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The Books Of Umber Happenstance Found. Happenstance Found Happenstance woke up in a cave with a blindfold over his eyes.He had no idea who he was or where.

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1 The Books Of Umber Happenstance Found

2 Happenstance Found Happenstance woke up in a cave with a blindfold over his eyes.He had no idea who he was or where he was.

3 Happenstance Found Someone took the blindfold off Hap named Umber. Umber decided to take Hap on his journeys. On the way out of the cave they ran into a giant worm!!!! The worm P.S. I think the Worm is uglier

4 A few days after Hap settled in where Umber stayed. Hap figured out that someone was out to get him because weird things that he could do. Hap also had bright green eyes, could run super fast, could jump super high, could see in the dark and see far. That’s why Occo wanted Hap. Occo wants haps eyeballs so he can see what Hap sees. Thimble a little man kills Occo with spider poison on a spear.


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