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Moving Beyond Unconscious Bias Good People Matter! Julie Cindy

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Beyond Unconscious Bias Good People Matter! Julie Cindy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Beyond Unconscious Bias Good People Matter! Julie Koesmarno @MsSQLGirl Cindy Gross @SQLCindy

2 Good People Yes, we are!

3 Harvard Implicit Association Test

4 Patterns and Categories 4

5 Intuition and Slow Thinking 5 System 1 & System 2 Thinking

6 And system 2 slow thinking is tiring! We’re good people! 6

7 So What? How does this impact ME?

8 Personal and job satisfaction Diverse teams are interesting I learn more I can relax It matters to me 8

9 The future? Industry, Community, You 9 Source:

10 Better working environment Attract and retain talented people A better product, a better bottom line Higher productivity Increased creativity It matters to my org 10

11 11

12 12 Source: executive-summary-nsa.pdf executive-summary-nsa.pdf Source: ty_matters ty_matters

13 Mind Tricks

14 Or do we? We know what we see

15 Or do we? What’s the first picture in your mind for…. We know how we categorize 15

16 Astronaut

17 Single Parent 17

18 Introvert 18

19 Doctor 19

20 CEO 20

21 21 Women Leading the Way

22 Programmer 22

23 #ILookLikeAnEngineer 23

24 We’re good people! 24

25 Science of Bias

26 John or Jennifer Jennifer rated less competent & hireable John offered $3-5k more + more mentoring Justifications sound rational, but… One more: Kim = no job offers, Mr. Kim = job offer Resumes – What’s in a name 26

27 Black kids get less ER pain med, especially for vague pains Medicine 27

28 No one is just one thing Add ‘em up Privilege changes with context Intersectionality 28

29 We’re good people! 29

30 Moving On

31 Take the IATs Talk about your own biases Update your mental categories Consciously choose system 2 thinking when important Reach out to one person Spend time with someone who makes you uncomfortable Make it personal

32 Teach jr high/high school kids to code Recruit beyond your current network Post jobs on diversity sites Reach out to diverse groups Consider non-traditional backgrounds Pipeline 32

33 Participate in local meetups Teach kids to code Join diversity focused groups – that don’t match your own “diversity”! #HourOfCode: Community 33

34 Call out the firsts 34

35 Bossy vs Executive Leadership Aggressive vs go-getter Emotional vs passionate Sorry, Can I ask a question, Is it all right if I…. Words Matter 35

36 Required vs preferred Leader vs. specific type of leader Extreme words State that you value a diverse team Subtle stereotypes: best, rock star, action-oriented Job Descriptions 36

37 Blind auditions – without names, cities, and years Choose criteria and priorities early Look for people who fill gaps vs. replicate people you have Slow down, review while alert Reading Resumes 37

38 Diversity in the loop and the decisions Reference diverse people in the field before an interview Remind ourselves of positive diverse people Don’t confuse confidence with competence Value different ways of approaching problems Geek <> competent Interviewing 38

39 Just do it Hiring 39

40 We’re good people! 40

41 Let’s Do It!

42 Many flowers make a beautiful bouquet @IsisAnchalee 42

43 What is your personal pledge today? We’re good people! 43

44 Thank You

45 Moving Beyond Unconscious Bias Good People Matter! Julie Koesmarno @MsSQLGirl Cindy Gross @SQLCindy

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