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Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Update: LBNF EVMS Implementation for CD-3a Elaine McCluskey, LBNF Project Manager Bob O’Sullivan, Project Controls.

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Presentation on theme: "Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Update: LBNF EVMS Implementation for CD-3a Elaine McCluskey, LBNF Project Manager Bob O’Sullivan, Project Controls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Update: LBNF EVMS Implementation for CD-3a Elaine McCluskey, LBNF Project Manager Bob O’Sullivan, Project Controls Manager FNAL Annual Surveillance Review 7-March-2016

2 LBNF Outline Project Overview LBNF CD-3a Scope of Work EVM Implementation Readiness Status of CD-3a EVM Implementation Plan EVM Training Practice Period Summary 3.07.2016E McCluskey | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review2

3 LBNF Project Overview: LBNF and DUNE LBNF: DOE project with support from non-DOE partners. Provides facility infrastructure at two locations to support the experiment: Near site: Fermilab, Batavia, IL – facilities to create neutrino beam Far site: Sanford Underground Research Facility, Lead, SD – facilities to support DUNE detectors DUNE: Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment Near and far site detectors: U.S. as partner in international project LBNF/DUNE DEPENDS ON IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM MANY INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS TO SUCCEED 3.07.2016E. McCluskey| FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review3

4 LBNF Overview - “Near Site” – LBNF/DUNE at Fermilab, Batavia, IL Primary proton beam @ 60-120GeV extracted from Main Injector Initial 1.2 MW beam power, upgradable to 2.4 MW Embankment allows target complex to be at grade and neutrino beam to be aimed to Lead, SD Decay region followed by absorber Four surface support buildings Near Detector facility DUNE Near Detectors 3.07.2016E. McCluskey | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review4

5 LBNF Overview – “Far Site” – LBNF/DUNE at Sanford Lab, Lead, SD Conventional Facilities:  Drifts and two caverns for detectors  Central utility cavern for conventional and cryogenic equipment  Surface and shaft Infrastructure including utilities Cryostats:  Four membrane cryostats supported by external steel frames Cryogenic Systems:  LN2 refrigeration system for cooling and re-condensing gaseous Argon  Systems for purification and recirculation of LAr Argon: 70kt LAr (~40kt “fiducial” mass) DUNE LAr-TPC Detectors 3.07.2016E. McCluskey | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review5 4850L cavern and drift layout A PORTION OF THIS IS THE CD-3A SCOPE & WILL BE SUBJECT TO EVM WHEN CONSTRUCTION WORK BEGINS

6 LBNF CD-3a Scope: portion of LBNF Far Site Conventional Facilities construction 3.07.2016E. McCluskey | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review6 CD-3a Scope Justification:  the initial construction work required, prior to baselining the LBNF/DUNE Project, to support installation of cryostats and cryogenic systems to support installation of two DUNE detectors starting in 2021.  Includes half of gas utilities (in addition to all conventional utilities) in the shaft in order to provide flexibility in schedule planning as the project progresses CD-3a Cost: $219M base + $83M contingency = $302M

7 LBNF LBNF Far Site Schedule Summary Overview 7 Approval to Operate Cryostat #2 FY27 FY26FY25FY24FY23FY22FY21FY20FY19FY18FY17 FY16 Excavation and UGI Chamber #1 and Central Utility Cavern FY15 Cryostat #1 Construction Surface Facilities Excavation and UGI Chamber #2 Excavation Chamber #3 Site Preparation Approval to Operate Cryostat #1 Conventional Facilities Complete Excavation Chamber #4 Utilities in the Shaft Dec-19 CD-2/3c Project Baseline/ Construction Approval Nov-15 CD-1 Refresh Approval Mar-16 CD-3a Approval Apr-27 CD-4 (early completion) Cryogenics Infrastructure Activity Conventional Facilities Activity (CD-3a) Cryogenics Equipment Cryogenics Fluid FY28 Conventional Facilities Preliminary & Final Design Conventional Facilities Activity (Non-CD-3a) Pre-excavation incl. Waste Rock Handling Cryogenics Construction Complete Cryostat #2 Construction Cryostat #3 Construction Cryostat #4 Construction Potential for advancement of scope CD-2 Late + CD-3a definition: Scope of CF in box + flexibility in shaft 3.07.2016 E. McCluskey | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review

8 LBNF EVM Readiness 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review8 LBNF/DUNE use FRA EVMS. Next slides will outline readiness to start: Organization Planning, Scheduling and Budgeting Accounting Considerations Analysis and Management Reports Revisions and Data Maintenance As part of preparation to execute EVM:  EVM training complete  EVM practice period scheduled

9 LBNF FNAL EVM Process, Procedures and Standards Follow FRA’s EVM System Description  8 supporting procedures  Desktop Instructions Leverage FNAL’s Project Control Tools  Oracle’s Primavera Project Planner (P6)  Deltek’s Cobra Earned Value Cost Processor  Oracle’s Primavera Risk Analysis (PRA)  Deltek’s Acumen Fuse Schedule Analyzer Interface with Office of Project Support Services  Participate in weekly meetings  Leverage lab expertise (Peer Reviews)  Share Lessons Learned 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review9

10 LBNF LBNF CD-3a Scope EVMS Implementation Plan Status 103.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review

11 LBNF Organization 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review11 WBS is tailored for effective internal management control Organizational Structure developed with responsibility assigned Responsibility Assignment Matrix is established Planning, Scheduling and Budgeting is integrated with performance reporting by WBS and OBS  Schedules are updated monthly  Schedules and Financial output is integrated into Cobra. All cost measurement reporting is currently produced out of Cobra Work authorizations and control account plans to be developed once the baseline is established before the end of March

12 LBNF Organization 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review12 WBS/ WBS Dictionary Responsibility Assignment Matrix

13 LBNF Planning, Scheduling and Budgeting A time-phased, resource loaded project schedule is in use and includes a logical sequence of work, supporting the project objectives  Tasks are summarized through the WBS and OBS to track and measure progress  Tiered milestones are included to identify major project decisions and goals and will be used to monitor the progress of the work  Critical path is evident, with required interdependences  Discrete work packages with durations less than 2 months used for near team effort, with planning packages used for far term effort Schedule and Estimate were evaluated by ICE team in December 2015 and determined to be creditable. The schedule detail will be enhanced with the onboarding of the CM/GC Schedule was reviewed in February 2016 for EVM compliance by FNAL subject matter experts. Comments incorporated into current plan to prepare for baselining 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review13

14 LBNF Planning, Scheduling and Budgeting 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review14 Far Site CF has a well defined critical path

15 LBNF Accounting Considerations 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review15 Actual costs from the FNAL accounting system are mapped to the budgeted work at the control account level or below Each chargeable task code is assigned to a single control account, providing a hierarchy of WBS elements and control accounts Schedule and Cobra cost processor are configured to ensure actual costs are collected to allow a direct comparison with budgets at the control account level or below Project Controls System are configured to allow comparison of both direct and indirect costs between budgeted and actual costs Accruals are completed monthly allowing for accurate performance measurement reporting

16 LBNF Accounting Considerations 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review16 Control Account to Chargeable Task Code Mapping Reports allow for Budget to Actual comparisons

17 LBNF Accounting Considerations 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review17 Monthly Accruals spreadsheet

18 LBNF Analysis and Management Reports 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review18 Schedule and cost variance reports are produced monthly using lab standard earned value reporting at the control account level and customer level (WBS L3) Reports include  Budgeted, Earned and Actual cost data  Cost and Schedule Variances  Variance at Completion LBNF will begin documenting variance reports/ action taken as a result of earned value information in March (WBS L3) and at the Control Account Level for the Far Site CF in April Bottoms up ETC performed on in-progress activities Pending Change Control log used to inform ETC

19 LBNF Analysis and Management Reports 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review19 Period EVM reporting Cumulative EVM reporting

20 LBNF Analysis and Management Reports 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review20 Variance Reporting process is ready for implementation

21 LBNF Analysis and Management Reports 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review21 Estimate at Completion Pending Change Request Log

22 LBNF Revisions and Data Maintenance 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review22 Project incorporates changes in a timely manner, utilizing change control thresholds outlined in the LBNF-DUNE PPEP and CMP Change control logs have been created and maintained Schedules and control account plans are updated with each change, with before and after reports developed for effective control Retroactive changes are not allowed, except for as allowed by FNAL procedures

23 LBNF Revisions and Data Maintenance 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review23

24 LBNF Revisions and Data Maintenance 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review24 Change Request Log

25 LBNF Revisions and Data Maintenance 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review25 Before and After Change Request Cost Report Unchanged History Validation Report

26 LBNF EVM Training 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review26 CAM, PCM and PCS trained on 11 EVM training modules (14 hours of training) Other Key project staff trained on majority of modules Project Manager Sub/Deputy Project Managers PCS Financial Controllers Types of Training Introduction to EVMS (4 hrs) Focused Training Modules (1 hr)

27 LBNF EVMS Practice Period Prior to formal EVMS implementation, practice EVM for balance of 2016 CD-3a scope begins in January 2017, allowing EVMS practice to be performed on on-going Far Site Conventional Facilities effort including:  Management  Design  Sanford Lab Operations Projects Preliminary Baseline  Will be set as of March 1st  1st reports ready April 2016 (March reporting period)  Will be updated Monthly OPA LBNF-DUNE Progress Review August 11th-12th 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review27

28 LBNF CAM e-Notebook 28 CAM e-Notebook helps to manage EVMS docs by control account 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review

29 LBNF 29 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review - Preliminary - CD-3a

30 LBNF Summary 3.07.2016R O'Sullivan | FNAL Annual EVMS Surveillance Review30 LBNF will utilize FRA’s EVM Process, Procedures and Standards to manage the CD-3a scope of work and during practice period LBNF has been using FNAL’s EVM tools, with success EVMS training embraced by the project team and completed EVM requirements are understood and ready for implementation Preliminary baseline to be established later this month after the February 2016 reporting period is concluded Practice EVM for balance of 2016 with formal baseline on CD-3a scope beginning in January 2017.  EVM practice period allows time for team to acclimate to EVM  Formal implementation to occur prior to the major contract lettings

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