Stage 3= 92% Stage 4= 93% Stage 4= 81% Stage 4s= 97% Stage 4s= 90% Stage 3 and 4s vs 4 significant in both categories (p<0.002 and p<0.001 respectively) Ploidy and favorable biologic features had significance in survival prognosis Histopathological features did not Patient characteristics
59 first events documented:
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) 59 first events documented: Disease progression, n=42 Death, n= 14 Secondary leukemia, n= 3 10% for pts w/ favorable biological features 17% for pts w/ unfavorable biological features
-overall survival in 3 years 96% -importance of ploidy in prognosis
Outcome after Reduced Chemotherapy for Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (NEJM 9/30/2010) Discussion- -overall survival in 3 years 96% -importance of ploidy in prognosis -those w/ advanced neuroblastoma without MYCN amplification can be cured with reduced toxicity regimens -high surgical complication rate **SUCCESSFUL SURVIVAL RATES W/ LOWER DOSE AND DURATION CHEMOTHERAPY REGIMENS**
Bibliography Bagatell et al. Outcomes of children with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma after treatment stratified by MYCN status and tumor cell ploidy. J Clin Oncol 2005;23: Baker et al. Outcome after reduced chemotherapy for intermediate-risk neuroblastoma. N Engl J Med 2010;363: Cohn et al. The international neuroblastoma risk group (INRG) classification system: An INRG task force report. J Clin Oncol 2009;27: Matthay. Neuroblastoma: Biology and Therapy. Oncology 11(12) 1997 Park et al. Neuroblastoma: Biology, Prognosis, and Treatment. Hematol Oncol Clin N Am 24 (2010) 65-86
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