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Garrett County Chamber HR Round Table April 6, 2016.

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1 Garrett County Chamber HR Round Table April 6, 2016

2  Less Hierarchical and bureaucratic then larger businesses  Employees often have the chance to try new things, challenge themselves and pick up new skills  Employees can often see the impact of their job first hand and can give the employee a greater sense of pride in their work  Employees in a small company can have their voice/ideas heard  Employees can receive immediate feedback from management  Employees can move up quickly

3  Know exactly what you are looking for in a candidate for the position  Do an analysis of the job requirements  Know what you have to offer a candidate as an employer  Clearly communicate this information to the potential hires

4  Heading  Summary of the job  Qualifications  Any special demands  Job duties and responsibilities  Best practices

5  Date  Job title  Pay grade or pay range  Exempt or non exempt status  Reporting relationship  Hours or shifts - likelihood of overtime or weekend work

6  List of general responsibilities and key tasks  Relationship with the customer, coworkers, and others and the results expected of the employee

7  Education  Experience  Training  Technical skills  Any special demands

8  The first task listed should be the most important or time consuming  Other duties as assigned  Company reserves the right to change the job duties at any time

9  SBA. gov    Google the job title and look at other companies job descriptions for the same type of job

10  Referrals  Networking  Newspapers  College grads  Tech school grads  Facebook  Job boards – Indeed, Monster, Career Builder, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Simply Hire  Craig's list  Company website  Maryland job board  Twitter  Specialized job boards for certain positions

11  This is your sales pitch to potential employees  It should be shorter than your job description  It should sell the job as well as the company  It should tell a candidate how to apply for the position


13  Include an equal opportunity statement to demonstrate that you do not discriminate on the basis of any characteristics protected by law. Equal Opportunity Employer of women, minorities, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.

14 Why is important?

15  The job application is a legally defensible listing of your job applicant’s employment history, educational background, degrees, qualifications, references and more.  It is a listing of questions that require factual responses.  The job application allows the employer to collect the potential employee’s signature verifying that all statements on the application are true.

16 Screening Process  Start with your job description – do they meet the educational qualification, work experience and job- specific skill sets  Doing a short phone interview can help in the screening process

17  There are several different types of interviews: ◦ Telephone interviews ◦ Group interviews ◦ Panel interviews ◦ Individual interviews

18  Make sure you set aside enough time in your schedule for the interviews  Be on time  Only do 3-4 interviews in any given day  Give the candidate a copy of the job description  Prepare a list of questions  Ask the same questions in each interview  Take notes  Once you completed your questions – ask if the candidate has any questions  Wrap up the interview  Debrief with the other people involved in the interview

19  Why should we hire you?  What are your strengths and weaknesses?  What’s your story?  What things do you not like to do?  What motivates you to come to work everyday?  Do you prefer to work alone or with a team?  Why do you want to join our company?

20  The interviewer should only do about 20% of the talking while the interviewee should do about 80% of the talking

21  How old are you? When did you graduate from high school?  What is your nationality/race/religion?  Are you married/single/dating?  Do you own your own home?  Do you have children, or for women, are you pregnant?  What is your sexual preference?  What are your political affiliations?  Do you have a disability?  What is your weight?  Have you ever filed a workers’ compensation claim?  Have your wages ever been garnished or have you ever declared bankruptcy?  Have you ever been a member of a union?  What type of discharge did you receive from the military?

22  2 nd interview  Make an offer ( verbal or written)  Check references  Background checks ◦ Criminal checks ◦ Credit checks ◦ Driver’s license checks ◦ Drug testing

23  Negligent Hiring Is a claim made by an injured party against an employer based on the theory that the employer knew or should have known about an employee’s background which, if known, indicates a dangerous or untrustworthy character.

24  Advantage of working for a small business  Analyze the job requirements  Write a job description  Post your position  Job application  Interviewing  Making an offer  Checking references/background checks

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