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SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 1 Main Planning Conference (MPC) 2-5 April 2014 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs LTC Krešimir LokasCOL Valentin Tzvetanov.

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Presentation on theme: "SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 1 Main Planning Conference (MPC) 2-5 April 2014 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs LTC Krešimir LokasCOL Valentin Tzvetanov."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 1 Main Planning Conference (MPC) 2-5 April 2014 Zagreb, Croatia Co-Chairs LTC Krešimir LokasCOL Valentin Tzvetanov

2 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 2  SEESIM 14 is the 7th in a series of Crisis Response Exercises under the SEDM umbrella  It is hosted by Croatia, Co-chaired by Bulgaria with the United States as a Support Nation  Exercise promotes the coordinated, rapid, interagency response of SEDM nations to real world threats, both natural and man-made, to our individual and collective security Overview

3 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 3 SEESIM 14 Training Objectives Promote national and international / regional preparedness and cooperation between civil and military emergency planning officials from relevant Government and Nongovernment Organizations (Training Audience) in an effort to mitigate effects of terrorist activities, transnational threats or natural disasters; increase national capabilities to respond to such events or activities Specific National Training Objectives are developed by the individual countries in accordance with the approved Broad Scenario


5 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 5 International Organizations Invitation sent out on 21 February 2014 to: NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) European Police (EUROPOL) Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) – (Former EUMIC) International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRCC) International Police (INTERPOL) United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (UNOCHA) World Health Organization (WHO)   

6 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 6 30 th SEDM CC Meeting, 20 March 2014  Zagreb presented an overview of activities connected to SEESIM 14 exercise and a way ahead. It was noted that interest for participation is constantly declining, but it was also noted that participants SEESIM 14 remained committed to exercise success  Sofia informed about the implementation of already planned activities within the agreed upon planning process. The added value of this regional initiative was highlighted along with the importance of the collaboration among the institutions and organizations involved in it

7 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 7 30 th SEDM CC Meeting, 20 March 2014  Washington assured the member nations that it would continue to fully support SEESIM 14 through completion. It also informed the member nations that it would no longer support the SEESIM series after 2014

8 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 8 EOC EXCON Main Exercise Director EXCON Director Operations Control Scenario Manager AAR Manager Information Manager Remote Site EXCON Forward Site Manager MEL/MIL Tracker JCATS Operator AAR Analyst Role Players International Response Cell (Role Players) Other EOCs MEL/MIL Injects JCATS Information Messages & Coordination Messages & Coordination Information RFIs Guidance RFIs TRAINING AUDIENCE Coordination SEESIM 14 Exercise Design National Response Cell Liaison Officer MEL/MIL Tracker JCATS Operator

9 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 9 SEESIM 14 Timeline JanFebMarAprMayJun Bilateral 19-21 Croatia JulAugSepOctNovDec ESC 24-27 Croatia JanFebMarAprMayJun MPC 2-5 Croatia JulAugSepOctNovDec Execution 23-26 Croatia FCC 3-5 Croatia Setup/Trg 1-19 Croatia 2013 2014 IPC 21-24 Croatia

10 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 10 Training Seminars, Workshops Jan FebMar 2014 IBC = International Border Crossing EPC = Exercise Planners Course CMC = Crisis Management Course SepAugJul Jun MayApr EPC 31-1 IBC 24-28 IBC 28-31 CMC 26-27

11 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 11 MONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930 EXCON Main Training Execution DV Day Final Setup and Testing Opening SM & AAR Training AAR Closing SEESIM 14 Execution Schedule (Sep 14) Travel Comms Hot (All sites) EXCON Main Travels to Croatia EXCON Main Travels Home End-to-End Test

12 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 12 Zagreb, January 2014 CAF GS, Command Operations Centre SEESIM 14 Planning Web Portal


14 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 14 JCATS Terrain Share SEESIM 14 IPC Official Minutes 5.19 Topic: Sharing of national GEO data 5.19.2 Action: Request that Steering Group representatives of all participating nations provide approval for sharing their geodata by the start of the MPC. JCATS Server BUCHAREST (with JCATS terrain database) JCATS Server ZAGREB (with JCATS terrain database) JCATS DATA JCATS Server TIRANE (with JCATS terrain data base) JCATS Server SOFIA (with JCATS terrain database)

15 SEESIM 14 UNCLASSIFIED 15  Host Nation’s (HN) Defence budget has been rebalanced since IPC  SEESIM 14 budget has been reduced  Consequently, the HN could not support the Ice breaker (Welcome Reception)  However, the Exercise will not be compromised Budget Rebalans


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