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 1- Definition  2- CRM  3- Analytics  4- Tools.

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2  1- Definition  2- CRM  3- Analytics  4- Tools

3 CRM Solutions come with many features and tools and it's important for a company to choose a product based on their specific organizational needs. Most vendors will present information on their respective websites:

4 These are what the product actually does and what value it can provide to an organization Support Many CRM vendors have a basic level of support which generally only includes email and/or access to a support forum. Telephone support is often charged in either an annual or ad hoc pricing strategy. Some companies offer on-site support for an extra premium Pricing This will be shown either per-user or as a flat price for a number of users. Vendors charge annually, quarterly, or monthly with variable pricing options for different features.

5 . Relationship management is a customer- oriented feature with service response based on customer input, one-to-one solutions to customers’ requirements, direct onlinecustomer- oriented  communications with customer and customer service centers that help customers solve their issues. . Relationship management is a customer- oriented feature with service response based on customer input, one-to-one solutions to customers’ requirements, direct onlinecustomer- oriented  communications with customer and customer service centers that help customers solve their issues.

6  Marketing and Customer Service [edit]edit  Customer relationship management systems track and measure marketing campaigns over multiple networks. These systems can track customer analysis by customer clicks and sales. Places where CRM is used include call centers, social media, direct mail, data storage files, banks, and customer data queries.

7 b) HTML Customization Most of the HTML files are customizable. You can modify HTML files to adjust the page layout, manipulate functionalities, and edit page content c) Additional Custom Fields Tech helpdesk comes with built-in custom fields of each type (text, notes, integer, list, date), which can be used for your own purposes. For example, you can use a custom date field, directly from within the request submission form, to let your end users specify a preferred time for maintenance. d) Customizable Lists (views, filters, columns) All lists (service records, users, assets, etc.) are customizable. Each customization can be saved as a separate view. You can create as many views as you need for various purposes. For each view you can:  Decide which fields (columns) are visible in the list  Control their order  Define filters  Sort the list by any column

8 e) Customizable Forms (tabs, fields) Most entities in tech helpdesk have many properties (fields). Some properties may be useful for one organization and irrelevant for another. Because of this, all forms in Tech helpdesk (service records, users, assets, etc.) are customizable. For each form, you can:  Create tabs, as many as you need  Decide which fields are visible in each tab  Control the order of the fields  Mark fields as mandatory or read-only  Set the default value, if necessary

9  CRM in customer contact centers  CRM systems are customer relationship management platforms. The goal of the system is to track, record, store in databases, and then data mine the information in a way that increases customer relations (predominantly increased ARPU, and decreased churn). The CRM codifies the interactions between you and your customers so that you can maximize sales and profit using analytics and KPIs to give the users as much information on where to focus their marketing and customer service to maximize revenue and decrease idle and unproductive contact with your customers. The contact channels (now aiming to be omni- channel from multi-channel) use such operational methods as contact centers. The CRM software is installed in the contact centers, and help direct customers to the right agent or self-empowered knowledge. CRM software can also be used to identify and reward loyal customers over a period of time.ARPUchurnKPIscontact centers  Growing in popularity is the idea of gamifying customer service environments. The repetitive and tedious act of answering support calls all day can be draining, even for the most enthusiastic customer service representative. When agents are bored with their work, they become less engaged and less motivated to do their jobs well. They are also prone to making mistakes. Gamification tools can motivate agents by tapping into their visceral need for reward, status, achievement, and competitionGamification

10  The modern environment requires one business to interact with another via the web. According to a Sweeney Group definition, CRM is “all the tools, technologies and procedures to manage, improve, or facilitate sales, support and related interactions with customers, prospects, and business partners throughout the enterprise”. [ It assumes that CRM is involved in every B2B transaction.B2B  Despite the general notion that CRM systems were created for the customer-centric businesses, they can also be applied to B2B environments to streamline and improve customer management conditions. B2C and B2B CRM systems are not created equally and different CRM software applies to B2B and Business-to-Customer (B2C) conditions. B2B relationships usually have longer maturity times than B2C relationships. For the best level of CRM operation in a B2B environment, the software must be personalized and delivered at individual levelsB2Cpersonalized

11  Implementing CRM to the company  The following are general guidelines on implementing a CRM system.  Make a strategic decision on what problems you want your CRM system to address, what improvements or changes it should bring in the business processes of the organization.  Choose an appropriate project manager. Typically IT will be engaged, however a manager with a customer service/sales and marketing business focus should be involved, as the impact of the project will be mainly on the business side.  Ensure executive sponsorship and top management support.  Empower team members with the required authority to complete the tasks.  Select the correct implementation partner. They must have both vertical and horizontal business knowledge, as well as technical expertise.  Define KPI's that will measure the project's success

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