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Shallow ocean waters By: Dillon Harvey and Edward Roach.

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Presentation on theme: "Shallow ocean waters By: Dillon Harvey and Edward Roach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shallow ocean waters By: Dillon Harvey and Edward Roach

2 At the bottom of the ocean, in areas shallow enough for sunlight to reach them, there are thousands of types of living things. Location- All over the world Characteristics- Highly productive communities of microbes, plants, crabs, fish and birds live in these waters, because sunlight reaches the bottom Soil type- The shallow ocean floor is sandy or muddy

3 Biotic Factors Crabs, fish, birds, micro organisms, invertebrates, coral skeletons They keep the algae and coral reefs at a normal size and doesn't let them grow to be to big to where no life can be found there

4 Some of the plants and animals that can be found in this biome

5 Interesting facts Humans have only explored about 10% of the ocean biome The ocean is more salty in tropical areas because the Sun evaporates more of the water there leaving more salt in the ocean.

6 More interesting Facts Over 1 million species of plants and animals have been discovered in the oceans, and scientists say there may be as many as 9 million species we haven't found yet Coral reefs cover less than 0.2% of our oceans but they contain 25% of the worlds marine fish species Coral reefs are 2 nd only to rainforest in biodiversity

7 Competition Fish have to deal with the waves, tides, and currents in the shallow waters of the ocean. Species with similar needs cannot live in the same place sustainably for an extended period of time. This principle is referred to as competitive exclusion principle.

8 Adaptation Some organisms adapt to conditions by helping each other survive through a mechanism known as symbiosis. Organisms are forced to occupy specific niches in the environment in order to avoid wasting energy in competition. Organisms will also avoid competition through cooperative relationships within the ecosystem.

9 Human Influence Demand for resources from the ocean is damaging ecosystems and depleting these resources. Around the world, unsustainable fishing practices, including the poisoning and dynamiting of coral reefs, catching unwanted fish, dragging nets on the sea floor, overfishing popular species, and fishing in critical reproductive areas are making the problem worse. Pollution is also harming the marine ecosystem


11 Cited sources er/life_benthic.html er/life_benthic.html

12 Quiz 1.What percentage of the ocean biome have humans explored. 2.What kind of organisms are found in the ocean shallow ocean water biome. 3.T/F Are birds found in the ocean. 4.T/F Are fish found in the coral reef. 5.What is closest to the rainforest in biodiversity. 6.What percentage does the coral reef cover of the ocean. 7.Coral reefs contain how many of the oceans organisms. 8.T/F is the ocean more salty in sunny areas. 9.Why do the organisms of the coral reef keep it at a normal size. 10.T/F has there been more than one million species discovered in the ocean.

13 Quiz answers 1.10% 2.Crabs, fish, birds 3.False 4.True 5.Coral reef 6.0.2% 7.20% 8.True 9.So they can keep life there 10.True

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