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Solid Domestic Waste. SDW Solid domestic waste Produced by households Both organic and inorganic materials LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW.

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Presentation on theme: "Solid Domestic Waste. SDW Solid domestic waste Produced by households Both organic and inorganic materials LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solid Domestic Waste

2 SDW Solid domestic waste Produced by households Both organic and inorganic materials LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

3 Type of SDW Paper Glass Metal Plastics Textiles Paint Old batteries Organic waste (kitchen or garden) Packaging LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

4 Compare MEDc’ and LEDC’s SDW Population growth Living standards Spending power E-waste LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

5 Management strategies 3 R’s Landfill Incineration Composting LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

6 Reduce Produce less LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

7 Recycling Collect Separate Process Cost of raw materials vs cost of recycling Example: 5% energy to recycle aluminium than to mine bauxite LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

8 Reuse Glass Reduce reuse recycle Birmingham City Council LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

9 Landfill Initial cost cheap Waste buried Avoid highly populated areas, aquifers and water courses Special plastic liner prevents leachate Methane collected and used Soil cover LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW


11 Incinerators High temp - 2000°C Remove incombustible waste Waste to energy incineration – generates steam Plants expensive Pollutants produce LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

12 Composting Organic waste Anaerobic digesters or heaps Methane – fuel Waste – fertilizer or soil conditioners LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

13 Case Study 1 - Nairobi 11/sep/12/kenya-pipeline-fire-nairobi-slum- video 11/sep/12/kenya-pipeline-fire-nairobi-slum- video LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

14 Case Study 2 - Indonesia 011/sep/28/indonesia-landfill-mountain- scavengers-in-pictures?intcmp=239 011/sep/28/indonesia-landfill-mountain- scavengers-in-pictures?intcmp=239 LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

15 Case Study 3 - Hungary LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW europe-11481740

16 Case Study 4 – New Zealand canada-15230944 canada-15230944 deo/2011/oct/12/rena-oil-spill-new-zealand- video?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3486 deo/2011/oct/12/rena-oil-spill-new-zealand- video?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3486 LO: Describe and Evaluate strategies for SDW

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