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CALIFORNIA Regional Haze SIP Development Progress Report IWG Meeting Portland, Oregon August 29-31, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "CALIFORNIA Regional Haze SIP Development Progress Report IWG Meeting Portland, Oregon August 29-31, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALIFORNIA Regional Haze SIP Development Progress Report IWG Meeting Portland, Oregon August 29-31, 2006

2 HIGHLIGHTS Federal Land Managers IMPROVE BART Interstate Consultation Interstate Transport Reasonable Progress

3 FEDERAL LAND MANAGERS Intra-State Consultation Bi-Annual Meetings Regional Haze Teach-In

4 IMPROVE MONITORING Match Air Basins Similar Elevations Reasonable Distance Future Growth and Land Use Research Value Rank Importance

5 BART-eligible FACILITIES Possibly 30 facilities outside the SJV and SC Sixteen BART categories RACT and rule stringency Q/D elimination, then Subject-to-BART modeling Title V permits TPY reductions minimal

6 FAR NORTHERN CALIFORNIA REDWOODS Coastal Avg. Worst 18.45 dv TRINITY Remote Forest Coast Range (lee) Avg. Worst 16.32 dv LAVA BEDS Inland Plain Avg. Worst 15.05 dv Species Analysis –Haze Drivers –Seasonality –Concentration –Extinction Geography –Terrain –Meteorology –Regional vs. Local –Proximity to eight Class 1 Areas concentrationextinction LASSEN VOLCANIC Western Base of Mountain Avg. Worst 14.15 dv

7 FAR NORTHERN ISSUES Surrounding Land Use - Natural - Anthropogenic - Transport (Pacific, OR, WA, NV, Asia) Long-Term Strategy – Smoke Management – On/Off Road Mobile Species Reductions –Nitrates, sulfates, woodsmoke - BART - SB 656

8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Species Analysis –Nitrates, Sulfates, OC, Coarse Mass, EC Attribution –Mobile Sources primarily; Boundary Transport Strategies (NAAQS non-attainment) –Diesel Risk Reduction, Goods Movement, BACM

9 GLIDE PATH BENCHMARKS Lowest Hurdles –coast at sea level –lee of Sierra Highest Hurdles –southern Sierra –southernmost C1As Regional Response to Reductions Gap Analysis

10 VISIBILITY IMPROVEMENT San Gorgonio GAP Analysis –Achieve 70% of 2018 deciview benchmark –45% reduction in nitrate extinction –11% reduction in OMC; 37% reduction in EC –slight increase in sulfate, coarse mass, and fine soil extinction Overall Trend is Improvement

11 WHO IMPACTS WHOM Uncontrollable Boundary Sources BART Sources Large Nearby Sources Caveats for Attribution Modeling Results Relative Percentage for Consultation >50%25-50%<25% Phase 1 Report TSSA: Combined Nitrate & Sulfate

12 REASONABLE PROGRESS Justify Reasonable Progress Goal using WRAP data analyses –Wildfires –Transport –Mobile sources, transportation corridors –Population growth and land use –Nearby stationary source facility Long Term Strategy –Explaining California SIP Commitments –Don’t shoot the messenger!

13 CALIFORNIA Class 1 Areas

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