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Interoperability of Data and Knowledge in Healthcare Systems

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1 Interoperability of Data and Knowledge in Healthcare Systems
A CAS-747 presentation by: Reza Sherafat March 28, 2006 Dept. Computing and Software McMaster University CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering

2 CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006
Agenda Current trends in Healthcare Clinical decision support systems Data Interoperability problem Data mining results as the source of knowledge Knowledge interoperability Integration of data mining results with clinical guidelines (plus some case studies) Conclusion References CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

3 Current trends in Healthcare
The Healthcare professionals are overwhelmed with information. Preventable medical errors cause thousands of deaths each year and loss of billions of dollars. Healthcare information systems are deployed for various purposes, telemedicine, patient care, Electronic Health Records and decision support. A good start by many standards organizations to define and maintain healthcare standards. HL-7 (most popular healthcare data standard) In the Ontario provincial government has spent a total of $28.1 billion in Healthcare services [20] this reaches $142 billion throughout Canada [4]. CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

4 Clinical decision support systems (CDSS)
Effectiveness of clinical decision support systems (a question to be answered) Even a recommendation system should NOT to flood the practitioner with so many [irrelevant] cases and also should NOT ignore possible important cases. Many different approaches to provide decision making support. We focus on guideline-based CDSS that try to support “clinical best practices” at the point of care decision making. Arden Syntax by HL-7 Guideline Interchange Format (GLIF) CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Arden Syntax The idea behind Arden Syntax is to have a simple, yet powerful enough procedural language that can encode the necessary logic for deciding upon a single problem. Decision making knowledge is encoded as IF-THEN rules in separate Medical Logic Modules (MLM). Each module is responsible for making a single decision and is run on an engine that can access the EHR systems. Based on the result of evaluation of the rules an action (an alert or reminder) is taken. A library of modules Modules have data sections that should be mapped to institution specific data repositories; the rest of the module is already ready to use. CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Arden Syntax (Cont’d) knowledge: type: data_driven;; data: last_creat := read last {"Creatinine level"}; last_BUN := read last {"BUN level"}; ;; evoke: ct_contrast_order;; logic: if last_creat is null and last_BUN is null then alert_text := "No recent serum creatinine available. Consider patient's kidney function before ordering contrast studies."; conclude true; elseif last_creat > 1.5 or last_BUN > 30 then alert_text := "Consider impaired kidney function when ordering contrast studies for this patient." ; else conclude false; endif; action: write alert_text || "\nLast creatinine: "||last_creat||" on: "||time of last_creat|| "\nLast BUN: "||last_BUN||" on: "||time of last_BUN ; urgency: 50;; end: CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

7 Guideline Interchange Format (GLIF)
Three different types are models are mentioned: Guideline Models Data models Data mining models A guidelines specification standard Flowchart-like diagrams (Guideline Models) 3 levels of abstraction [3] : Conceptual modeling Computable level Implementation details CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

8 Conceptual Modeling (Level 1)
The conceptual models have simple building elements (steps): action step, patient state step, decision step, branch step and synchronization step It is easy to build and understand models Some steps may involve user interaction, access to a data source or triggering an event. CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

9 Second and third levels in GLIF
Computable level deals with encoding the decision making logic (expressions) Implementation level is concerned with how to map and bind the variable to local (institution specific) medical records. CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

10 Data Interoperability
The semantics of the communication The semantics convey the actual "meaning" of the message. The semantics is conveyed via a set of symbols contained within the communication. An external "dictionary", thesaurus, or terminology explains the meaning of the symbols as they occur. A syntax for communication The syntax defines the structure and layout of the communication. Common syntax representations include ASN.1, XML, X.12, HL7, IDL, etc. Services to accomplish the communication Examples include the post office, a telephone switchboard, SMTP, FTP, Telnet, RPC, ORB services, etc. A channel to carry the communication Examples of channels include written documents, telephones, network connections, satellite links, etc. Source: [7] CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

11 Data Interoperability (Cont’d)
Three different types are models are mentioned: Guideline Models Data models Data mining models THE KEY IDEA: Through standardization HL-7 has built a standard Reference Information Model (RIM) RIM is in the form of a large class diagram that model the healthcare domain. Some other XML based standards like Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) use RIM as their main data model. CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

12 Data Interoperability (Cont’d) RIM
Services Stake holder Organization Person Patient Clinical Observation CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

13 Data mining results as the source of knowledge
Three different types are models are mentioned: Guideline Models Data models Data mining models Data mining research has been active in building models that can describe or predict. Applications of data mining studies: Likelihood of coincidence of particular diseases Adverse drug usage Diagnosis Patient clustering based on risk factors Verification of known medical knowledge CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

14 Knowledge interoperability
THE KEY IDEA: Through standards Use standards for knowledge sharing and exchange The mined knowledge should be incorporated into the guideline model to be used for decision making at the decision steps. PMML: data mining knowledge is encoded using the PMML standard. GLIF3: Medical knowledge is encoded in guideline models CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

15 Framework for interoperability of mined knowledge
CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

16 Framework for interoperability of mined knowledge (Cont’d)
Three phases: Knowledge preparation Mining the patients data Interoperation To make both data and mined knowledge available at the point of care through use of standard Interpretation Access the knowledge base with the patient data that needs decision making CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

17 Integration of data mining results with clinical guidelines
Guideline Execution Guideline modeling Knowledge Extraction CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

18 Integration of data mining results with clinical guidelines (Cont’d)
Knowledge extraction Building data mining models on [usually] large data warehouses Guideline modeling Building guideline models PMML encoding Institution specific data bounding Guideline Execution Execution engine will follow the flow defined in the guideline model Accessing patient data from EMR systems Interact with the healthcare personnel Alert, recommend or remind CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

19 Integration of data mining results with clinical guidelines (Cont’d)
CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Implementation Extending Guideline Interchange Format3 (GLIF3) constructs To support the new functionality needed for the data mining models Guideline Execution Environment (GEE) To execute the guideline models, and access/interpret the data mining models Provision of the mined knowledge as webservices when the knowledge base is not available locally Very helpful for small devices; e.g. handheld computers CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Case study A decision tree classifier For melanoma skin cancer diagnosis [6] CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Case study (Cont’d) CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Guideline Execution Environment The guideline execution environment widget Guideline selection list Different flows within a guideline in execution CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Guideline’s Meta Model Data mining decision nodes as an ontology class Data mining decision nodes slots CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Guideline modeling Slot widget to specify the new attributes of a data mining decision node CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Conclusion We described: A knowledge management framework to for data mining results; The environment in which the framework can be deployed; How to integrate data mining results in clinical guidelines; How knowledge interoperability is achieved. CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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References Incorporating Data Mining Applications into Clinical Guidelines, R. Sherafat, K. Sartipi, The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2006 Data and Knowledge Interoperability in Distributed Healthcare Systems, R. Sherafat, K. Sartipi, The 13th Annual International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice, 2005 Guideline Interchange Format 3 (GLIF3), Health Level-7 (HL-7), Arden Syntax, Data Management Group (DMG), Rules for melanoma skin cancer diagnosis, Version 3 Intermediate Tutorial - Working the HL7 Version 3 Methodology, George W. Beeler, CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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Questions ? CAS 747: Software Architecture and Reverse Engineering Winter 2006

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