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Review over functions and linear equations. Please select a Team. 1.Team 1 2.Team 2 3.Team 3 4.Team 4 5.Team 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Review over functions and linear equations. Please select a Team. 1.Team 1 2.Team 2 3.Team 3 4.Team 4 5.Team 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review over functions and linear equations

2 Please select a Team. 1.Team 1 2.Team 2 3.Team 3 4.Team 4 5.Team 5

3 Lena makes home deliveries and her only stops are at the traffic lights and the homes where she makes the deliveries. The graph shows her distance from the store on her first trip for the day. What is the greatest possible number of stops she made at traffic lights? 1.3 2.4 3.9 4.5

4 A function is ________ a relation. 1.always 2.sometimes 3.never

5 Evaluate for x = 3. 1.–11 2.1 3.–6 4.11

6 Team Scores

7 Find the function rule for the given table. xf(x) 2–8 3–12 4–16 5–20 1.f(x)= -4x 2.f(x) = 4x 3.f(x) = 4 – x 4.f(x) = x + 4

8 A snail travels at a rate of 2.37 feet per minute. a. Write a rule to describe the function. b. How far will the snail travel in 6 minutes? 1.d(t) = 6t ; 14.22 ft 2.d(t) = 2.37t ; 14.22ft 3.d(t) = t +2.37 ; 8.37 ft 4.d(t) = t / 2.37 ; 2.53 ft

9 A zucchini plant in Darnell’s garden was 10 centimeters tall when it was first planted. Since then, it has grown approximately 0.5 centimeters per day. a. Write a rule to describe the function. b. After how many days will the zucchini plant be 0.185 meters tall? 1.h(d) = 0.5d +10 ; 17 days 2.h(d) = 10d +0.5 ; 1.1 days 3.h(d) = d / 0.5 +10 ; 4 days 4.h(d) = 0.5d; 37 days

10 A produce stand sells roasted peanuts for $2.99 per pound. The function C(p) = 2.99p relates the total cost of the peanuts to the number of pounds purchased p. Determine whether the function rule models discrete or continuous data. 1.discrete 2.continuous

11 Team Scores

12 Direct variation

13 Determine the direct variation of the following equation. 4x = -6y 1.k = -3 / 2 2.k = 2 / 3 3.k = -2 / 3 4.k = -6

14 Determine the direct variation of the following table. xf(x) –12 00 2–4 5–10 1.k = -1.5 2.k = 2 3.k = -0.5 4.k = -2

15 The amount of a person’s paycheck p varies directly with the number of hours worked t. For 16 hours of work, the paycheck is $124.00. Write an equation for the relationship between hours of work and pay. 1. p = 77.50t 2.p = 7.75t 3.p = t +77.50 4.p = t + 7.75

16 Do the data in the table represent a direct variation or an inverse variation? x 681220 y 9121830 1.Direct variation; y = 1.5x 2.Direct variation; y = 2/3 x 3.Inverse variation; xy = 1.5 4.Inverse variation; x = 54

17 Team Scores

18 Slope and linear equations.

19 Find the rate of change for the following two problems.

20 You run 7 miles in one hour and 21 miles in three hours. 1.3 miles per hour 2.3 hours 3.7 miles 4.7 miles per hour

21 A chef cooks 9 lbs of chicken for 36 people and 17 lbs of chicken for 68 people. 1.9 / 17 lbs. per person 2.4 lbs. per person 3.1 / 4 lbs. per person 4.36 lbs. per person

22 State whether the slope is zero or undefined. 1.Zero 2.undefined

23 Team Scores

24 Find the slope of the line that passes through the pair of points. (1, 7) and (10, 1) 1.m = 3/2 2.m = -2/3 3.m = -3/2 4.m = 2/3

25 Write an equation of a line with the given slope and y-intercept. m = 1, b = 4 1.y = 4x + 1 2.y = x – 4 3.y = –1x + 4 4.y = x + 4

26 Find the slope and y-intercept of the line. 14x + 4y = 24 1.-7/2 ;6 2.-2/7 ;6 3.-7/2 ; 1/6 4.7/2 ; 6

27 Team Scores

28 Find the x- and y-intercept of the line.

29 2x + 3y = –18 1.x-intercept is 18; y- intercept is 18. 2.x-intercept is –6; y- intercept is –9. 3.x-intercept is 2; y- intercept is 3. 4.x-intercept is –9; y- intercept is –6.

30 –3x+ 9y = 18 1.x-intercept is 2; y- intercept is –6. 2.x-intercept is –3; y- intercept is 9. 3.x-intercept is –6; y- intercept is 2. 4.x-intercept is 9; y- intercept is –3.

31 A line passes through (1, –5) and (–3, 7). a. Write an equation for the line in point- slope form. b. Rewrite the equation in slope-intercept form. 1.y + 5 = -3(x-1); y = 3x +8 2.y -1 = (1/3)(x + 5); y = (1/3)x + 8/3 3.y - 5 = (1/3)(x +1); y = (1/3)x + 16/3 4.y +5 = -3(x - 1); y = -3x - 2

32 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

33 Write y = 2/3x + 7 in standard form using integers. 1.2x - 3y = -21 2.3x– 2y = 21 3.–2x– 3y = 21 4.–2x+ 3y = 7

34 Are the graphs of the lines in the pair parallel? Explain. y = 1/6x+ 8–2 x+ 12y = –11 1.Yes, since the slope are the same and the y-intercepts are the same. 2.No, since the y-intercepts are different. 3.Yes, since the slope are the same and the y-intercepts are different. 4.No, since the slopes are different.

35 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5 4 more questions!!!!!!

36 For the following slide, write an equation for the line that is parallel to the given line and that passes through the given point.

37 y = –5x + 3; (–6, 3) 1.y = –5x + 27 2.y = –5x – 27 3.y = 5x – 9 4.y = –5x + 9

38 For the following slides, write the equation of a line that is perpendicular to the given line and that passes through the given point.

39 y = 4x +5; (-4,0) 1.y = ¼ x + 2 2.y = - ¼ x + 2 3.y =4x + 5 4.y = ¼ x + 5 12345

40 4x– 12y = 2; (10, –1) 1.y = 3x +29 2.y = -1/3x + 29 3.y = -3x +29 4.y = -1/3x +7

41 Tell whether the lines for each pair of equations are parallel, perpendicular, or neither. 7x – 4y = 4 x – 4y = 3 1.perpendicular 2.parallel 3.neither

42 Final Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

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