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THE VERTICAL GARDEN CHALLENGE. THE GARDEN CHALLENGE ➢ Each group will act as a team to create a VERTICAL garden solution. ➢ Each member of the group is.

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2 THE GARDEN CHALLENGE ➢ Each group will act as a team to create a VERTICAL garden solution. ➢ Each member of the group is responsible for one chamber of the vertical garden. ➢ Each member of the group is responsible for active participation in the vertical garden. This includes: ➢ Planning ➢ Materials collection ➢ Construction ➢ Maintenance ➢ Promotional Flyer Design ➢ Presentation of Garden to the class.

3 WHAT YOU NEED: ▪ A water reservoir to supply water for several days ▪ A way to minimize loss of medium (aka soil) between chambers ▪ Protection for roots from sunlight (aka light root pruning) ▪ A way to catch waste water that allows it to be reused ▪ A way to hang or mount your garden to make it mobile. ▪ A way to readily identify their chamber ▪ Oh..and you must use recycled or repurposed materials for at least 90% of your construction

4 WHAT CAN YOU USE? ▪ Soda and water bottles ▪ Please bring these in ▪ String ▪ I have some, but if you want a different kind, you will need to bring it in ▪ Paint ▪ I have this ▪ Soil ▪ I have this ▪ Sponges, paper towel, cheese cloth, etc. ▪ I have this ▪ Silicon seal ▪ I have this

5 WHAT ABOUT HOLES AND CUTTING? ▪ Cutting and drilling may be done in the classroom, if needed. ▪ I can drill up to a 2.5 inch hole ▪ In order to drill, your bottle will need to be full of frozen water

6 HOW MANY VERTICAL PLANTERS CAN WE MAKE? ▪ ONE per group with one chamber per person ▪ But, you may plant additional chambers if you wish. ▪ Size is limited to 4 feet in height. If not a hanging garden, floor size is limited to 2 feet in width and four feet in length.

7 WHEN ARE WE DOING THIS? ▪ You have today and tomorrow in class to start planning it ▪ Begin bringing in materials this week. ▪ You will plant seeds for germination on Friday. ▪ You will transplant seedlings the week after Spring Break.

8 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MY PROJECT IS DONE? ▪ Your project will be presented to the class on Thursday, March 24 th. ▪ You will complete a promotional flyer for your project and present your garden to the class on Thursday, March 24 th. ▪ You will vote with your class for the two gardens you wish to represent the class in the Vertical Garden Challenge. ▪ The two gardens chosen by each class will be viewed by guest judges to determine the winner for the Vertical Garden Challenge. ▪ The class with the winning garden will celebrate with a pizza party (afternoon class) or a donut party (morning class) supplied by your Ecology teachers. Happy gardening!

9 EXAMPLES OF VERTICAL GARDENS Research online for more examples!


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