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ANIMAL PHYLA. ANIMALS  Eukaryotic  Multicellular  No cell wall  No chloroplasts  Lysosomes, centrioles  Heterotrophic.

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2 ANIMALS  Eukaryotic  Multicellular  No cell wall  No chloroplasts  Lysosomes, centrioles  Heterotrophic

3 PORIFERA  Sponges  Name means “pore-bearers”  They have no mouth or anus.  They have no tissues or organ systems.  They are asymmetrical, with no front, back or sides.  They are filter feeders that sift microscopic food particles from the water. They digest within their cells.  They reproduce sexually or asexually

4 CNIDARIAN  Soft-bodies, carnivorous animals that have stinging tentacles.  They are symmetrical and have specialized tissues.  To feed, they sting their prey with tentacles, and pull it through their mouth into a digestive chamber with one opening.  They reproduce sexually and asexually.  Include jellyfish, hydras, sea anemones and coral.

5 PLATYHELMINTHES  Flatworms  Soft, flattened worms that have tissues and internal organ systems.  Rely on diffusion for respiration, excretion and circulation.  They are carnivores or scavengers, with a digestive cavity that has a single opening.  Most are hermaphrodites that reproduce sexually.  Three groups  Turbellarians  Flukes  Tapeworms

6 ANNELIDS  Worms with segmented bodies.  Have a mouth and an anus, with a digestive tract that is tube like.  They can be filter feeders or predators.  They reproduce sexually (either externally or as hermaphrodites).  Three major groups:  Earthworms  Leeches  Polychaetes

7 MOLLUSCA  Soft-bodied animals that usually have an internal or external shell.  Snails, slugs, clams, squids and octopi.  Four-part body: foot, mantle, shell and internal organs.  They can herbivores, carnivores, filter feeders, detritivores or parasites.  Varied reproduction, mostly which is sexual  Three major groups:  Gastropods (snails, slugs, limpets)  Bivalves (clams, oysters, mussels)  Cephalopods (squids, octopi, cuttlefish, nautilus)

8 ARTHROPODA  Animals with segmented bodies, a tough exoskeleton and jointed appendages.  Complex organ systems, such as digestive and circulatory.  Can be herbivores, carnivores, filter feeders or parasites.  Reproduce sexually, either internally or externally.  Major groups:  Crustaceans  Arachnids  Insects

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