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Ancient Jewish History to the Building of the Second Temple Sarah Bingham Caitlin Whiten Amy Wood Ally Philyaw.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Jewish History to the Building of the Second Temple Sarah Bingham Caitlin Whiten Amy Wood Ally Philyaw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Jewish History to the Building of the Second Temple Sarah Bingham Caitlin Whiten Amy Wood Ally Philyaw

2 Abraham Son of idol worshipper, but thought idol worship was ridiculous God told him to leave his home in Canaan and go to a land that He would show him. If he did this, God would make him into a great nation Abraham believed God and became the founder of the Jewish people


4 Lineage of Abraham Abraham had two sons: Ishmael, son of Hagar the maidservant, who started the Arab people and Isaac, son of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, who is the ancestor of the Hebrew people Isaac had twin sons: Jacob and Esau

5 Slavery in Egypt Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob Joseph’s brothers, jealous of him, trapped him in a well and sold him to Ishmaelite slave traders who then sold Joseph to the Egyptians Joseph was favored in God’s eyes and with His help, Pharaoh made him the ruler of Egypt After Pharaoh died, the new Pharaoh saw that Joseph’s people had became a great portion of Egypt, and feared that they would take over the country

6 Pharaoh enslaved the Hebrew people in order to save his dynasty

7 Moses and the Exodus out of Egypt Moses was born a Hebrew, but after Pharaoh ordered all Israelite baby boys dead, Moses' mother sent him in a basket down the Nile River Moses was found by Pharaoh’s sister and raised in the house of Pharaoh as a prince As a young adult, Moses discovered that he was Hebrew and meant to be the deliverer of the Hebrew slaves

8 Moses was banned from Egypt and lived in Midian with his wife for many years as a shepherd According to the Bible, as he was retrieving a stray sheep one day, God appeared to him as a burning bush and told him to return to Egypt and deliver his people Moses returned and told Pharaoh to let his people go Pharaoh refused, so God sent ten plagues

9 The Ten Plagues 1.Water to Blood 2.Frogs 3.Gnats and lice 4.Flies 5.Livestock Diseased 6.Boils 7.Thunder and Hail 8.Locusts 9.Darkness 10.Death of the first born

10 To protect themselves from the angel of death, the Hebrew people painted goat’s blood on their door. This way, the angel of death would pass over their home. This is why Jewish people celebrate Passover After Pharaoh’s son died, he allowed Moses to leave with the Hebrew slaves Pharaoh, angry at Moses, sent his army in pursuit of the Israelites To save the Hebrew people, Moses parted the Red Sea and the Israelites crossed through safely

11 After traveling through the desert for three months, Moses went up to Mt. Sinai God appeared to Moses and gave him the Ten Commandments, which would govern the Israelites’ lives, on two stone tablets

12 The tablets were placed in the Ark of the Covenant to keep them safe

13 Moses was going to then take the Israelites to the promised land, but they had sinned while he was on the mountain and had to stay in the desert for forty more years Moses himself was not able to reach the promised land of Canaan The Israelites went under the leadership of Joshua

14 12 Tribes of Israel The people of Israel split into twelve tribes, each the descendants of one of Jacob’s 12 sons Each received a portion of Canaan The tribes were ruled by a series of judges


16 The First Temple King David was one of the most noteworthy kings of the Israelites He made the plans to make a temple for worshipping God and making sacrifices to God King David died before the temple could be built so Solomon, his son and heir, built the temple for him in the city of Jerusalem

17 Because of this, the temple is often referred to as Solomon’s Temple Solomon placed the sacred Ark of the Covenant in the newly built temple

18 Exile from Israel and the Destruction of Solomon’s Temple The Israelites were exiled to Babylon by the ruler Nebuchadnezzar The Babylonians destroyed the Temple in 586 B.C. after conquering Jerusalem


20 Return to Israel and the Second Temple In 538 B.C., Cyrus of Persia overthrew the Babylonians and encouraged the Israelites to return to Israel Zerubbabel led 50,000 people in the first return Ezra the Scribe led even more people from Babylon and in 535 B.C., the construction of the Second Temple began The temple was finished in 516 B.C.

21 And Now…a VIDEO! ndex.cfm?guidAssetId=7F197E5C- 93CA-403A-BF69- 06495CB5286F&blnFromSearch=1&p roductcode=US ndex.cfm?guidAssetId=25A4074D- 245A-4397-87D6- 79D40F21A0AC&blnFromSearch=1& productcode=US

22 The End

23 Work Cited "Babylonian Exile - New World Encyclopedia." Info:Main Page - New World Encyclopedia. Web. 24 Jan. 2011.. "BBC - Religions - Judaism: Moses." BBC - Homepage. Web. 19 Jan. 2011. The Bible "Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People." Israel Science and Technology Homepage. Web. 24 Jan. 2011... Princess, A. "A Princess Finds A Basket - The Bible Story of Baby Moses by Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards." Children's Chapel - Step Right In! (Lorain, Ohio USA). Web. 19 Jan. 2011.. Rubenstein, James M. An Introduction to Human Geography: The Cultural Landscape. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print "TrackStar : Tracks : View." TrackStar : Home. Web. 19 Jan. 2011..

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