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A Raisin in The Sun Introduction Regents English Prep Online.

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1 A Raisin in The Sun Introduction Regents English Prep Online

2 The Author- Lorraine Hansberry (May 19, 1930– January 12, 1965) Note: She died young of pancreatic cancer at just 34 yrs old. She grew up in Southside Chicago as the youngest of four children. Her parents were activists. She moved to New York to pursue writing career. Wrote the first drama written by an African American woman and produced on Broadway, age 29. Raisin in the Sun is by far her best known work.

3 HANSBERRY V. LEE In 1937, businessman Carl Hansberry, Lorraine's father, defied the local property association by purchasing a home in a white neighborhood. After losing in state court, the case was brought to the US Supreme Court. In a crucial decision in segregation, the US Supreme Court, on November 13, 1940, ruled in Hansberry v. Lee that whites cannot bar African Americans from white neighborhoods. The decision focused on the legal technicalities, instead of the segregation issue. Though victors in the Supreme Court, Hansberry's family was subjected to what Hansberry would later describe as a "hellishly hostile white neighborhood."

4 A Raisin in the Sun Debuted in 1959, prior to the Civil Rights Movement Received the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award for Best Play of the Year (Hansberry was the youngest, 5 th woman and only black playwright at the time to win the reward.) According to James Baldwin (African American writer/phiolsopher), the play received such acclaim from the African American community because "'never before in American theater history has so much of the truth of black people's lives been seen on stage'"

5 Overview of the Play The play is essentially about dreams, taking it’s title from the Langston Hughes poem “ Harlem” Each member of the household has a separate dream. As the play develops, tensions rise as each family member comes in to conflict with each other as the limited resources of the family cannot support all of the family members dreams.

6 Setting Southside Chicago -1950’s Housing was a constant issue, as the growing African American population was crammed in to a small part of the city known as the “black belt” of the Southside. Landlords took advantage by chopping up apartment buildings and cramming more people in to each building. Crime rates increased, quarrels over shared kitchens and bathrooms caused tremendous strain. African-Americans had traditionally been “last to be hired, first to be fired” after World War II resulting in unstable incomes and more poverty.

7 Themes Segregation/Poverty The character of Mr. Lindner is a reminder of the kind cruelty of segregation. He represents the homeowners association of the predominantly white neighborhood where the Younger’s are planning to move. The Value and Purpose of Dreams Each character consistently is struggling against the very limited financial resources of the family to achieve their dreams. Although their ambition drives them. It is also a source of anxiety and depression as it becomes apparent each family member may not achieve their dream. Family Although the different members are in conflict with each other throughout the play, they also express love for each other throughout the play.

8 Walter Walter is both the major protagonist of the play, but also acts as an antagonist at times as he is often angry and quick to temper. Walter (and his frustrations) represents the struggle of the common African-American man to provide financially for his family with limited opportunities. Initially he struggles to see the value of other family members ability to contribute to the advancement of the family. His dream is to own a liquor store.

9 Mama Walter and Beneatha’s mother and head of the household. She demands each member to respect themselves and to take pride in their dreams. Represents some Christian and traditional ideals. Her dream is to own a house with a garden.

10 Beneatha Beneatha challenges both racial and gender stereotypes and prejudices. She is dating two men who seem to represent the split identity of African-Americans. She is most cheerful with her Nigerian boyfriend Joseph Asagai. George seems more interested in assimilating in to American culture, while Joseph allows and encourages Beneatha to rediscover her African heritage. Her dream of becoming a doctor signals her ambition and her desire to be independent.

11 Ruth Ruth, married to Walter, is a housewife and represents some of the stereotypical images of 1950’s women. She works in more wealthy white homes to help deal with the financial difficulties of the family. Ruth supports her husband but is up to countering him when he gets out of the line. Her pregnancy illustrates the financial stress of the family as she considers an abortion.

12 Title Poem Harlem By Langston Hughes 1902–1967 Langston HughesLangston Hughes What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?

13 Enjoy the Play!

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