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INTRODUCTION Learning & Teaching Excellence Operational Definition Desired state How it contributes to UTM GLOBAL 2020.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION Learning & Teaching Excellence Operational Definition Desired state How it contributes to UTM GLOBAL 2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTION Learning & Teaching Excellence Operational Definition Desired state How it contributes to UTM GLOBAL 2020

2 LIST OF CHANGES 1.Name of KFA revised to Learning & Teaching Excellence 2.P8 : Excellent Service Delivery should be under Stakeholder Perspective 3.S1: Globally Marketable and outstanding graduates change to Holistic Entrepreneurial Graduates 4.P1:Continuous Academic Quality Improvement & P2: Up to date and Industry-Relevant Curriculum are combined to become = New Academia Curriculum Design & Delivery 5.P5 :GRADUATE FOCUSED UNIVERSITY should also be SO for;- 1.TNC HEM&A–Total Campus Experience 2.TNCP – Sustainable Campus, System ICT, Infrastructure, Community & Industry Linkages 3.TNCPI – Research, Innovation & commercialization excellence 4.REGISTRAR – High performance delivery 6.KAI P5.3: Percentage of GOT of PhD students to total PhD students changed to NUMBER OF GOT OF PHD STUDENTS

3 REVISED SO for LEARNING & TEACHING EXCELLENCE 1.S1: Globally Marketable and outstanding graduates S1: Holistic Entrepreneurial Graduates 2.S2: Generate opportunities for Life-Long Learning S2: Life-Long Learning for Professional Development 1.P1:Continuous Academic Quality Improvement & P2: Up to date and Industry-Relevant Curriculum P1: New Academia Curriculum Design & Delivery 1.P5: Graduate Focused University 2.P8: Excellent Service Delivery

4 ISSUES, GAP & CHALLENGES FOR S1 No clear understanding of what is meant by “entrepreneurial mindset” (EM) Existing curriculum does not adequately address EM Existing entrepreneurial ecosystem not effectively functional

5 Strategy or Strategic Objective (SO) Status (New,Improved, Retain,Deleted) Prog./ Project/ InitiativeKAI Statement or Operational Definition KAI TargetImplications – Finance, HR, Physical, Governance 201520162020 S1: Holistic Graduates With Entrepreneurial Mindset IMPROVED Globally Marketable and outstanding graduates Produce EM attributes guidebook Workable curriculum towards producing highly competent graduates with EM: - CO’s - Flexible delivery - Flexible assessment Enhance entrepreneurial ecosystem - Policy, rules & regulations - Integrated & functional sub- units - Well trained academic staff to instill the EM S1.1: Percentage of graduates employed at convocation time Curriculum review Review of L & T policies Review of academic rules and regulations New policies on training and professional development Review of organizational structure and function of existing business sub units (FACULTIES, UTM TEC, ICC, HEMA…) Adequate funding S1.2: Percentage of graduates employed 6 months after convocation time S.1.3: UTM Graduate Student Attributes (GSA) score measurement S1.4: UTM Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) Index S1.5: Number of students receiving awards at national and international level S1.6: Number of students graduated with multi-discipline S1.7: My3S

6 OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK KEY AMAL INDICATOR PENCAPAIAN* ISU, CABARAN, GAP CADANGAN STRATEGI** 20122013 2014 (JUN) S1: Holistic Entrepreneurial Graduates WHAT IS CSF FOR EVERY SO? S1.1: Percentage of graduates employed at convocation time --NA No clear understanding of what is meant by “entrepreneurial mindset” (EM) Existing curriculum does not adequately address EM: Existing entrepreneurial ecosystem not effectively functional 1.Curriculum Review 2.Revise job creation: industry offers the job & funding Crystal clear what is meant by “entrepreneurial mindset” (EM) Workable curriculum towards producing highly competent graduates with EM: - CO’s - Flexible delivery - Flexible assessment Entrepreneurial ecosystem - Policy, rules & regulations - Integrated & functional sub-units - Well trained academic staff to instill the EM S1.2: Percentage of graduates employed 6 months after convocation time 69 (85) 63 (75) S.1.3: UTM Graduate Student Attributes (GSA) score measurement S1.4: UTM Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) Index S1.5: Number of students receiving awards at national and international level 208 (100) 263 (250) 118 (150) S1.6: Number of students graduated with multi-discipline S1.7: My3S LAB 2 22 nd JULY 2014 Bidang Tumpuan Utama: Learning &Teaching Excellence

7 ISSUES, GAP & CHALLENGES FOR S2 Existing life-long learning focus on mass education Existing expertise of UTM staff are under optimized Rigid requirements and procedures from MQA

8 Strategy or Strategic Objective (SO) Status (New,Improved, Retain,Deleted) Prog./ Project/ InitiativeKAI Statement or Operational Definition KAI TargetImplications – Finance, HR, Physical, Governance 201520162020 S2: Life-Long Learning for Professional Development IMPROVED Generate opportunities for Life-Long Learning Consolidate existing professional development programs Create high-skilled professional programs Aggressive marketing initiative Better rewards and recognition for those involved in professional development program (PDP) S2.1: Number of industrial PhD students Consolidation and creation of new PDP S2.2: Number of part-time students S2.3: Number of off-shore students S2.4: Number of high- skilled PDP S2.5: Number of academic staff involved in conducting PDP outside UTM

9 OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK KEY AMAL INDICATOR PENCAPAIAN* ISU, CABARAN, GAP CADANGAN STRATEGI** 20122013 2014 (JUN) S2: Life-Long Learning for Professional Development (Programs for working professional for advancement of knowledge & professionalism) S2.1:Number of life-long learning programmes S2.1: Number of industrial PhD students 356 (10) 403 (400) Existing life-long learning focus on mass education Existing expertise of UTM staff are under optimized Rigid requirements and procedures from MQA Moving from mass education to high skill professional development program S2.2: Number of part-time students S2.3: Number of off-shore students S2.4: Number of high- skilled PDP S2.5: Number of academic staff involved in conducting PDP outside UTM Suggestions: 1.LI, Sabbatical, Post-Doc under LEARNING & GROWTH (L1) 2.CPD

10 ISSUES, GAP & CHALLENGES FOR P1 Lack of integration of industry input beyond the curriculum design Conventional learning materials Existing component of ecosystem does not support new academia  Infrastructure  Non conducive learning spaces  Resources i)Lecturers  Conventional mindset  Lack of NA competency ii) Inadequate funding  Academic tour  Honorarium for external expertise  Student projects iii) Learning & teaching resources  MOOC-based  Income generation  Academic rules & regulations does not support flexible learning

11 Strategy or Strategic Objective (SO) Status (New,Improved, Retain,Deleted) Prog./ Project/ InitiativeKAI Statement or Operational Definition KAI TargetImplications – Finance, HR, Physical, Governance 201520162020 P1: New Academia Curriculum Design & Delivery IMPROVED P1:Continuous Academic Quality Improvement & P2: Up to date and Industry- Relevant Curriculum Major curriculum review of all programs Review policy Open the full time courses for revenue generation P1.1: Number of academic programme initiated for international accreditation P1.2: Number of program review involving industrial panel P1.3: Number of professional involve in the teaching delivery P1.4: Number of courses involving professional P1.5: Number of courses that addresses entrepreneurial learning outcome in a program P1.6: Number of courses that addresses professional ethics P1.7: Number of courses utiising new academia learning modes (pedagogy & androgogy) P1.8 : Number of courses utilising new academia learning material P1.9: Number of PhD co- supervisors from industry P1.10: Percentage of PhD students undergoing internship program

12 OBJEKTIF STRATEGIKKEY AMAL INDICATOR PENCAPAIAN* ISU, CABARAN, GAPCADANGAN STRATEGI** 20122013 2014 (JUN) P1: New Academia (NA) Curriculum Design & Delivery (COURSES = UG & PG) P1.1: Number of academic programme initiated for international accreditation Lack of integration of industry input beyond the curriculum design Non-integrated & functional sub- units Conventional learning materials Existing component of ecosystem does not support new academia i) Infrastructure ii) Non conducive learning spaces iii) Resources Lecturers a.Conventional mindset b.Lack of NA competency Inadequate funding a.Academic tour b.Honorarium for external expertise c.Student projects Learning & teaching resources a.MOOC-based b.Income generation iv) Academic rules & regulations does not support flexible learning P2.1:Percentage of academic programmes with industry advisory panel P1.2: Number of program review involving industrial panel P1.3: Number of professional involve in the teaching delivery P1.4: Number of courses involving professional P1.5: Number of courses that addresses entrepreneurial learning outcome in a program P1.6: Number of courses that addresses professional ethics P1.7: Number of courses utilising new academia learning modes (pedagogy & andragogy) P1.8 : Number of courses utilising new academia learning material P1.9: Number of PhD co-supervisors from industry P1.10: Percentage of PhD students undergoing internship program

13 ISSUES, GAP & CHALLENGES FOR P5 Infrastructure (labs, facilities) does not support graduate focused University Lack of local demand for PG graduates Rigid requirements and procedures from MQA Rely totally on physical Complete centralization of all labs, ignoring the diversity of faculty lab requirement : faculty has no control on lab management Finance Human resource

14 Strategy or Strategic Objective (SO) Status (New,Improved, Retain,Deleted) Prog./ Project/ Initiative KAI Statement or Operational Definition KAI TargetImplications – Finance, HR, Physical, Governance 201520162020 P5: Graduate- Focused University RETAINED Promote executive master programs Virtual University P5.1: Percentage of postgraduate to total students (enrolment) New way of conducting PhD programs Improvement of research lab P5.2: Percentage of PhD students to total PG students P5.3: Percentage of GOT of PhD students to total PhD students P5.4: Number of PhD graduated in the year P5.5: Number of UG programs integrated with PG P5.6: Number of industrial PhD MOU

15 OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK KEY AMAL INDICATOR PENCAPAIAN* ISU, CABARAN, GAP CADANGAN STRATEGI** 20122013 2014 (JUN) P5: Graduate- Focused University P5.1: Percentage of postgraduate to total students (enrolment) Infrastructure (labs, facilities) does not support graduate focused University Lack of local demand for PG graduates Rigid requirements and procedures from MQA Rely totally on physical Complete centralization of all labs, ignoring the diversity of faculty lab requirement : faculty has no control on lab management – finance & human resource Promote executive master programs Virtual university P5.2: Percentage of PhD students to total PG students P5.3: Percentage of GOT of PhD students to total PhD students P5.4: Number of PhD graduated in the year P5.5: Number of UG programs integrated with PG P5.6: Number of industrial PhD MOU


17 Strategy or Strategic Objective (SO) Status (New,Improved, Retain,Deleted) Prog./ Project/ Initiative KAI Statement or Operational Definition KAI TargetImplications – Finance, HR, Physical, Governance 201520162020 P8: Excellent Service Delivery RETAINED P8.1:Customer Satisfaction Index P8.2: Number of impact based measurement of academic service delivery (e-ppp, SKPG, exit survey) for; i)Lecturers ii)Student: 80% iii)Staff: TOP 20 iv)Stakeholders

18 OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK KEY AMAL INDICATOR PENCAPAIAN* ISU, CABARAN, GAP CADANGAN STRATEGI** 20122013 2014 (JUN) P8: Excellent Service Delivery P8.1:Customer Satisfaction Index P8.2: Number of impact based measurement of academic service delivery (e-ppp, SKPG, exit survey) for; i)Lecturers ii)Student: 80% iii)Staff: TOP 20 iv)Stakeholders

19 RUMUSAN Perlu dilihat semula semua SO, KPI & OD di bawah Teaching & Learning Excellence, terutama sekali SO yang berkaitan dengan kumpulan-kumpulan taskforce yang lain.

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