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Defining Generalism in Family Medicine: A workshop for Young GPs AAFP Global Health Conference 2014 Victor Ng MSc MD CCFP(EM) Steve Hawrylyshyn MD/MSc.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining Generalism in Family Medicine: A workshop for Young GPs AAFP Global Health Conference 2014 Victor Ng MSc MD CCFP(EM) Steve Hawrylyshyn MD/MSc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining Generalism in Family Medicine: A workshop for Young GPs AAFP Global Health Conference 2014 Victor Ng MSc MD CCFP(EM) Steve Hawrylyshyn MD/MSc

2 Conflict of Interest/Bias  Ng  Practice primarily emergency medicine  Employed by the College of Family Physicians of Canada  Faculty member at the University of Western Ontario  Hawrylyshyn  Chair of the CFPC Section of Residents  Employed by University of Toronto

3 Workshop Objectives  Discuss and define the concept of generalism in general practice/family medicine from various national perspectives.  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the generalism philosophy of medicine from various national perspectives.  Determine possible barriers to generalism that exists within our societies and health care systems.  Describe possible ways in which generalism can be further fostered within our medical education systems and national health care systems.

4 Introduction  Advance of Medicine worldwide has led to sub- specialization  Medical schools are taught by specialists and become role models to students  Patients often ask to be seen by a specialist and bypassing the assessment by a general or family practitioner  Emergence of Family Doctors or General Practitioners with special interest

5 Introduction (2) This is our challenge!  What do we know?  Most patients presenting to general practice have multiple co-morbid conditions and not a single pathology (Starfield et al., 2003)  Populations with strong primary care systems exhibit better health indicators. (Shi et al., 2003)  Need to reinforce generalism even in specialty training to better serve community need. (RCPSC, 2011)

6 Defining Generalism Royal College of General Practitioners. Medical Generalism. Why expertise in whole person medicine matters.  Seeing the person as a whole and in the context of his or her family and wider social environment  Using this perspective as part of one’s clinical method and therapeutic approach to all clinical encounters  Being able to deal with undifferentiated illness and the widest range of patients and conditions.  In the context of general practice, taking continuity of responsibility for people’s care across many disease episodes and over time.  Also in general practice, coordinating his or her care as needed across organizations within and between health and social care.

7 Defining Generalism (2) Stange K. The generalist approach. Ann Fam Med. 2009;14:198–203.  Way of Being (open stance, humility)  Way of Knowing (broad knowledge)  Ways of Perceiving (Scanning and Prioritizing)  Ways of Thinking (Integrating/Iterative)

8 Generalist’s Unique Skill McWhinney, IR. Lancet 1966  Undifferentiated problems  Sharpest “bedside” clinical acumen:  Knowledge of the whole patient over time:  Comfort with uncertainty

9 Discussion Question #1 What is your definition of a generalist physician? What are some defining features based on your national context?

10 Value of Generalism  Green et al., 2001

11 Value of Generalism  Test sensitivity is lower early in disease as Family physicians see diseases in the earliest stages. (McWhinney, 1979)  Value of watchful waiting  Pre-test probability increases as time goes on  Ability to manage multimobidities (Upshur, 2008)  Most clinical trials involve one disease process unlike multiple conditions seen in family medicine

12 Discussion Question #2  What are some other benefits of generalism that may exist in your communities?

13 Barriers to Generalism  Grumbach, 2003  Medicine reflects society march towards reductionism and subspecialization  Why Specialize? (Lewis, 2014)  Science has discovered more about disease mechanism.  Understanding causation has led to more effective care  Huge growth in knowledge has outstripped medical practitioners ability to understand it

14 Barriers to Generalism  Barriers to practicing general practice/family medicine  Employment opportunities  Educational opportunities  Lack of Role modelling  Remuneration  Career satisfaction  Career Prestige

15 Discussion Question #3  What are some barriers to practicing general medicine/family medicine in your local communities/countries?

16 Fostering Generalism  Education  Regulatory  Financial Support  Personal/Professional Support

17  Education  Teaching family medicine/general medicine in medical school  Family medicine teachers in medical school and post graduate training  Establishment of robust post graduate programs in family medicine  Regulatory  Establish family medicine/general practice as a recognize specialty

18  Financial Support  Decrease the remuneration gap between family doctors and specialists  Scholarships for students to pursue family medicine  Personal/Professional Support  Mentorship program involving practicing family doctors and students/residents  Ensure career progression opportunities available for family doctors

19 Discussion Question #4 How can we further foster general practice/family medicine in your local communities and countries?

20 Thank you ! Dr. Victor Ng Dr. Steve Hawrylyshyn

21 References Green et al. NEJM 2001;344:2021 Grumbach K. Chronic illness, comorbidities, and the need for medical generalism. Ann Fam Med 2003; 1(1): 4–7. Lewis S. The two faces of generalism. J Health Serv Res Policy. 2014 Jan;19(1):1-2.The two faces of generalism. McWhinney IR. CFP 1979;25:1473-77. Royal College of General Practitioners. Medical Generalism. Why expertise in whole person medicine matters. London: College of General Practitioners; 2012. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeongs of Canada. Generalism: Achieving a Balance with Specialization 2011 Shi, Starfield et al. J Am Board Fam Prac 2003;16:412-22 Starfield B, Lemke KW, Bernhardt T, Forrest CB, Weiner JP. Comorbidity: implications for the importance of primary care in “case” management. Ann Fam Med 2003;1:8–14. Stange K. The generalist approach. Ann Fam Med. 2009;14:198–203. Upshur R, CFP 2008; 54:1655

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