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Transitions for young people with autism and learning disabilities A National Picture James Fletcher Director ARC Scotland.

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Presentation on theme: "Transitions for young people with autism and learning disabilities A National Picture James Fletcher Director ARC Scotland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transitions for young people with autism and learning disabilities A National Picture James Fletcher Director ARC Scotland

2 Aims Update you on work happening nationally to improve transitions Scottish Transitions Forum Scottish Strategy for Autism Work Group 2 (Transitions) Propose actions that can be taken to improve transitions Encourage you to get involved to help make them happen

3 ✔ Ages 14 to 25 years ✔ Part of growing up, not a single event ✔ Is about achieving potential in all aspects of life ✔ Includes all young people with autism and learning disabilities ✔ Ages 14 to 25 years ✔ Part of growing up, not a single event ✔ Is about achieving potential in all aspects of life ✔ Includes all young people with autism and learning disabilities What we mean by Transition

4 “We have been having this conversation for 30 years” Heard it before?

5 Accountability Who is responsible for transitions? Locally Nationally



8 Written in consultation with members of the Scottish Transitions Forum Delivers ‘good practice transitions guidance’ called for in Scottish Strategy for Autism Included in Keys to Life implementation framework Widely endorsed across different professional sectors Third version to be published July 2016 Written in consultation with members of the Scottish Transitions Forum Delivers ‘good practice transitions guidance’ called for in Scottish Strategy for Autism Included in Keys to Life implementation framework Widely endorsed across different professional sectors Third version to be published July 2016 Principles of Good Transitions 2

9 1 Plans and assessments should be made in a person centred way. 2 Support needs to be coordinated between all Services. 3 Planning needs to start early and continue up to age 25. 4 All young people should get the support they need. 5 Young people, parents and carers must have access to the information they need. 6 Families and carers need support. 7 Legislation and policy should be coordinated and simplified.

10 Scottish Strategy for Autism. Recommendation 18 (2011): It is recommended that good practice transitions guidance is developed Whole life journey: by 5 years: Access to appropriate transition planning across the lifespan Priorities 2015/17: Active citizenship: People with autism are able to participate in all aspects of society by successfully transitioning from school into meaningful educational or employment opportunities.

11 Films Anyone can be a super-hero: Scotts’ transition from School to college Transitions are a family concern: Film Anyone can be a super hero: Scott's experience of Transition superhero-an-experience-of-a-young-mans-transition-from- school-to-college/

12 Scottish Strategy for Autism Work Group 2- Transitions Digging Deeper Consultation with over 200 young people, carers and professionals in: Angus Argyll and Bute Pan-Ayrshire Dumfries and Galloway Highlands and Islands (Inverness and Wick) Perth and Kinross Scottish Borders Stirling and Clackmanannshire.

13 Digging Deeper Good Practice Examples Peer support amongst parents Transitions teams Local Transitions networks and forums Person centred planning- the ‘Big Plan’ Exceptional staff Work placements Transition open days One Stop Shops

14 Films Anyone can be a super-hero: Scotts’ transition from School to college Transitions are a family concern: Scottish Strategy for Autism Transitions Work Group. Achievements 2015/16 (summary) ✔ Organised ‘Digging Deeper’ consultation events across Scotland and published report ✔ Worked with national Coordination project to deliver Autism Strategy Lead Officers Collaborative event ✔ Produced ‘flow chart’ of transitions legislation ✔ Assisted with delivery of annual Autism Strategy National Conference themed ‘Transitions and Employment’ ✔ Raised awareness of transitions in different Government policy teams

15 Scottish Strategy for Autism Transitions Work Group- Next Steps (summary) Establish a clearer picture of the numbers of young people with autism who are receiving post-school support, and the level of unmet need Learn from local Transitions Forums in 3 local authority areas who are using Principles of Good Transitions to structure joined-up planning and delivery Work with Autism Network Scotland to produce autism- specific supplement to Principles of Good Transitions 3 Work with Scottish Government to review how policy and legislation can be joined up and simplified

16 What can you do? Join the Scottish Transitions Forum Use ‘Principles of Good Transitions’ to guide your practice and planning Input to the Scottish Strategy for Autism Transitions Work Group

17 Scottish Transitions Forum / Principles of Good Transitions Autism Strategy Work Group 2 Thank you. Scottish Transitions Forum / Principles of Good Transitions Autism Strategy Work Group 2 Thank you. Contacts

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