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Introduction to the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) for Transart Institute doctoral students.

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1 Introduction to the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) for Transart Institute doctoral students

2 What does the DTC do for a student on the Transart Institute PhD programme? Ensures parity of experience for postgraduate researchers registered in the Faculty of Arts across different MPhil/PhD programmes including Transart. Oversees the development, delivery and assessment of the research methods training module Ensures the robust operation of all relevant procedures by students and supervisors Leads on the monitoring of students’ learning experience and oversees supervision and quality assurance issues Provides modest funding for students to attend conferences

3 The Graduate School, the DTC and Transart Institute The University Graduate School is responsible for all MPhil and PhD students undertaking research at the university or any of our partners such as Transart Institute The Graduate School offers generic research training on campus which is open to all doctoral students: The DTC offers Plymouth-based Arts and Humanities research training which is open to all doctoral students in the Faculty Transart offers discipline specific research methods training for students on the Transart/Plymouth MPhil/PhD

4 Your Supervisory team Your main point of contact is your Director of Studies (DoS) and at least one other supervisor. Your DoS will normally be from TI and the other supervisor will normally be from The School of Art & Media at Plymouth. The supervisory team will be agreed between TI, Plymouth and yourself. The Transart PhD programme is linked to the School of Art & Media, so the Postgraduate Research Coordinator for Art and Media will also need to agree the supervisory team and s/he is another point of contact for you. If it is necessary for any reason to change your supervisory team you will be fully consulted

5 Your Supervisory team will provide: General guidance on initial proposal, planning and on the schedule of work Advice on research sources Guidance on research methods Liaison with other supervisors or advisors Guidance and comment on written and practical work Arrangement of progression and examinations Annual monitoring and review of your progress Use of Grad Book

6 You are expected to: Attend scheduled supervisory meetings (face to face and skype) Attend all residencies Attend online crits Prepare and plan a schedule of work inc presentations Keep up with your plan of work (re-negotiating it if necessary) and blog and ‘grad book’ Present practical work in an appropriate form as agreed Provide written work when agreed in advance of supervisory meetings Follow the DTC code of conduct and TI agreement

7 How often should you see your DoS? It depends on your research project and what stage of the MPhil/PhD you are at As a rough guide, you should expect to be in contact with your DoS fortnightly (in person/skype or email etc) and particularly during the first year of your research. It is your responsibility to maintain contact with your DoS and to negotiate how often to meet You should seek advice on any problems from your DoS

8 How often should you see you other supervisors? It is your responsibility to maintain contact with other supervisors and to negotiate how often to meet (a rough guide is once a month esp in the first year) You should have a minimum of 4 full supervisory meetings a year with your whole supervisory team (remind your DoS if these are not being arranged). Two of these should take place face to face at the residencies if possible, and the others can be via skype Any supervisory meetings need to be documented, for example in grad book and logs/blogs and shared with the supervisory team

9 At the start of your programme: Once enrolled on the TI/PU MPhil/PhD programme ask your DoS to arrange an initial supervisory meeting with the whole supervisory team to discuss your schedule of work and frequency of meetings and what you will prepare for each meeting Do a research skills audit - this can be based on the Research Development Framework (RDF) You will already have attended Introductory Research Skills Development sessions at the summer residency and this will be followed with research training at subsequent residencies.

10 Time commitments: As a full time research student your research should take up a substantial amount of time. You should discuss how to you organise your research commitment with your DoS, but an average of 36 hours per week is expected, inc attendance at all the residencies.

11 Communication Plymouth University will always use your university email address to contact. This address will be sent to you once you have had your offer, have accepted and enrolled. You must check it regularly for important information and communications. There is a information on the intranet and this will be introduced in the Academic Resources sessions at the summer residency.

12 Milestones and requirements Introductory Research Skills Training It is mandatory for all MPhil/PhD students You need to undertake it before RDC1 Held at summer residencies Covers DTC, Milestones (RDC processes), ethics, researcher development framework, intro to research methodologies, schedule of work, intro to library electronic resources, intro to research skills module (if appropriate)

13 Milestones and requirements Research Skills in the Arts and Humanities Module (optional) It focuses on the development of your research skills. It aligns to the research processes you are already undertaking and to the research you will do. It is based on the Researcher development Framework (RDF) to facilitate the start of your career as a researcher It is assessed by a portfolio that evidences the key elements of your programme of study up to and including RDC2, and is designed to confirm that you have met the module ‘learning outcomes’ (see DTC handbook)

14 Portfolio for Research Skills Module (60 UK credits = 15 US credits) - optional Your initial skills audit Your RDC1 (project approval form) plus schedule of work and research prospectus (extended research proposal) Your supervisors’ feedback on RDC1 (as above) indicating that you have met all the learning outcomes Any additional tasks for RDC1 requested by your supervisors to meet the module learning outcomes Your FREC application (if appropriate) and any supplementary materials such as information sheets Your APR form completed by your DoS after your APR meeting

15 Portfolio for Research Skills Module (60 UK credits = 15 US credits) - optional Reflection on at least 12 hours research training (3600 words). This should include about 300 words on each research training session you select, and a discussion on how they relate to the Researcher Development Framework Documentation of your RDC2 transfer presentation i.e. text plus slides, DVD. Your RDC2 submission with your supervisors’ feedback indicating that you have met the learning outcomes Any additional tasks for RDC2 requested by your supervisors to meet the learning outcomes

16 Milestones and requirements RDC1 When: The RDC1 process needs to be completed by end March in year 1 (6 months from start date) RDC1 form, Prospectus (2,000 words), schedule of work, progress presentation (usually at winter residency) RDC1 is reviewed by an expert commentator as well as your supervisory team

17 Milestones and requirements FREC (Faculty Research Ethics Committee) application When: application due asap after RDC1 and before beginning research with human participants Annual Monitoring When: Sept/Oct each year The forms should be completed by yourself and your DoS after the Annual Monitoring supervisory meeting

18 Research Skills and Development Training During 2+ years you are expected to undertake at least 6 hours of research training. Research training needs are reviewed each year in your Annual Progress Report Research training will take place at all TI residencies but you should discuss with your DoS any other training needs to have. Conferences, symposia, research seminars, etc are part of research training. You could also attend any of the graduate School research training events if you were able.

19 Milestones and requirements RDC2 When: process must be completed between 12 and 18 months after enrolment (between 1 st Oct 2017 and 31 st March 2018) RDC2 process includes: Presentation of practice to research group and Expert Commentator Sample writing (intro and chapter one) – see DTC handbook Presentation of/ documentation of practice Transfer report – see DTC handbook Bibliography Plus Portfolio for Research skills module (optional) When: shortly after completion of RDC2)

20 Milestones and requirements Thesis description form When: submitted 7-8 months before your final submission date RDC3 Process - nomination of examiners to University by your DoS When: 6-7 months prior to examination of any part of your thesis including practice elements Final submission of thesis (including practice) When: between 24 and 48 months after enrollment. Your viva voce will normally be held in Plymouth, but this can be negotiated nearer the time

21 Your voice As well as discussing your MPhil/PhD programme with Cella, your supervisory team and Andrew Cooks, you can contribute through your student representative to the TI Collegium, and the Plymouth APM and your student representative can send feedback and comments to the student reps in the School of Art and Media.

22 Some key people at Plymouth Prof Anthony Caleshu- Director Doctoral Training Centre Mandy Macdonald - Doctoral Training Centre Administrator Prof Mike Phillips - Postgraduate Research Coordinator

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