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Diversify Faculty Hiring: Improve Success for Students of Color Betty Williams Kimberly McRae John Martinez Vik Bahl DEHPD Conference Bellevue College.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversify Faculty Hiring: Improve Success for Students of Color Betty Williams Kimberly McRae John Martinez Vik Bahl DEHPD Conference Bellevue College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversify Faculty Hiring: Improve Success for Students of Color Betty Williams Kimberly McRae John Martinez Vik Bahl DEHPD Conference Bellevue College January 30, 2016 1

2 Opening Activity  Introductions  Remember when….  1. Historical Context  2. Cognitive Dissonance  3. 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education: The Un-intended Consequences Thousands of Teachers Lost Their Jobs The De-centering of a Community Present Day Effects  4. Your Educational Journey 2

3 Resources  Annotated Bibliography 3

4 Pie Charts of Community and Municipal Demographics Fall 2014 Data

5 Washington State & Seattle Total: 608,660 Total: 7,062,000

6 Bellevue College Total: 10,727 Total: 185

7 Bellevue College Total: 10,727Total: 400

8 Highline Community College Total: 7,096Total: 160

9 Highline Community College Total: 7,096Total: 209

10 Everett Community College Total: 6,094Total: 123

11 Everett Community College Total: 6,094 Total: 197

12 Spokane Community College Total: 8,360Total: 224

13 Spokane Community College Total: 8,360 Total: 290

14 Yakima Valley Community College Total: 4,457Total: 124

15 Yakima Valley Community College Total: 4,457Total: 170

16 Seattle District Colleges Total: 15,906Total: 319

17 Seattle District Colleges Total: 15,906Total: 710

18 WA State Supported Students Total: 155,480Total: 3,572

19 WA State Supported Students Total: 155,480Total: 5,924

20 Historical Context  Why is this work important? 20

21 Aspects of Diversity & Equity  Identity (self-identification)  Personal Experiences  Cultural Competencies, KSAs  Subject Matter Expertise (from academic training and extensive experience rather than from a few trainings and workshops)  Represent and Be Accountable to Communities 21

22 Disaggregate Diversity  Specify which communities of color based on historic underrepresentation AND ongoing marginalization  Intersectionality: which additional identity categories may be most relevant ALONG with race? (Gender, disability, sexuality, class, etc.)  Discipline-specific and department-specific needs assessment (e.g., Sociology vs. Physics, etc.) 22

23 Assessment of Needs for Positions  Essential Job Duties  Secondary duties (e.g., Advising)  Assess existing cultural competencies in a department  Student achievement or service gaps  D2S2: Departmental Diversity Self Study 23

24 Interview Process  Hiring committee composition  Interview questions  Rating guide  Teaching demonstration  Committee culture and climate 24

25 Appointing Authority  Require each department seeking a new or replacement position to do a needs assessment based on student success data, demographics of service area, and already-existing representation, cultural competencies, and expertise within the department.  Review all job announcements for diversity-equity elements.  Require diversity in the pool at each stage: application, interview, finalist  Be willing to cancel or re-open a search 25

26 Adjunct Faculty Hiring: Pipeline  Demographics  Priority Hire / In-File  Diversity & Equity in Adjunct Hiring Process  Cultural Competencies 26

27 Underrepresented Adjunct Faculty  Mentoring  Professional Development  Multi-college opportunities & collaboration  Visiting scholar positions  Release time and reduced load 27

28 Faculty Retention and Support  Mentoring  Professional Development  Tenure  Campus climate  Community relations 28

29 Seattle Colleges and AFT Seattle MOU Signed January 2015  We are jointly committed to ensure that there are no internal barriers in our collective bargaining agreement, hiring practices and systems, bias or lack of cultural sensitivity by search committees, etc.

30 Relevant provision in the Collective Bargaining Agreement will be updated to include expectations that committee members reflect the diversity of our community including race/ethnicity and other protected categories; cultural competency will also be a factor in putting together search committees

31 Additional Goals of the MOU:  Cultural competency/systemic bias training for all faculty on a continuing basis  Search Advocacy training for faculty wishing to serve on committees  Outreach and recruitment strategies aimed at increasing diverse candidate pools  Provide necessary resources to support process changes, including stipends and other compensation considerations  Collaboration with the respective campus Diversity Directors in support of positive onboarding and retention initiatives for newly hired faculty, with a focus on faculty of color

32 Search Advocacy – based on OSU Model Creating effective search committees  Membership of committee includes intentional diversity of group, with expectation of race/ethnicity diversity, cultural competency skills of members, and inclusion of other aspects of protected classes as is possible  Training and resources provided to the committee to create a process of reflection regarding the impact of unconscious bias in the hiring process  Tools and resources to create more effective job announcements, advertising outreach, evaluation of candidates and the interview process  Include a well trained Search Advocate to participate in the committee to encourage reflection about unconscious biases throughout the search

33 Job Descriptions Think/pair/share based on a possible position in your department:  What is an example of a cultural competency, skill or expertise that would benefit underrepresented students, but may not appear to be perceived as essential to teaching in your field?  Come up with language for a minimum or preferred qualification for that desired cultural competency, skill or expertise. 33

34 Thanks for coming!  Contact Information:  Vik Bahl, PhD, Green River College Faculty -  John Martinez, MA, Seattle Central College Faculty –  Kimberly McRae, MEd, Seattle Central College Faculty –  Betty Williams, MSW, North Seattle College Faculty – 34

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