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Carolyn M. Byerly Howard University, USA.   In news stories &  In top decision-making roles:  In spite of 40 years of feminism  Increase of women.

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Presentation on theme: "Carolyn M. Byerly Howard University, USA.   In news stories &  In top decision-making roles:  In spite of 40 years of feminism  Increase of women."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carolyn M. Byerly Howard University, USA

2   In news stories &  In top decision-making roles:  In spite of 40 years of feminism  Increase of women media professionals  Emphasis on gender mainstreaming Women’s marginalization

3   Refocusing on:  Structural shifts  Company policies  National laws  Regional agreements (e.g., EU)  Court decisions  Advocacy (e.g., role of trade unions, feminism) Women & News Research

4   A global phenomenon  Affects women’s employment & media ownership  Narrows news perspectives  Consolidates men’s economic & political power Concentrated ownership

5  Byerly & Valentin (2016):  1970s:  Women’s equality laws passed  Women journalists sued & won for discrimination  Opened up jobs  Challenged broadcast licenses on basis of content Case Study: USA

6   1980s & 1990s:  Courts curtailed women’s employment, ownership  Since 2000:  FCC refuses to address women & minority ownership Byerly & Valentin (cont.)

7   Byerly & Valentin concluded:  Feminist movements influence national communication laws & policies  Once laws in place, women must challenge discrimination  Courts may not be women’s friend, especially if all men  Feminist groups must develop a new policy agenda Conclusions:

8  Thank you! Carolyn M. Byerly Department of Communication, Culture & Media Studies Howard University Washington, DC, USA

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