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Good day t’ those that methink'st art a general offence and every man should beat thee. Act II, scene iii …. Some new characters.

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Presentation on theme: "Good day t’ those that methink'st art a general offence and every man should beat thee. Act II, scene iii …. Some new characters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good day t’ those that methink'st art a general offence and every man should beat thee. Act II, scene iii …. Some new characters

2 Do Now Would you help your best friend “sneak around” in order for them to date someone their parents did not approve of? Why or why not?

3 Information Act II will move quickly Act II will move quickly - stay caught up on the study guide - use complete answers, summaries of the scenes - Test end of the week Vocabulary test Vocabulary test - Tuesday next week I feel a R and J quiz coming I feel a R and J quiz coming - very soon…

4 All Shakespearean Sonnets… Have 14 lines (verses) Have 14 lines (verses) Contain… Contain… - 3 quatrains - 1 couplet THIS WILL BE ON THE FINAL!!!

5 Sparse – (adj.) meager, scattered, scant Synonyms – thin, scarce, few Antonyms – abundant, profuse, plentiful

6 Sterling – (adj.) genuine, excellent; made of silver Synonyms – worthy, pure, outstanding Antonyms – mediocre, shoddy, second-rate

7 Venture – (n.) a risky or daring undertaking; to dare, expose to danger Synonyms – (n.) gamble; (v.) try, chance Antonyms – (v.) withdraw, retire, shrink

8 Warp – (v.) to twist out of shape; (n.) an abnormality Synonyms – (v.) bend; (n.) irregularity Antonyms – (v.) straighten, unbend, rectify

9 Do Now Would you help your best friend “sneak around” in order for them to date someone their parents did not approve of? Why or why not?

10 Act II, sc. iii Friar Lawrence Friar Lawrence - holy man and “medicine man” Questions Romeo Questions Romeo Romeo asks him to marry Juliet and him Romeo asks him to marry Juliet and him Friar Lawrence thinks it will unite the families Friar Lawrence thinks it will unite the families



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