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Directions EMEA Community for Dynamics NAV partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions EMEA Community for Dynamics NAV partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions EMEA Community for Dynamics NAV partners

2 Connected InNAVation! Mannheim, Germany, October 5-7, 2015. Directions EMEA 2015

3 This horse is dead Frank Maier OctoCon AG

4 This horse is dead Who am I? Frank Maier CEO OctoCon AG 1995 Developer 1998 CEO OctoCon AG 2000 Trainer / Consultant 2005 Project manager 2008 Board member at Directions

5 This horse is dead Why a project will crash? The answer is simple: Time Budget Content A wrong magic triangle Time Budget Content

6 This horse is dead Time Budget Content The magic triangle

7 This horse is dead 4 Steps to reanimate

8 This horse is dead Step 1: Project Stop / Research (Find reasons for the crash)

9 Step 1 Project stop All activities should be stopped Exception: Support and all other activities which maintain the customer. (e.g. Bug fixing)

10 Step 1 To find out the reason the following questions have to be asked to any involved party at 1:1 meetings? Project stakeholder (Budget) Project organization chart Roles / Responsibilities (RACI Matrix) Project content? (Content) Project plan (Timeline) Actual project status

11 Step 1 To find out the reason the following questions have to be asked to any involved party at 1:1 meetings? Contractual situation IP rights Project targets of the near future Project processes (e.g. CR’s / support / QA…) Identified risks Why the project has failed? What should be changed?

12 Step 1 And the final question: Is there a chance to continue? This should be the last question. Why? Result: Status from every party

13 This horse is dead Step 2: Common project view

14 Step 2 (Notice: Still no decision if project is going on.) 1:1 meeting with every involved party to discuss / confront the party with the result of interviewing other party / parties Result: Common agreed status document Side comment: If this step will fail, the only solution is to end the project

15 This horse is dead …ehh WAIT! Step 3: Common agreement

16 Step 3 The magic of the special momentum

17 Step 3 Notice: This is a very special situation which normally last only a few days. Preparation of a steering committee meeting Steering Committee Meeting – Participants: All involved parties Decision base: Result of the common agreement. All requirements for a successful re-project start have to be confirmed / committed in the S/C meeting.

18 Step 3 Content of the Steering Committee decision Rough Timeline with milestones Complete Budget Rough content Rough Project Organization Rough RACI Matrix IP-Rights Risks Common commitment

19 No wait, I hear something…. Step 4: Re-Setup

20 Step 4 Based on the S/C decision: Contracts Detailed project plan Detailed RACI Matrix Detailed content description Risk management Escalation procedures Processes ………….

21 Step 4 Finally:

22 Comments Not all projects can be restarted Project manager skills: – Independency – Honesty – Confidence – Self-Confidence

23 This horse is alive Thank you

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