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Topic Review Biliary atresia Division of gastroenterology Department of pediatric YUMC R3 허윤정.

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1 Topic Review Biliary atresia Division of gastroenterology Department of pediatric YUMC R3 허윤정

2 Epidemiology Biliary atresia : complete obstruction of bile flow as a result of the destruction or absence of all or a portion of the extrahepatic bile ducts Female > male Occurs in 10,000 to 15,000 live births One third of cases of neonatal cholestatic jaundice 40-50% of all pediatric liver transplants

3 Etiology Cause : unknown Multiple theories of the etiology of biliary atresia 1. perinatal viral infection reovirus, rotavirus 2. genetic factor 3. defects in immune response or autoimmune disorder 4. defects of morphogenesis

4 Classification of the anatomic variants Type I atresia of the common bile duct with patent proximal ducts Type II atresia involves the hepatic duct, with cystically dilated bile ducts at the porta hepatis # type IIa : cystic and common ducts are patents # type IIb : cystic and common ducts are obliterated

5 Classification of the anatomic variants Type III (80% - noncorrectable) obstruction of the common, hepatic, and cystic ducts, without cystically dilated hilar ducts

6 Clinical forms Perinatal type (65-85%) postnatal onset of cholestasis ; normal stool  in 2-4 th weeks Sx develop bile ductular remnants present no associated congenital anomalies Embronic or fetal type(15-35%) early onset of cholestasis ; within the first 3weeks without a jaundice-free period no bile ductular remnants associated congenital anomalies ; cardiovascular defects, polysplenia, malrotaion, situs inversus, bowel atresia

7 Clinical Sx & laboratory finding Normal pregnancy and normal birth weight Postnatal weight gain and development – usually noramal Jaundice hypopigmented or frankly acholic stools dark urine hepatosplenomegaly Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia(>20% of total serum bilirubin) ; usually less than 8mg/dl OT/PT, r-GT elevation

8 Diagnosis Routine liver chemistries jaundice – direct bilirubin >1.0 mg/dl ; pathologic serum lipoprotein–X : (+) >300mg/dl Duodenal bile aspiration yellow pigment of bilirubin – ruled out Abdominal ultrasound : most common used, simple, non-invasive study ; cystic structure # triangular cord (TC) ; a fairly well-circumscribed focal triangular or tubular shaped echogenic density just cranial to the portal vein bifurcation on a transverse longitudinal scan

9 Diagnosis Biliary scintigraphy DISIDA, PIPIDA, HIDA scan ERCP MRCP Percutaneous liver biopsy ; presence of bile plugs in portal triads - highly suggestive of large duct obstruction Visualized percutaneous cholangiogram

10 Treatment Kasai operation ; hepatoportoenterostomy Liver transplantation ; * management of children in whom protoenterostomy dose not successfully restore bile flow * End-stage liver disease * Intractable complications of chronic liver disease

11 Complication Cholangitis (most common, 40-60%) greater risk for the progression to cirrhosis Portal hypertension (2 nd most common, 35-75%) gastrointestinal bleeding Fat-soluble vitamin deficiency Growth failure Pruritis (less common) Tx : UDCA

12 Prognosis Untreated : death within 2 years Kasai operation : 10-year survival rate : 33%

13 Prognosis Prognostic factor 1. age 2. surgical experience 3. recurrent cholangitis 4. site of atresia of the extrahepatic bile duct 5. initial liver biopsy - cirrhosis

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