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FLEX - FIRE LTE TESTBEDS FOR OPEN EXPERIMENTATION PROJECT OVERVIEW Nikos Makris, University of Thessaly (UTH) Contract number: 612050 Starting date: 1/1/2014.

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Presentation on theme: "FLEX - FIRE LTE TESTBEDS FOR OPEN EXPERIMENTATION PROJECT OVERVIEW Nikos Makris, University of Thessaly (UTH) Contract number: 612050 Starting date: 1/1/2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLEX - FIRE LTE TESTBEDS FOR OPEN EXPERIMENTATION PROJECT OVERVIEW Nikos Makris, University of Thessaly (UTH) Contract number: 612050 Starting date: 1/1/2014 Duration: 36 months Total Budget: 6.618.456 EC Funding: 3.799.295 Project Coordinator: Prof. Leandros Tassiulas (University of Thessaly)

2 FLEX objectives FLEX project, Brussels, 30/1/2014 2 FLEX project Extend FIRE’s resource pool with LTE resources Integrate the extensions with existing FIRE facilities and technologies Open for experimenters, researchers Organization of FLEX Open Calls. Build mobility functionalities Expose the maximum possible flexibility in configuring the commercial components

3 FLEX project  FLEX: FIRE LTE testbeds for open experimentation  Grant Agreement: 612050  Call Identifier: FP7-ICT-2013-10  Duration: 36 Months (Starting from Jan 2014) 3 UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY FLEX project, Brussels, 30/1/2014

4 FLEX contribution  Develop operational LTE testbeds using two approaches:  Setup 1: Based on commercial equipment Provided by the industrial partners of the project  Setup 2: Open Source components Developed by Eurecom  LTE software and hardware will be fully integrated to the control and management framework of the testbeds.  Monitoring, RF emulation and mobility (controlled, uncontrolled and emulated) frameworks will be developed.  Organization of two Open Calls for experimentation with the facilities. 4 FLEX project, Brussels, 30/1/2014

5 Testbed extensions 5 FLEX project, Brussels, 30/1/2014

6 Expected Impact  Cost efficient experimentation with LTE resources, combined with existing heterogeneous equipment.  Interaction of the end user with the real 4G world.  Obtain user feedback through advanced quality of experience monitoring techniques fully integrated in real scenarios.  Experimental evaluation of new protocols and ideas paving the way for 5G era.  Broader use of the FIRE Facilities. 6 FLEX project, Brussels, 30/1/2014

7 Thank you!

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