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Center for Architectures for Data-driven Information Processing.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Architectures for Data-driven Information Processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Architectures for Data-driven Information Processing

2 CADIP Overview Three focus areas –Software Agents –Information Storage and Retrieval –Information Visualization Emphasis on fundamental results as well as practical, scaleable applications

3 Area 1: Software Agents Software Agents are a promising technology for distributed, scaleable systems Models, protocols, and languages for communication between agents are being investigated Projects: AutoPilot (UMKC), Jackal(UMBC), Monitor Agents(Bowie), Prog Langs (UWM) ask-all advertisesubscribe tell recommend register

4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Server Data Service Data Service Server Data Service Data Service A A Distributed and Scaleable Systems Specialized agents may be needed –to handle specific protocols –to interface with legacy systems –to monitor system operation

5 Area 2: Information Retrieval, Storage, and Management Important questions: –Merging results from queries over different corpora or media types –Detecting features or topics of interest –Generation of metadata –Options for storing massive amounts of data Projects: Telltale, RAMA; plus SVD, multimedia, ontologies

6 Area 3: Information Visualization Perceptual Cues –texture, color, spin,... Multiple Dimensions –map higher-dimensional spaces down to understandable levels Dynamic Information Spaces –navigation and analysis of large sets of documents Projects: SFA (Regina and UMBC)

7 SFA: Visualizing a Document Space Five dimensions: x, y, z, color, and shape Axes derived from sample documents 3-d mouse is used to select document(s) of interest, displayed in a separate text window

8 Our Experience So Far To address questions of scale, it is better to have a family of programs based on a powerful API –We now have several “Telltale-like” systems Interacting with several other systems – Telltale, RAMA and SFA need to work with each other, and with CARROT, SVDPACK, MATLAB, SMART, SGML parsers, etc.

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