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Spin-Orbital-Charge Coupled Dynamics in t2g-electron Systems

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1 Spin-Orbital-Charge Coupled Dynamics in t2g-electron Systems
Yoshi Tokura Dept of Appl Phys, Univ Tokyo ERATO Multiferroics Project, JST and Cross-Correlation Materials Research Group (CMRG), RIKEN Orbitally-active t2g2 systems with Mott criticality: Orbital order and dynamics in (hole-doped) perovskite RVO3 Diffuse charge dynamics on frustrated double-exchange system R2Mo2O7 Collaborators Univ. Tokyo S.Iguchi, J. Fujioka, T. Yasue, K. Sano, S. Kumakura N. Hanasaki Okayama Univ), S. Univ) Univ. Budapest RIKEN- CMRG AIST-CERC I. Kezsmarki, S. Bordacs Y. Taguchi, C. Terakura N. Takeshita

2 Interplay of charge, spin and orbital degree of freedom
zx xy yz 3z2-r2 x2-y2 3d orbital Orbital Superconductivity Colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) Charge and orbital ordering Non-Fermi liquid In the strongly correlated electron system, the strong electron-electron interaction often induces the localization of electron to specific site. In such systems, spin, charge and orbital degree of freedom play important role for drastic change of electronic structure such as SC, MIT, CMR and so on. One prototypical example is CMR. In this case, the spin degree of freedom is controled by external magnetic field and drastic change of the charge dynamics is induced. However, recent studies reveal the importance of the orbital degree of freedom Role of orbital degree of freedom on versatile phase

3 t2g oribtal eg orbital (a) LaVO3 (b) YVO3 (d) BiMnO3 (c) LaMnO3
spin C-type orbital G-type spin G-type orbital C-type eg orbital

4 Electronic phase in CMR manganites
eg orbital system Too>>Tso Strong Jahn-Teller interaction Charge dynamics coupled with lattice degree of freedom t2g orbital system Too~Tso Jahn-Teller interaction orbital exchange interaction This is the electronic phase diagram in CMR manganites. The holizontal zxis is the hole concentration and vertical one is the bandwidth. Variety of the electronic phases show up with the control of the band-fillng that is hole doping. One prominent feature in CMR manganites is strong Jahn-Teller interaction, that is, the orbital and lattice interaction. spin-orbit interaction Comparable Y. Tokura, Rep. Prog. Phys. 69, (2006) 797 spin-orbital coupled phenomena

5 Electronic structure in perovskite LaVO3
Perovskite structure V3+ (3d 2) LaVO3 V O V O La dxy dzx dyz eg eg One prototypical example for t2g orbital system is LaVo3. This is the schematic view of the orthorhombic perovskite structure. The vanadium ion has two valence electrons and they occupy the triply degenerate t2g level in the cubic symmetry crystal field. Actually, the orthorhombic distortion as shown here lifts the degeneracy of t2g levels and one electron occupies higher lying dyz, dzx levels and another one does lower lying dxy level. In the low T region dyz and dzx orbital orders. In this system, since the energy scale of Jahn-Teller interaction is comparable to that of orbital exchange interaction and spin-orbit interaction, the versatile spin and orbital ordering can be observed. t2g dxy1dyz1/ dxy1dzx1 Orbital ordering in dyz and dzx orbitals

6 Spin and orbital ordering in LaVO3
E || c E ⊥ c G-type OO C-type SO TOO=141K TSO=143K T Orbital Spin Quasi-one-dimensional (1D) electronic structure along c-axis originating from the C-type SO and G-type OO  In this system, the C-type SO appear at 143K and G-type OO appear 141K. Here in the G-type phase, orbitals stagger in all direction and C-type SO state, spins align ferromagnetically along c-axis and stagger in ab plane. Reflecting the spin and orbital ordering, the ansisotropic electronic structure can be observed. This is the temperature dependece optical conductivity spectra in LaVO3 for E parallel to c axis and E perpendicular to c axis. The E || c spectra show a prominent peak structure corresponding to the Mott gap excitation around 2eV in the low-T region. The spectral weight appears to increase rapidly around TSO and TOO. By contrast, the E perp spectra show minimal T dependence. According to theoretical calculation, these feature is explained by the quasi-1D orbital exchange interaction along c-axis. Y. Motome et al., Phys. Rev.Lett, 90,146602(2003) Quasi-1D orbital exchange interaction S. Miyasaka et al, J. Phys. Soc Jpn, 71, 2086(2002)

7 The orbital excitation (two-orbiton)
1.96eV excitation c c k pseudospinon orbital -G Another prominent feature is the one dimensional orbital excitation. This is the schematic view of the exchange process of the orbital excitation called two orbiton. Theoretically, this is described as a excitation of the pseudospinon. The two-orbiton bands is observed in the Raman spectra for the polarization configuration (z,z) in C-type SO and G-type OO state. Raman shift and peak width of two-orbiton band depend on the magnitude of the orbital exchange interaction and the Jahn-teller gap One-dimensionality Orbital exchange interaction and the Jahn-Teller energy S. Miyasaka, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett, 94, (2005)

8 Van Hove singularity of spinon band
H.Suzuura, H.Yasuhara, A.Furusaki, N.Nagaosa, and Y.Tokura , PRL(96). c.f. J.Lorenzana and R.Eder, PRB(97). Spin-phonon coupling (Lorezana-Sawatzky) Heisen. XY accurate estimate of J spinon interband trasnitions (two-magnon band) showing up as the sideband of phonon J~0.26eV optical phonon

9 Optical (Raman) probe for quantum orbital chains
S.Onoda-N.Nagaosa ECJT/J=0.15 EDJT dynamical Jahn-Teller ECJT classical Jahn-Teller pseudo spion (orbital version of spinon) gapping due to Jahn-Teller distortion  /2

10 Orbital excitations in NdVO3 as probed by Raman spectra

11 Filling-Control Metal-Insulator Transition
antiferromagnetic metal phase (AFM) (no oribtal order) decrease of carrier density mass enhancement cf. γ~ 40mJ/K2V-unit in V2-δO3 Miyasaka et al. PRL (2001).

12 Doping variation of the electronic structure in La1-xSrxVO3
C-type SO G-type OO Lightly doped region Doped hole occupies dyz/dzx orbital and forms a self-trapped state accompanying the modification in lattice, spin, and orbital sector Anisotropic hole dynamics, reflecting the one-dimensionality of the orbital exchange interaction On the verge of insulator- metal transition doped holes nearly equivalently occupy dxy, dyz and dzx orbital c

13 Electronic structure in the lightly doped systems
C-type SO G-type OO dyz, dzx c The E||c spectra show a large temperature dependence as in the case of x=0. To see the contributions from the Mott gap excitation and the mid-IR peak, the spectra were fitted with the Lorentz oscillator. Here, we showed the calculated effective number of electrons of each component. The green line corresponds to the Mott gap excitation and the red and black ones correspond to the mid-IR peak for E para c and E perp c, respectively. The N effective for the mid-IR peak in E || c spectra increases in the low T region. But that for E perpendicular to c spectra shows minimal T dependence. Thus, It is expected that the doped holes predominantly occupy the dyz or dzx orbital and have large kinetic energy along c-axis, reflecting the 1D orbital exchange interaction. Now, I would like to focus on the energy scale of the hole dynamics. Large T dependence of the mid-IR peak in E || c spectra. Minimal T dependence of the E⊥c spectra. The doped holes predominantly occupy the dyz or dzx orbital large kinetic energy along c-axis, reflecting one-dimensional orbital exchange interaction.

14 Spin-orbital phase diagram for RVO3( R=rare-earth ion )
YVO3 SO : Spin Ordering OO : Orbital Ordering G-type OO 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 100 200 r R (Å) T SO , OO (K) G-type OO C-type SO G-type SO C-type OO Nd Sm Gd Tb Dy Y OO1 SO1 SO2 = OO2 Er Yb Lu Ho Eu Pr La (c) VO 3 C-type SO G-type OO G-type SO C-type OO c a b This is the spin-orbital phase diagram for RVO3. For La and Ce, the G-type OO occurs below the C-type SO transition T. Here in C-type means that spins or orbital align ferromagnetically along c-axis and stagger in ab-plane. The G-type means that spins or orbitals stagger in all direction. From Pr to Lu, the sequence of the magnetic and orbital transition is reversed. In addition, from Dy to Lu another phase, that is, G-type SO and C-type OO phase appears in the low-T region. Since the spin and orbital ordering modifies the charge transport property, anisotropic conductivity spectra can be observed In the spin and orbital ordered phase. Control of the orthorhombic lattice distortion by changing R ion Variation of the spin and orbital ordered phase

15 Optical conductivity spectra for YVO3
TOO1=200K TSO1=115K TSO2, TOO2=77K C-type SO G-type SO disorder G-type OO C-type OO Orbital Spin T This is the spin-orbital phase diagram. As mentioned previously, with lowering temperature, the G-type OO, C-type SO show up and finally, The Gso, Coo phase appear around 77K. These are the optical conductivity spectra at disordred phase, Cso, Goo phase, and Gso, Coo phase, respectively. In the disordered phase, the Mott-gap excitation is nearly isotropic, indicating the nearly isotropic electronic structure. In the Cso, Goo phase, anisotropic electronic structure reflecting the one-dimensional orbital exchange interaction is observed. But, in the Gso, Coo phase at low temperatures, the spectra are again isotropic. This isotropic feature at low temperature phase is consistent with the nearly isotropic orbital exchange interaction in magnitude. Next, we show the doping variation of the electronic structure. G-type SO, C-type OO C-type SO, G-type OO Spin-orbital disordering Nearly isotropic orbital exchange interaction in magnitude 1D-orbital exchange interaction Nearly isotropic charge dynamics

16 Spin-orbital phase diagram for RVO3( R=rare-earth ion )
SO : Spin Ordering OO : Orbital Ordering G-type OO 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 100 200 r R (Å) T SO , OO (K) G-type OO C-type SO G-type SO C-type OO Nd Sm Gd Tb Dy Y OO1 SO1 SO2 = OO2 Er Yb Lu Ho Eu Pr La (c) VO 3 C-type SO G-type OO G-type SO C-type OO c a b This is the spin-orbital phase diagram for RVO3. For La and Ce, the G-type OO occurs below the C-type SO transition T. Here in C-type means that spins or orbital align ferromagnetically along c-axis and stagger in ab-plane. The G-type means that spins or orbitals stagger in all direction. From Pr to Lu, the sequence of the magnetic and orbital transition is reversed. In addition, from Dy to Lu another phase, that is, G-type SO and C-type OO phase appears in the low-T region. Since the spin and orbital ordering modifies the charge transport property, anisotropic conductivity spectra can be observed In the spin and orbital ordered phase. Control of the orthorhombic lattice distortion by changing R ion Variation of the spin and orbital ordered phase

17 Reentrant orbital ordering transitions in DyMnO3
R=Dy x z y Miyasaka et al. PRL(2007)

18 Magnetic field induced orbital-state switching in DyMnO3
Coincident with metamagetic trasnsition of Dy Ising moments contribution from Gd f moments via the f-d exchange interaction G-type OO G-type OO C-type SO C-type OO G-type SO hysteresis region H//a H//b

19 Spin-orbital phase diagrams of hole-doped RVO3
C-type SO G-type OO G-type SO C-type OO Insulator-metal transition point dependent on W paramagnetic G-type OO phase Change of band-filling Quenched disorder G-type SO, C-type OO state is extremely fragile against doping W Summary of this chapter is as follows. The critical doping level for insulator-metal transition is scale to the one-electron bandwidth. However, the PM. G-type OO phase disappears before the IMT and is fragile against not only the change of the band-filling but also the quenched disorder In the lattice sector. When we plot the critical doping level for the melting of OO, one notice that Fujioka et al. PRB (2006).

20 Optical conductivity spectra in Y1-xCaxVO3
1D M-H gap inner-gap exc. x>0.02 : Anisotropic Mott-gap excitation reflecting the quasi-1D orbital exchange interaction Nearly isotropic hole dynamics These are the optical conductivity spectra at 10K at various doping level. At x=0.02, the ground state is Cso, Goo and spectra are anisotropic, reflecting the one-dimensional orbital exchange interaction. With the increase of doping level, the anisotropic feature is gradually suppressed. On the other hand, the mid-IR peak looks nearly isotropic and the intensity of it also seems to be small. To compare these feature with that for LSVO which is nearly cubic system, we fitted the spectra with Lorentz oscillator and calculated the spectral weight of the MIR peak.

21 Pyrochlore-type structure : R2 Mo2 O7
Mo-sublattice, composed of corner-sharing teterahedra. (111)-plane is Kagome lattice. R Mo Double-excange int. + frsturation 4d a1g eg’ eg t2g Oh D3d (111) Mo O2-

22 Electronic band structure based on DFT
a1g eg’ eg D3d I.V. Solovyev PRB (2003) t2g manifold (conduction electron) a1g local spin nearly half-metallic EF EF EF up-spin t2g- band

23 Metal-insulator phomena dependent on R-ion size

24 randomness vs. frustration in double-exchange systems
bandwidth Perovskite Mn AF FM Pyrochlore Mo phase competition (d) Y. Tomioka et al. Randomness Spin glass Spin frustration Spin glass (on frustrated lattice) (size mismatch of RE and AE ions)

25 Importance of electron correlation
4d a1g eg t2g Oh D3d orbital dependent Mott transition conduction/localized electron local spin Mo-Mo distance P (hydrostatic pressure) a1g bandwidth (JAF) eg’ bandwidth (W/U) Mo-O-Mo bond angle rA (chemical pressure)

26 Y2Mo2O7 Sm2Mo2O7 EF Mott-Hubbard type (as opposed to CT type)
Optical conductivity spectra for Mott gap and CT exitation ・large enegy scale (=1 eV) over which electronic structure is reconstructed. O 2p Mo 4d EF Sm2Mo2O7 Y2Mo2O7 Eg~0.1 eV O2p →Mo4d UH Mott-Hubbard type (as opposed to CT type) Taguchi-YT PRB (2002)

27 Mott gap variation in R2Mo2O7
Drude Kezsmarki et al.PRL (2004)

28 Drude component near the Mott criticality
Kezsmarki et al.PRL (2004)

29 Optical phase diagram in R2Mo2O7
Drude weight charge gap incoherent metal low-energy spectral weight around ωM Kezsmarki et al.PRL (2004)

30 scrutinizing phase boundary・・・
mass enhancement (~×3) in FM state (orbital fluctuation?) Curie-Weiss temperature ferromagnetic(eg’mediated) vs. antiferromagnetic(a1g mediated) ferromagnetic fluctuation spin flipping time of spin glass from atomic to cluster-like Hanasaki et al. PRL (2007).

31 Effect of Pressures 4d t2g eg a1g Oh D3d
orbital dependent Mott transition conduction/localized electron local spin rA (chemical pressure) P (hydrostatic pressure) eg’ bandwidth (W/U) a1g bandwidth (JAF)

32 Pressure effects Nd2Mo2O7 FM SGI metallic & ferromagnetic
-> metallic & spin glassy -> metallic & paramagnetic SGI FM 3kHz Ferromag. Spin glass anomalously T-independent bad conductivity Paramag.

33 Pressure effects Sm2Mo2O7 FM SGI metallic & ferromagnetic
-> metallic & spin glass -> metallic & paramagnetic SGI FM Sm2Mo2O7 Ferromag. Spin glass anomalously T-independent bad conductivity Paramag.

34 Spin glass to paramagnetic metal transition in pressurized Gd2Mo2O7
FM SGI anomalously T-independent bad conductivity in paramagnetic metal state

35 Phase diagram multicritical feature (b)
incoherent (non Fermi Liquid?) metal conduction electrons interacting with glassy or flctuating local spins on the frustrated lattice (b)

36 DE model on frustrated lattice?
a1g eg t2g Oh D3d (d) W,U JAF <<JH paramag. metal (non-FL?) spin-glass insulator JAF ambient pressure ferromag. metal W/U large finite scattering rate in T=0 limit

37 DE model on frustrated lattice?
a1g eg t2g Oh D3d (d) W,U JAF <<JH paramag. metal (non-FL?) spin-glass insulator JAF ambient pressure ferromag. metal W/U

38 minute spin anisotropy leads to non-Fermi-liquid behavior

39 Rich electric phases in t2g –electron frustrated systems
all close to the metal-insulator transition (Mott, charge/orbital order) LiTi2O4 supercond. (Tc=14K) d0.5 pyrochlore lattice ferromag. Mott ins. (orbital order) Lu2V2O7 d1 d1.5 LiV2O4 heavy electron Mott transition spin chirality (anomalous Hall) d2 Nd2Mo2O7 Y2Mo2O7 entanglement in spin & orbital sectors Kugel-Khomskii type and spin-orbit interactions scalar spin chirality Si・(Sj×Sk),vector spin chilarity Si×Sj, spin current, orbital current?

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